Someone Like You (Hermione Gr...

By i_swear_its_simple

50.6K 1.1K 617

- Hermione x male reader - More

The Philosopher's Stone
Chapter 1: family
Chapter 2: The Sorting Ceremony
Chapter 3: Snape
Chapter 4: the forbidden forrest and Voldemort
The Chamber of Secrets
Chapter 5: Diagon alley and Lockhart
Chapter 6: returning to Hogwarts
Chapter 7: voices
Chapter 8: the dueling club
Chapter 9: polyjuice potion
Chapter 10: The Diary and Singing Dwarves
Chapter 11: Double Attack
Chapter 12: Follow the spiders
Chapter 13: found the spiders
Chapter 14: Aragog
Chapter 15: The Real Monster
Chapter 16: You're a Fraud?
Chapter 17: the Chamber of Secrets
Chapter 18: The Heir of Slytherin
Chapter 19: End of Year Feast
The Prisoner of Azkaban
Chapter 20: the Leaky Cauldron
Chapter 21: A new pet
Chapter 23: Tea Leaves, Death Omens and Insane Knights
Chapter 24: Taking Flight

Chapter 22: A Time What?

1.1K 37 44
By i_swear_its_simple

Third person POV

"So... let me get this straight... a mass murdering nut case is hunting you down?" Y/n asked after Harry recanted to them the conversation that he had with Mr Weasley.

"Sirius Black is after you? Oh Harry, you'll have to be really, really careful, don't go looking for trouble." Hermione followed up.

"I don't look for trouble, trouble usually looks for me, and most times, it finds me."

"How thick would Harry have to be to look for a nutter who wants to murder him?" Ron said shakily.

They had taken the news worse than Harry had predicted, Hermione and Ron seems more frightened of Black than he was, Y/n just seemed neutral, probably because after facing a Basilisk, surviving and actually killing it hardened his spirit.

"But they will catch him, right? I mean, they've even got the muggles on the lookout for him." Hermione said.

"What's that noise ?" Asked Ron suddenly. A faint, sort of tinny sounding whistle was coming from somewhere.

"Harry, it's coming from your trunk." Y/n said. Harry reached inside his trunk and pulled out a pocket sneakoscope, it was spinning very quickly, and glowing brilliantly.

"Is that a sneakoscope?" Hermione asked keenly.

"Yeah... mind you, a very cheap one, we could get it checked in Hogsmeade." said Ron, before sitting back down.

"Do you know much about Hogsmeade? I've read that it's the only entirely non muggle settlement in Britain." Hermione asked.

"Yeah it is, but that's not why I want to go." Ron said, looking to Y/n.

"Honeydukes?" he said.

"Honeydukes." Ron said, exciting himself and Y/n.

"What's Honeydukes?" Hermione asked.

"It's this sweetsh-" Ron started

"No, it's THE sweetshop, the sweetshop that rules above all others,." Y/n interrupted dramatically, gaining a laugh from Hermione, "they have EVERYTHING."

"Yeah, what he said." Ron said.

"It would be nice to get out of Hogwarts and explore Hogsmeade for a while." Hermione said.

"'Spect it will," said Harry heavily, "you'll have to tell me when you've found out."

"What d'you mean?" Y/n asked, petting Skye.

"I can't go, the Dursleys didn't sign my permission slip, and Fudge wouldn't either." Harry explained.

"You can't go? We can try and ask McGonagall to give you permission."

"Ron! I don't think Harry should be sneaking out of school with Black on the loose." Hermione said strictly.

"But... maybe if we were with Harry, Black wouldn't come near us."

"Ron, do you really think Sirius Black would be scared of a few third years." Y/n said, "I mean, I know you're a tank and all that, but maybe you should step down for this one." Y/n remarked sarcastically before Professor Lupin stirred in his sleep. they watched him apprehensively before he simply turned over and slept on.

The Hogwarts Express moved steadily north and the scenery became wilder and darker as the clouds overhead thickened. small talk continued between the group and occasionally Y/n and Hermione would admire their new pets together. the rain thickened and it became much darker. the train rattled, the rain hammered, the wind roared, but still, Lupin slept.

"We must be nearly there now," said Ron. The words had hardly left him before the train started to slow down.

"We can't be there yet." Hermione said, checking her watch.

"Why are we stopping then?" Y/n pondered when all of a sudden, the train had stopped completely and the lamps went out, plunging the area into complete darkness. Hermione let out a small squeal before wrapping her arms around Y/n's body. Y/n made her feel safer by wrapping his arms around her.

Professor Lupin seemed to have woken fast, he appeared to be holding a handful of flames, which illuminated his tired looking face.

"Stay here." He said with a hoarse voice before leaving the compartment. the sliding door started to open again thirty seconds later, but it wasn't Lupin returning. A large, dark figure that's head reached the ceiling, with it's face completely covered by it's hood from it's wispy cloak. The room became cold, freezing and devoid of all happiness. As though the creature sensed Harry's gaze, it moved towards him, he felt his breath stop, his eyes rolled to the back of his head and all he could hear were screams, a woman's screams, he tried to move his arms... but he couldn't, a thick white fog began to envelope him before...

"Harry, Harry!"

Someone was slapping his face.

"Are you OK?"

"W-what?" Harry said as he opened his eyes.

"Are you Ok?" Ron asked again.

"Yeah... what happened, who screamed?"

"Nobody screamed Harry." Hermione said, sounding concerned. Neville and Ginny were both looking very pale, staring at Harry.

"But I heard screaming." He said. A loud snap made them all jump. Professor Lupin was breaking a large slab of chocolate into pieces.

"Eat it, it helps." He said, with a look of sympathy.

"What the hell was that thing!?" Y/n said, obviously still shaken.

"A Dementor, one of the Dementor's of Azkaban, now, eat that chocolate, it'll help, I need to speak to the driver, please, excuse me." He said before leaving. The rest of the way to Hogwarts, the group of friends were just trying to recover from the traumatic experience, but Harry felt shame, why was he the only one who fainted? Y/n felt scarred, like his life was about to end, and he wasn't able to achieve all the things he wanted to, so he left to go talk to Dean Thomas and the Weasley twins for a bit

Just as they were getting of the train. The rest of them encountered one of the most punch-able faces in the world.

"Is Longbottom really telling the truth Potter, you actually fainted?" Malfoy taunted.

"Go away Malfoy, leave us alone." Hermione said angrily.

"Or what? Your brainless boyfriend L/n isn't here to save you... is he your boyfriend? oh what am I saying, he may be scum, but he wouldn't lower himself to your standards, mudblo-"


Malfoy fell to the ground when a thunderous right hand struck him. That right hand belonging to none other than Y/n.

"Get out." He said as Malfoy scurried of like the rat he is, grabbing Crabbe and Goyle in the process. Hermione immediately engulfed Y/n in a hug, which caught him by surprise, but he quickly sank into it. "Don't listen to him, he's just a cunt."

"Thanks Y/n, I don't know what I'd do without you." Hermione said, on the verge of tears.

"Yeah, thanks Y/n, I'm sick of his shit." Ron said with a smile.

"You ok Harry?" Y/n said, "If he gives you any grief, just tell me, I wouldn't mind knocking him out next time.

"Yeah, I'll help you next time, not that you need any, I just need some stress relief." He said with a laugh.

when they entered the great hall, Professor McGonagall called over Harry and Hermione. Y/n and Ron saved seats for Hermione and Harry. they both largely ignored the sorting ceremony, deciding to talk about quidditch together instead until...

"Do you have a crush on Hermione?" Ron asked bluntly.

"W-What? n-n-no haha why do you um why do you ask ha." He answered, going red in the face while trying to play it off with awkward laughs.

"Oh come off it Y/n, it's so obvious, besides, me and Harry think you'd make a good couple."

"You do?"

"Yeah, absolutely, anyway, that's a shame, because I'm pretty sure she has a crush on you too."

"You really think she does?"

"Yeah, I mean, she looks at you with that crazy look girls give boys they like, but hey, you don't like her back, so that's that I guess." Ron said.

"Well, it's not that I don't like her, it's just, I dunno, she is very smart, and she has a great sense of humor, and she's very very pretty, and she's got this great personality that just... seems to click with mine."

"Great, you just proved me right." Ron said with a massive grin. "You are absolutely head over heels for her."

"Yeah... I guess I am." Y/n said after realizing he couldn't save himself. "Just don't tell her, please."

"Don't worry, this stays with us... and Harry... and probably Dean, Seamus and Neville." He said with a devilish grin causing Y/n to sigh.

"Did you have this whole conversation planned out just to get me to admit it."

"Yep." Ron said, clearly happy with himself.

"Damn, I didn't think you were that smart." Y/n laughed.


Harry and Hermione both came down, just as the sorting ceremony had finished. Harry took his seat beside Ron, and Hermione beside Y/n.

"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts, I have a few things to say to you all, and as one of them is very important, it would be best for us to get that out of the way first, before we dive into our excellent feast." Dumbledore said before clearing his throat. "As you are probably well aware due to their search of the Hogwarts Express, the school is playing host to some of the Dementors of Azkaban, who are here on Ministry Business, they are stationed at every entrance to the grounds, and while they are here, I must make it plain that nobody leaves the school without permission. It is not in a Dementors nature to be forgiving, or to understand pleading or excuses. I therefore warn each and everyone of you to give them no reason to harm you." Dumbledore paused again, he looked very seriously around the hall and nobody made a sound or even moved.

"On a happier not!" He began again, " I am pleased to welcome you all to two new teachers joining our ranks this year, Firstly, Professor Lupin, who will be taking up the position of the defense against the dark arts teacher." the hall applauded him, "Secondly, due to Professor Kettleburn retiring in order to enjoy more time with his remaining limbs, I am delighted to say that his place will be filled by none other than Rubeus Hagrid who has agreed to take on this job as-well as his game-keeping duties."

Harry, Y/n, Hermione and Ron all stared at eachother with happiness before joining in with the thunderous applause.

"Well, I think that's everything of importance. Let the feast begin!"

The feast was delicious as always, the quartet finished it quickly before being led by their head of house, Professor McGonagall, to their common room. The rest of the evening was filled with laughter and friends reconnecting after a long summer. everyone then headed up to their dormitories. Y/n planted himself on his bed, still talking with Dean and Neville.

"Guys, guess what Y/n told me before the feast." Ron said, shooting Y/n an evil look.

"What?" said Harry.

"Ron, don't.."

"He DOES have a crush on Hermione!" He said with excitement as they all arupted into cheers.

"I knew it!" Harry exclaimed.

"It was obvious." Dean followed up.

"D-does that mean you want to marry her, Y/n?" Said Neville innocently causing the entire room to erupt into laughter

"Oh my God Neville." Y/n groaned while stuffing his face into his pillow.

"Yes it odes Neville." Seamus said, holding back tears of laughter.

The teasing continued throughout the night, so Y/n decided to go down to the common room to cool down. when he got their, he saw none other than Hermione, sitting in front of the fire. He took a seat beside her, catching her by surprise.

"Hi." Hermione said.

"Hey, can't get sleep?" Y/n questioned her.


"Same here." Y/n replied before noticing a necklace around her neck that her pajama top couldn't hide like her uniform could.

"I didn't know you wore jewelry."

"I don't, I was actually going to tell you about this." She responded.

"Why, what is it?" Y/n asked before she pulled out a timer at the end of the chain.

"Remember when Professor McGonagall called me back when we got into the great hall?" Hermione asked, Y/n nodded. "Well, she gave me this after realizing I had too many subject running into eachother on my timetable."

"Ok? what does it do?"

"Y/n, it's a time turner."

"A time what?"

"A time turner, it takes it's wearer back in time... now, I'm not supposed to tell anyone about this, so please please please keep this between us."

"You have my word." Y/n said, still in shock.

"I just felt like I should tell you." She said.


"Well... I feel like me and you are really good friends... right?" She said, with a look that Y/n couldn't stop staring at.

"Best friends Hermione, we're best friends." Y/n said. 'Fuck... did I just put myself in the friend zone?' Y/n thought to himself.

"Thanks Y/n." Hermione said before pulling him into a tight hug, a hug which lasted for a few minutes, but it wasn't uncomfortable or awkward, it felt just right, for both of them, a hug that Y/n would cherish, but before the hug ended, a loud Irish voice came from the boys dormitory.

"Y/N, GET YOU TONGUE OUT 'ER MOUTH YA FILTHY ANIMAL!" Seamus Finnegan shouted, followed by barrels of laughter from the other who had teased Y/n earlier.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry about them." Y/n said, going very red in the face.

"Don't worry about it." Said Hermione with an awkward laugh, equally red in the face.

"Well um, goodnight." Said Y/n before giving another quick hug and running up to his dormitory. the rest of the boys were in hysterics until they saw Y/n's eyes, which had a rage in them like never seen before.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you." He said before chasing after Seamus. this lasted for about ten minutes before he apologized and they went to bed, exhausted, but happy to be home.

This has been my favorite chapter to write so far. let me know if you prefer the third person pov or would rather have me write through Y/n, Hermione's, Harry's and Ron's perspectives.

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