The Unholy Reunion

By Mashkook7

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??: I don't know why destiny would even let us meet knowing that we could never be together,not in this life... More

PART 1: Intro
part 2 : Intro 2
Part 3: Beginning
Part 4: Unexpected Encounters
PART 5: unburinug the buried secret
Part 6
jeon jungkook's first appearance - Part 7 : Destinies have started to join
Part 8 : sweet and beautiful memories
Part 9
part 10:Bad times have started!
Thank you everyone
part 12
Ayoo buds!
part 13 ( yuie's fucked up)
part 14
part 15 : stars crosssed
Part 16 : first touch.
My apologies
part 17 (new beginning)
y'all hate me right? ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’€
part 18 : Repetition of past
part 19: The half revealation of the unknown.

part 11, Beast has awaken.

1.4K 38 0
By Mashkook7

💜Wendy p.o.v : I woke up in a dark room full of blood stains , their was a very disgusting smell in that room , I was feeling really dizzy

I started to scream

Wendy: help me! Plz help me,aaaaaaaa!!!!!( Crying)

After a while I heard some heavy footsteps coming towards the room , I was shivering in fear ! And then the door opened and I saw two men holding YOONGI , he was covered with blood , he was shirtless ,I could see deep cuts on his body , I couldn't bear this situation and I started to cry harder ,,,I screamed his name

Wendy: yonngiiii!!!!!!!!!! Plz look at me ,yoongiiiii!!!!!!! ( Crying)

After a while the two men stand aside and the BEAST came in the room ,he was holding a metal stick with sharp ends !he was just looking at me and was smirking in satisfaction!

He was having blood stains on his beast like figure! He moved towards YOONGI and then looked at me and started to cut his abdomen part with that sharp metal rod !

Wendy: jungkook!!!! Noooo plz I'm begging you , don't hurt him jungkook , !!!!!!!

Jungkook: awwwwww look the bitch who was yesterday telling me that she's not afraid of me and won't say sorry to me is now begging me ,ughhhhhhh so sweet! ( Smirk)

Wendy: plz jungkook for God's sake leave him ! Don't kill him plzzzzzzzzzzz,!!!!!!!!!

Jungkook: hmmm too late baby!

Jungkook to his guards

Jungkook: Tie him !!!

His men tied him vertically and jungkook started beating YOONGI mercilessly with the metal rod !!!! His blood was dripping from his face and all over his body !

Wendy : jungkooookkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!! Plz pity on him !!!!!!!!!

She was severely crying

But jungkook had no mercy , he was just smirking in satisfaction !


At last jungkook untied him and pushed him on the ground and and he stabbed him with a sharp knife like 15 times and he stopped when he was damn satisfied!
He then looked at Wendy and came near her while looking straight in her eyes and smirked a bit and said .......

Jungkook: ashhhhhhh why are you crying , I thought you were really brave but look at you !!!! Uhhhhhhh baby THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING , THE DOG DIED AND NOW IT'S TURN FOR THE BITCH ...but first I'm going to enjoy my precious time with you little bitch ..I won't kill you that fast.

He caressed her cheeks and rubbed the blood all over her face ,and she passed out!

Jungkook: remove his body from here and burn it !!!!!!!

I know y'all must be thinking that how he can be so merciless like this , you'll know everything in the end.. everything!


💜 Yuie: I'm calling Wendy but she's not picking up !

Taehyung: it's alright yuie , she might be busy .

Yuie; no I'm calling since yesterday, but she's not picking up! She's making me worried ,I have some sort of weird feeling that something is wrong !

Taehyung: yuie it's alright , listen don't stress yourself , call Kate and Rachel .

Yuie:. Yes I called them and they said that they don't know much but they'll tell me details Tomorrow after our speech

Taehyung: ohhhh , then I'll suggest you to go home and rest bcz tomorrow is an important day ,okkayyy

Yuie: okayy Taehyung...


Taehyung: uhh yuie! Look !! they are here, Kate and Rachel are here!

Yuie: oh finally!

Kate: oh hiiiiii miss doctor! You're looking beautiful!

Rachel: yeah after a long time bitch (she said in a friendly and teasing way,)how are you , miss surgeon!

Yuie: come here my lil penguin , gimme a hug ( yuie loves to call Rachel penguin)

Rachel: looks like someone missed me too much!

Yuie: oh shut up ! I always miss all of you , y'all are like my sisters and I love y'all

Kate: we also love you alot!

Yuie: oh my God , Kate , I'm sorry to hear about that blast . I'm sorry I couldn't contact you as soon as possible bcz I was really busy but I'm just glad that you are okay.

Kate : it's alright yuie .okay .

Yuie smiled at her reply ,then she again looked towards Rachel

Yuie: wait a minute , you look different !

Rachel: oh I know I look beautiful in short hair

Yuie: ummmm okay, but when did I said that you look beautiful 😂 idiot

Rachel: miss surgeon don't you think you are getting late and look there your one and only prince charming is waiting for you ( she pointed towards taehyung ,who was standing at a distance and was looking towards yuie)

Yuie: ummmmmmm(awkward silence) I think I'll go to talk to mom now , bye and don't think that I forgot about Wendy I'll ask about her from you idiots after my speech .

Rachel: oh God ,ok now go , don't make your prince wait for you ,!

Yuie went towards her mom ,who was sitting on front seat with some other parents of other selected students except taehyung .

Mom: yuie dear are you okay?

Julie: ye.. yes why ,what happened?

Mom: you look a bit sad .

Yuie : ummmm it's nothing I'm just thinking about dad , I wish he was here ( she said with tears in her eyes)

Mom: yuie don't cry, your dad always wanted you to be a strong girl , believe in yourself ,I'm here with you ok.

Yuie hugged her mom and then went away from her towards taehyung

Taehyung: yui?

Yuie: hmmm

Taehyung: are you okay?

Julie: plz don't ask me anything now , I'm sorry Tae!

Taehyung: uhh no it's alright , we'll talk later.


Medical staff head: plz welcome miss Kim yuie !

Yuie went towards the stage

Yuie: (on mic)ummm hi I'm just an ordinary girl Kim yuie . They asked me why I chosed to become a doctor and today I'll explain why!

Yuie: I was just a little girl when my dad left me , he was a very humble person , he was having CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE ,due to which he was gonna die soon , we were poor ,we didn't had enough money for lungs transplant and even if someone had provided us that money it was late ,it was on its last stage, no one could had saved him ,few days before his death he talked to me and my mom about a little teenage boy who was crying in hospital when he asked that kid the reason so he said that his mom is gonna die soon bcz. Of heart disease, so he met that kid dad and asked him about her wife, he told my dad that they are looking for a heart that would match his wife heart but they are unable to find one bcz of blood types and white blood cells receptors and other reasons and then my dad asked him that he wants to test his receptors and blood for heart donation bcz he was gonna die anyway and when they tested so my dad heart matched with that kid's mom's heart , and that now he would undergo surgery for heart donation the day after tomorrow...

I cried telling him not to do it but my dad told me that he's gonna die soon maybe this week or next week bcz the doctors had told him that he can hardly survive for few days , I cried alot , then at night he came to me when I was crying and told me that aren't you happy that your dad's heart would be alive for some more years and think about that kid , he'd be so happy , I just hugged him tightly and that night he told me that no matter what happens ALWAYS SAVE OTHERS LIVES BCZ THEY HAVE A WHOLE UNIVERSE BEHIND THEM! and on his surgery day he gave me a locket with a picture of him me and mom and told me that I'll always be with you .

Thank you. I'm done I don't want to say anything else ( she was having tears in her eyes)

The whole hall was clapping for her , her mom was having teary eyes , the medical staff head gave her a bunch of flowers and she came towards her mom and sat next to her , her mom kissed her on her forehead and told her YOUR FATHER WOULD BE SO PROUD OF YOU ❤️

Then it was Taehyung's turn

Medical staff head: ladies and gentlemen plz welcome Mr Kim Taehyung on stage.

Taehyung went towards the stage and he hold the mic , he was quiet for a while and was looking towards yuie and was slightly smiling and after a while he said......

Taehyung:It's said that even before our birth our destines are already written by God ,the things of which we think of as coincidences are actually our destiny ...I never believed in all this destiny stuff but now I do ......bcz....(he took a deep breath) ......I just want to say one thing here and it is that "MY MOM WAS THE ONE TO WHOM YUIE'S FATHER DONATED HIS HEART "!

Taehyung: just like yuie's father my mom always taught me to save others and to think about others happiness first , she always wanted to thank yuie's dad but he wasn't here ,she wanted to thank yuie and her mom but my cruel dad never let her come to South Korea again and after 5 and a half years of heart donation,she also died! And today on her behalf I want to thank yuie and her mom and her dad , yuie thank you so much for the happiness that your father gave to me ,thank you for the happiest 5 years of my life 💜,That's it thank you ,and with that taehyung got off the stage without recieving flowers and he just smiled at yuie and went outside the hall!

The whole hall was looking towards yuie and her mom , who were completely schoked and yuie just got up and she also left the hall and Kate and Rachel went after her .

Yuie went towards washroom and she burst into tears ,she couldn't hold it anymore , she missed her dad. She was crying ,Kate and Rachel came after her and they felt so bad for her , they hugged her , but she was continuously crying , she was thinking about all those memories that she spent with her father in childhood! She washed her face a couple of times and she ran out of the washroom but taehyung was standing there outside , he hold her wrist and hugged her tightly and patted her head,...

Taehyung: shushhhhhhhh don't cry ,I'm here for you and I'll always stay by your side , I told you this before and I'm telling this to you again

Yuie: why didn't you told me about your mom before?

Taehyung: bcz I was waiting for the right moment, I'm sorry bcz I didn't told you before ......

Yuie was quiet ..............

Taehyung: yuie ??? Yuie????

Taehyung was still hugging her and during that she passed out bcz of crying and stress

Taehyung: yuieee!!!! Oh my God, what happened to you!!

Kate and Rachel came running towards taehyung, taehyung carried her in his arms in bridal style and went towards the dispensary in medical college, he layed her on the couch.

Kate,: what happened to her ,is she alright??

Taehyung: she just needs some rest , she'll be fine when she wakes up

Rachel: should we tell her mom?

Taehyung: no don't. , She'll be worried! You can go I'll stay with yuie here .

Rachel: okay , we'll go check her mom , we'll be back after a while

And they left

Taehyung was sitting near the couch on which yuie was laying

He caressed her cheeks and whispered

Taehyung: I'll always be with you .💜

Written by Mashkook 7  💜

Don't you dare to copy my work or you'll face the consequences! Don't forget that I'm the one who's the writer of jungkook's character.

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