King of the Isles.

By ReptileEdge

4.2K 64 29

The mighty king of the monsters... has died. After an epic battle against the oxygen destroyer personified... More

Death of the King...
The Legend Begins.
The Emperor, the Owl Lady, and the King.
The Emperor, The Owl Lady, and The King (Part 2).

A King Reborn.

717 10 2
By ReptileEdge

(I don't own the image above)


So, this is his fate in the afterlife. He was honestly expecting a punishment of some kind for all of the pain and suffering he's inflicted upon the humans.

He just wasn't expecting a great white void.

He's been wandering around the great white void for what felt like hours. Days. Maybe weeks. He could no longer tell here without some sort of indication of time. Being tired would be one of them, but he couldn't feel any sense of fatigue. Not yet at least.

He lumbered around searching for... well, honestly anything. It wasn't anything specific, just something. A sign that he wasn't alone here. Hopefully something good, and not something to piss him off.

He roared to see if someone would hear it. It was pretty recognizable to anyone that knew who it belonged to.


He waited, and still nothing.

But I guess he thought too soon.

Suddenly, a golden orb with purple swirling mist appeared before him, catching him off guard. Immediately he was on guard, his spines flickered like a light bulb about to burn out as he prepared to use his atomic breath.

"Easy there, big guy! No need for violence." It spoke, sounding male.

(A/N: the orb sounds like Hop Pop from Amphibia. It's the best I could do to get an idea on what he sounds like.)

Godzilla ceased his charging of his atomic breath, but remained on guard. He growled at the orb, demanding answers.

"I am magic incarnate, or more accurately, a piece of magic incarnate. I'm here to give you an offer." He said.

Godzilla wasn't sure how to react other than cocking an eyebrow at the orb. But he waited to hear out what this orb thing was talking about. He growled at the orb to go on.

"You see, magic itself has seen the hardships you've gone through, despite the pain and misery you've caused to others, so it decided to cut you some slack by giving you another chance at life." He said.

Godzilla gave a low roar, which the orb was able to understand what he said.

"Why you're son isn't here? Easy! Because he's not dead." The orb spoke simply.

Godzilla's eyes were wide from hearing that his son was alive. But how? He saw him die! He growled at the orb to demand that he show him proof.

"Proof you say? Very well then. Here you go!"

The orb summoned a portal that could see into the realm of the living. Godzilla peered into the portal to see a devastated landscape that was once, what the humans called, Tokyo, Japan.

Within the smoke and mist, a large dark silhouette was seen. The figure looked like his own shadow. But when the viewing portal drew closer towards the silhouette, he could hear the roar of the figure. To anyone, it sounded just like Godzilla. But the king knew who this was, despite the deeper voice.

... It was his son! He's ALIVE!!!

Seeing his son alive and well brought tears to the king's eyes, and he couldn't help but roar in victory for his son.


He couldn't believe it! His son, full grown, and a splitting image of himself! He couldn't be more proud of him. His son will make a fine king of monsters, he just knows it.

"Well now isn't this a touching sight. Didn't actually think you had a sense of joy left in you. Anyways, about the offer." Spoke the orb.

Once the orb had Godzilla's attention, the orb began to explain what the offer is.

"You see, magic itself wants to give you another chance at life. Reason? Not too sure. I don't fully understand magic's reasons or decisions, and that's coming from someone who's a piece of it. But anyways, if you accept this offer, you'll be reborn in a new world that's different from yours. You'll even be given the ability to walk amongst the populace without causing destruction. You'll see what I mean if you accept the offer. As for why you'll be sent to a different world, like I said before, I'm not sure. Magic works in strange ways. I'll give you a moment to think about it before deciding." The orb explained.

This... was honestly a lot for Godzilla to take in. First he finds out that his son was still alive, then he's been told that he gets another chance at life, but in a different world. A world without his son being there.

Godzilla grumbled a question to the orb.

"Hm? Uh, honestly, I don't think you'll see your son again. Maybe you'll somehow meet again at one point, but I wouldn't count on it. I'm sorry." The orb said apologetically.

Godzilla growled in disappointment. He began to weigh his options. If he stays here, he doesn't know what will happen. If he accepts the offer, he'll live once more, but in a world not his own.

Either way, he won't be able to see his son again.

With much reluctance, the king of monsters made his decision.

He barked his answer to the orb.

"Really? Excellent! Ok, now keep in mind it'll take time for your physical form to get well acquainted with the mortal realm once it manifests. So you'll be in a temporary coma for the time being. But fret not, it'll be like you're in hibernation. If you're capable of doing that sort of thing." The orb explained.

"So, are you ready?" He asked.

Godzilla grunted with a nod of his head, giving the orb the all clear.

"Very well then. Brace yourself!" The orb warned.

Suddenly, a bright light began to fill Godzilla's vision, he screeched in surprise as he became blinded by the light.

Suddenly, darkness filled his vision in a flash, and he felt the all too familiar feeling of the ocean's depths.


Tiredly, Godzilla opened his eyes to see that he was indeed beneath the ocean's waves once more. The orb said that he'd be asleep for quite a long time, but to him it felt like a day. He then began to move his exhausted body to the surface of this world's ocean.

But the ocean of what world is the question. The mystical orb didn't exactly tell him what kind of world he's living in. So it looks like he's gonna have to find out himself.

He breached the ocean's surface, and took a breath of fresh air. Judging from the smell alone, he could tell that it definitely wasn't his world, and the time of day was night.

Godzilla looked around his new surroundings. A vast ocean like back home. But the painfully obvious difference was this island that looked to be the final resting place of a colossal being's skeleton.

Curious as to what this place could be, Godzilla dove back under the waves, and swam to the unfamiliar island.

Once he came ashore, his footsteps shook the ground like thunder.

His gaze swept through the land before him. There wasn't a single sign of a jungle that he could see. Just mainly woodland. But the king was undeterred in exploring this new land.

Godzilla trudged through the land, his footsteps echoing through the air as he did. He saw no signs of civilization. Not yet at least.

But little did Godzilla know, his arrival will spark a legend for generations to come.


Boom! Told you guys I'd do better with this chapter.

Next chapter will be how Godzilla makes an impact in the boiling isles, starting with the early witches.

See you in the next chapter!

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