Hercules and his Twelve Labors

By johnbwes

6.3K 603 544

Hercules must perform twelve labors to appease the Greek gods. Written in a fun sing songy style this poem te... More

The Child of Zeus
The Judgement Of Zeus Part I
The Judgement of Zeus Part II
The Naming of Heracles Part I
The Naming of Heracles Part II
The Creation of the Milky Way
The Centaur Chiron
The Gift of Satyr Pan
The World of Man
The Crime of Heracles
The Trial on Mount Olympus
The King of Tyrne
The First Labor: The Nemean Lion Part I
The First Labor: The Nemean Lion Part II
The Gate of Tyrne
The Second Labor: The Lernean Hydra Part I
The Second Labor: The Lernean Hydra Part II
The Second Labor: The Lernean Hydra Part III
Presenting the Heads.
Fighting Sleep Part I
Fighting Sleep Part II
The Third Labor: The Hind of Ceryneia
The Riddle of Selene
The Council of Zeno
The Answer of Heracles
Presenting the Hind
The Death of Chiron
The Scheme of Aphrodite
The Fourth Labor: The Woeing of Omphale Part I
The Fourth Labor: The Woeing of Omphale Part II
The Fourth Labor: The Woeing of Omphale Part III
The Honeymoon of Heracles and The Slaying of Nessus
Back to Tyrne
The Fifth Labor: The Augean Stables Part I
The Fifth Labor: The Augean Stables Part II
A Return to Form
The Sixth Labor: The Stymphalian Birds Part II
The Sixth Labor: The Stymphalian Birds Part III
Pesenting the Fowl
The Seventh Labor: The Cretan Bull
Presenting the Bull
The Eighth Labor: The Mares of Diomedes
Presenting the Mares
The Ninth Labor: The Girdle of Hyppolytta Part I
The Ninth Labor:The Girdle of Hippolytta Part II
The Ninth Labor: The Girdle of Hyppolytta Part III
Presenting the Girdle.
The Tenth Labor: The Cattle of Geryon Part I
The Tenth Labor: The Cattle Of Geryon Part II
The Tenth Labor: The Cattle of Geryon Part III
Presenting the Cattle
The Eleventh Labor: The Apples of the Hesperides Part I
The Eleventh Labor: The Apples of the Hesperides Part II
The Eleventh Labor: The Apples of the Hesperides Part III
The Eleventh Labor: The Apples of the Hesperides Part IV
Presenting the Golden Apples
A Journey to the Underworld
Charon the Ferry Man
The Gates of Hell
Heracles is Caught
The War in Hell
Heracles Sees his Family Again
The Court of Hades and Persephone
The Final Labor: The Capturing of Cerberus
Presenting Cerberus
Heracles Returns to Omphale
The Other Acts and Deeds of Heracles
The Revenge of Chaos
The Jealousy of Omphale
The Undoing of Heracles
The Court of Hera
The Death of a Man

The Sixth Labor: The Stymphalian Birds Part I

66 7 4
By johnbwes

So Heras Wrath did study birds
As creatures flocked in murd'rous herds.
Their habits hero noted well
And learned the lands where beast did dwell.

On man and carrion fowl do feast
And never shirk from any beast.
No matter size or strength it bears
The fowl attack without a care.

And kill their foes in graceless fights
With brazen beaks their flesh they bite.
And pierce there bowels with iron claws
Defying all of nature's laws.

So clever plot the hero hatched
To have the fearsome fowl dispatched.
He took his poison darts and shot
The many beast that roamed the plot.

Of land where birds did nest and live
And mighty feast for fowl he gives.
By laying out the game he caught
With many poison arrows bought.

And birds do spy there fleshy gift
From sky to ground they slowly drift.
To land on carcass neatly layed
In valley made to be their grave.

At flesh the fowl begin to knaw
Then sudden's heard a rasping caw.
The blood by Hydras poison churns
And throat of birds the venom burns.

So many fowl do die that day
Unmourned in field their bodies layed.
But still a mighty host remains
On flesh of men they lay their claim.

Avoiding carcass found in fields
For birds have learn that death they deal.
So many travelers birds attack
In largest groups as morbid packs.

No armor stops their brazen beaks
And havoc creature deftly reap.
On all who're doomed to face their wrath
By crossing creatures unknowing paths.

In guilt the hero looks for way
To lead the dreadful fowl astray.
Then sudden thought does come to mind
To help him solve this deadly bind.

He finds some cork and harvest tree
He'll use to go on killing spree.
And fashions armor made of wood
To make a cover soft but good.

Then goes to face his dreadful foes
Who've brought to mortals many woes.
And fowl do swarm the hero fast
But wooden armor beaks do clasp.

The cork their brazen beaks does hold
And hero slaughters fowls so bold.
So soon the birds are kept to marsh
In lands that's filled with challenge harsh.

And hero weight the ground won't bear
Inside the evil fowls own lair.
So hero looks for way to flush
The fowl from deadly haunted thrush.

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