Random Oneshots

By JaperJustice000

517 24 20

Aloha, welcome to this writing dump of cuddles. I don't really do smut, unless I'm feeling it, but yeah. This... More

HorrorTale Sans x Reader
UnderSwap!Papyrus X Reader
UnderFell Sans x Reader
EchoTale!Sans x Reader

UnderFell x Reader

53 6 7
By JaperJustice000

- T h e n -

"Hey, Sweetheart?" Sans questions. You turn away from the TV, and look over your shoulder on the couch. Sans is inches away from you face, making you blush a light pink. "Why hello there." You say, and chuckle.

Sans smiles. He seems to love seeing you blush. It gives him a warm feeling that is close to indescribable. Sans looks down to the ground, and pauses for a moment. You tilt your head, and decide to question. "You okay, Sans? You're looking a bit down. Did something happen?" You ask.

Sans shakes his head. "Nah. I was just wonderin' what would happen if we made it to the surface. Especially to us." Sans says. He teleports onto the couch next to you. You wrap your arms around him, and sigh. "If you're worried about me leaving you, then erase any thought of that. I love you, and if we do happen to make it, I'll still be here. I swear my soul on it." You say.

Sans smiles, and kisses your forehead. You lay your head on his shoulder as he wraps his right arm around you. Sleep washes over you, and you snuggle into Sans. Sans smiles down at you, and goes to sleep.

- N o w -

Sans Point of View

I smile feeling nothing, but sorrow. She swore. She said she'd stay, yet here she lies. In the ground. I think to myself. "SANS, I UNDERSTAND, BUT WE NEED TO LEAVE. THERE IS A RAINSTORM HEADED THIS WAY-" "I'm stayin'." I cut Papyrus off. "SANS."

"I said I'm staying! I don't care about a damn storm. I just had to bury the love of my life six feet under! Leave if you want. I couldn't care less." I say with red tears pooling in my eyes. A light drizzle begins to rain down, and Papyrus' grimace turns to a thin line.

"I--I'M SORRY SANS." Papyrus says. I laugh despite my frustration, and sadness. "So was she." I say. Something that was holding my tears back breaks, and I start to cry. Some others from the underground were standing around the grave. Toriel, and Asgore look to the ground.

Undyne's fists are clenched, and she has a deep frown plastered on her face. Alphys keeps pushing up her glasses, not letting people see the tears behind them. Do they even care. I start to doubt.

"Leave." I growl. Papyrus pauses, seemingly wanting to say something, but decides against it. "We will be at my home when you're..ready." Asgore says. I turn from all of them, and stare at her grave. I let more tears spill as the others leave. Papyrus being the last among them.

I sit down next to the grave, and lay my hand on the letters in the front. Y/n L/n. The name of a woman I love very much. Of all the things this damn world had to take from me. Why her?

The rain starts to fall harder, but it doesn't bother me. Something comes over me, and I start to hum. Nothing special, but Y/n has always loved my humming. Heh.. she used to laugh when my chest would vibrate. I recall.

"Hey, Sweetheart?" I ask. A voice in my head sounds, and I smile. Others would call it insanity. I call it my way of coping. "Why'd the chicken cross the road?" I ask. I hear her voice giggle lightly. "I don't know. Why did the chicken cross the road?" She asks. "He didn't." I say simply.

She bursts into a fit of laughter, and I smile. "Sans, that's terrible!"She yells at me. I imagine her smacking my shoulder, and puffing out her cheeks. "You're laughing though." I say. "I've always been the one to laugh at your terrible jokes." She says.

Then, she's gone. I look back at her grave, and hold the flowers by it in my hands. A bouquet of hydrangeas. They were her favorite. No particular reason other than looking pretty. Red tears blur my vision, and I find myself crying again.

"I'm so sorry, Sweetheart. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I never expressed just how much I love you. I never got to tell you just how much you mean to me. I never told you about how you changed my life for the better. There's so many things you'll never know. And, it's all my fault." I say. My eyes are closed, and I'm gripping the flowers.

When I open them, I realize the rain has stopped. Papyrus is standing there in front of me. My eyes widen in surprise, and I wipe my tears. "I--I thought you went with the others." I say. Papyrus shakes his head.

He's being unnaturally quiet. He sighs, and looks at Y/n's grave. "I HEARD WHAT YOU SAID." I look to the side. "I KNOW HOW MUCH SHE MEANT TO YOU, AND I DON'T WANT IT TO BE LIKE THAT WITH US." Papyrus continues to stare at Y/n's grave. I look at him in shock.

He can't be serious.. I think to myself. "I'M SORRY IT TOOK HER DEATH FOR ME TO REALIZE." He says. "Realize what?" I ask. "REALIZE THAT I MISS HOW THINGS USED TO BE." I notice Papyrus is frowning. Not his usual 'I hate the very idea of you' frown, but a sad frown.


"She asked you to say this to me." I say. "THAT SHE DID. SHE WANTED ME TO TELL YOU. IN CASE ANYTHING HAPPENED TO EITHER OF US." He says. "Do you think she knows?" I ask. Papyrus understands what I mean, and smiles. A real smile. "I'M SURE OF IT." He says.

I get up with Papyrus. "I'LL HEAD BACK. COME WHEN YOU'RE READY." Papyrus says before walking off. I'm about to leave when I feel a light weight on my shoulder. I turn around, and see nothing. I'm about to brush it off when I feel something warm press lightly against my teeth.

It leaves as soon as it comes, and for a moment I think I hear laughter sounding through the trees. My eyes widen, and a smile forms on my face. "I love you too, Sweetheart."

A/n: Yeah it's short. But, yah know. It's sorta dedicated to someone. In a way. Some people will know who, others won't. Either way, I'm glad I wrote it. It's easier to write when you can openly express your own feelings.

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