Unwanted Scarlet eyes(Bakushi...

By Kiribakulover1000

3.6K 210 103

Katsuki Bakugou was the guy no one wanted around. It wasn't because of his attitude but for his eyes. He has... More

My Fucked Up Day
Another me?
Authors note
Let's be friends!
Are they Soulmates?
Netflix and chill
He's my...soulmate?
I love you..(Short)
Going on a break.
I'm back!
Together at last(Short)
Happy Birthday!
Gentle Love(NSFW)
Authors note
Marry me?


155 11 3
By Kiribakulover1000

    "K-Kacchan? What do you need?" Deku's stupid voice asks. I growl and start putting my shoes on.

    "Where are you?" I put my phone on speaker and put my jacket on. I hear a voice in the background and roll my eyes. Half and Half Bastard is with him.

    "I-I'm at my house, why?" I could hear the worry and fear in his voice and I scoffed. I hang up and put my phone in my pocket. 

    I walk out and lock my door, running downstairs, not caring about the elevator. The elevator would probably stop on me anyw-fuck. BANG! Ughhh fucking steps, I wasn't paying attention. I hear footsteps running towards me and then a gasp. I look up and see Sero.

    "Bakugou!? Dude did you fall down the stairs!? What the hell man?" He helps me up and I rub my head. I growl and walk past him, ignoring his protests.

    I push through the doors and stomp towards Deku's house. I grit my teeth and put my hands in fists as I walk down his street. He better tell me what's going on or I swear to-SPLASH! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!? WATER!? WHERE DID IT EVEN COME FROM?! 

    I get even more pissed and speed up, as water slides down my face from my hair. People in my way move to the side as they feel the anger coming off of me. I growl, making a women move to the side with fear. I finally get to Deku's house and walk to the door, banging on it. I'm fucking pissed. 

    "DEKU!?" I yell, still banging on the door. The door opens and Todoroki is standing there with a straight face.

    "What do you want Bakugou?" His tone is slightly harsh and it makes me scowl. I push past him and go towards Deku who is in their room. Todoroki grabs my arm, furrowing his eyebrows at my wet sleeve, and pulls me back, making me growl.

     "What are you doing Half an Half?" I growl, looking back at him. He has a glare on his face.

    "Get out Bakugou, if you're gonna be an asshole, you aren't welcomed here" I glare at him, gritting my teeth. Deku walks out and looks at us. I snap my head towards him and growl, narrowing my eyes. 

    "Tell me what you know! I need to know what's happening to me!" I yell, anger in my eyes. Deku sighs and rubs his head.

    "I can't tell you Kacchan, You have to figure it out yourself." Did he really just say that. I rip my arm from Todoroki and lift Deku up by the shirt. 

     "What the hell did you just say? I asked you for help and you won't even tell me!?" Half an Half pulls him out of my grip and puts Deku behind him.

    "You heard him Bakugou, he's not telling you. So leave, figure it out yourself. He wants to help you but he can't." Todoroki says, anger in his voice. I roll my eyes and scoff.

    "Why can't he huh!?" 

    "Reasons! Now get out Bakugou and figure this out yourself! We can't help you!" 

    "I'll beat your ass Todoroki." 

    "And I'll beat your ass Bakugou."

    We step towards each other, hands in fists, as we glare daggers at each other. Deku then runs in between us, putting his arms out so we don't move closer to each other. I growl and scoff, but I see Todoroki making his face calm and looks away.

    "Guys, please don't fight. Look Kacchan we want to help, but we can't. It will lead to something bad. Now please..leave so you don't cause a fight." Deku says, looking at me. 

    I sigh and push past them, opening the door and walking out. Fine! I'll figure this out myself! Fuckers! I'll do it tomorrow morning! I'll show them! Bastards! I kick a rock and walk down the street heading for my house. Tch I'll figure this out without anyone's help.

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