The Last Apprentice: A Star W...

By Corona1223

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It is a time of fear. The Galactic Empire continues to expand its evil clutches on the galaxy. Several planet... More

Part 1: Arrival on Calda
Part 2: The Jedi
Part 3: The Funeral
Part 4: The Command
Part 5: The Temple
Part 6: The Invasion
Part 8: The Rebels
Part 9: The Trap
Part 10: The Lesson
Part 11: The Battle (Pt. I)
Part. 12: The Battle (Pt. II)
Part 13: The Duel
Part 14: The Rescue
Part 15: Epilogue

Part 7: The Journey

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By Corona1223

Del came to when the sun had begun to set. He frantically looked around to find someone. He picked up his lightsaber off the floor and ignited it to make sure it still worked. Sure enough, it did, and Del released a sigh of relief. He had been looking around the village when he found Mira, slowly getting up from the fight.

"Mira! Are you alright?"

"Well, I don't think getting kicked in the head is good for you, but I think I'll live."

"We gotta find Coris. I think he's over here somewhere, come on."

Del gave Mira his hand and slowly helped her up. They both walked over to where Del believed Coris was. Sure enough, he was there, awake, but unable to move. Every slight movement he did was accompanied by a wince. He was barely able to tilt his head up to see Del and Mira.

"Well it certainly took you two long enough."

"You know you weren't the only one unconscious right?"

"Just, help me up will you?"

Del and Mira slowly lifted Coris up off the ground and to his feet. Still in pain, Coris slowly walked around to walk off his injuries.

"The village seems deserted." Mira said as she looked around the place, eerily quieter than usual.

"Let's look for survivors, Coris, see if you can find some speeders and supplies, we're gonna need out of here. I'm sure the Empire will be back to ensure there's no one else here."

Coris gingerly walked around to look for their speeders. He wasn't expecting to find any, on account of the Empire leaving little when they attacked a village like this. However, he was proven wrong when he found his speeder, and Del's speeder as well. He looked at both speeders to ensure they still looked in good shape. There was no use in them if they wouldn't run. Del and Mira looked all over the village for surviving residents, but they hadn't located any. Lifting up rubble, checking in rooms, and searching in nearby streets brought no results. Del and Mira looked at each other with a somber expression, fearing the worst, until they heard a groan from a nearby house. They rushed inside to find one man, still underneath some rubble from the fight, Mira and Del moved it off of him and Mira helped the man to his feet.

"Thank you."

"Don't mention it."

"What happened here? All we can remember was the fight. Where is everyone?" Del asked.

"They were taken. The Imperial troops rounded them up and took them away in a prisoner transport. They took them to the capitol."

"What about the Inquisitor?"

"She left with them. Wait, weren't there three of you?"

"He's fine. He's looking for speeders and some supplies."

"I know we stashed some supplies in one of the farms. What are you planning to do?"

"We're not sure. But we have to get out of here before the Imperials comeback. You said that the remaining villagers were taken to the capitol?"

The survivor shook his head.

"Then we need to free them before it's too late. Is there anyone that can help us?"

"There is the rebel leader on the southern side of the planet, Commander Titus Thorn. He leads an organized rebellion against the Imperial presence, but had yet to attack the capitol. With your help, you can help him take the capitol, free the villagers, and rid the planet of its occupation."

"Do you have any other information about his whereabouts?" Mira asked

"I have this."

The survivor then pulled out a small hidden cartridge from his weapon, and opened it up. Inside was a small hologram emitter. He handed it to Del, who activated it. It showed a map of the planet, and a small marker was placed on the Southern Hemisphere, presumably where the rebel base was located.

"Take the map, find the rebels, and help free us."

"We won't let you down. You have our word."

"We need to get you out of here as well." Mira said nervously

"No, don't worry about me. I've got a secret bunker that I could hide in for months. You go on and find the rebels. I remember when Jedi would liberate planets from the dreaded droid armies of the Separatists. Go on and be Jedi Knights like those before you."

Del and Mira nodded and left to find Coris. Fortunately, he had been able to loosen up and walk a bit more normally. He had prepared the speeders and had already found the barn where the supplies were being held. He had loaded them into crates, which would trail behind the speeders, and a large bag, which would be situated behind him while he drove.

"Where am I going to sit?"

"Well, behind Del of course."

"Why can't I drive the speeder with the supplies?"

"Cause I don't trust you and you'll drop them."

"Well why can't Del drive the speeder with the supplies and you and I take the other one? No offense Del."

"None taken."

"Because unlike you, the bag won't kick and shift around uncomfortably."

"Are you saying you don't like riding a speeder with me?"

"I never said that."

"But you thought it."

"Oh, I wasn't aware you could sense my thoughts. It's takes a lot of training for that skill to be mastered, even for a Jedi Knight."

"Oh really? I bet I could take a guess of what you're thinking of right now."

"Try me."

The siblings locked eyes. Mira desperately looking for an answer to prove her brother wrong. Del looked on in amusement, he already knew what answer Coris had in mind.

"It's blue milk, isn't it?"

"Wrong. Good guess though."

"It's the Jedi Temple Archives, where the library is."

"See Mira, Del could do it because he's had the training and experience. Now let's get moving, we wouldn't want the Empire to show up now. Do we have any idea where we're headed?"

"Yeah, right here." Del said as he turned on the hologram map.

"Del, you seem to know where to go, so lead the way. I'll follow close behind."

The three of them hopped onto their speeders and took off. The wind against their faces, not enough to be annoying, but enough to be refreshing. They passed the nearby mountain ranges where they had hidden for almost 4 years. Looking on it now, part of them wished things had never changed since then. Following Del's map, they crossed over mountains and valleys. The twin moons finally appeared in the sky, providing enough light for the three Jedi to navigate safely. They came to a wide clearing , where there were very little scattered trees and mountain ranges on both sides of them. It had seemed that this was the most peaceful place the three had in since their arrival.

"You were right you know." Del said on his speeder

"About what?" Mira answer, holding on to him from behind

"What Coris was thinking about"

"What do you mean?"

"He changed his answer. It was blue milk, but when you said it, he changed."

"So wait. Does that mean I have that ability!"

"Well not quite. It's very raw and untamed right now. You're still better off guessing. But, like Coris said, with the right training, you could very well be able to use telepathy."

" teach me."

Del smiled.

"I'd love to."

The three pressed on down the majestic valley for about 3 hours when they came to the edge of a vast forest. They stopped in their tracks and got off. Del pulled out the map to make sure they were still on course.

"We're in the right place. Waypoint's in there."

"Well, taking a speeder into a forest at night is suicide. We'll set up camp here. In the morning, we'll head in" Coris said, and was met with the approval of the other two.

The three all set up camp and ate their first rations from the supplies. They gather around a small heater that Coris had gotten from the barn. No smoke was released, making it easier to keep a low profile, and it provided substantial warmth and light for the three of them. When they all went off to sleep. Del stayed out in the valley for a while longer. Staring out into the great sky above, he spotted a ship going into hyperspace. He was the happiest he had felt since recent events. He still felt the sadness of losing a master, but now it was much more remembrance than it was sorrow. Finally retiring, the wind blew around for a slight moment, and a faint voice could be heard by Del.

"You have become a great Jedi Del. Your determination to take Mira to her Trials and all that you have accomplished before that has made me a proud master. Stay on your righteous path my apprentice. May the Force be with you, always..."

Master Cormac's voice ringed around in Del's ears. As a smile came across his face, he went back to his tent, laid down, and for the first time since the fall of the Jedi Order, Del slept comfortably and peacefully.

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