The Heirs

By shruthii

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"Do you have a death wish? You cannot seriously be thinking of going there? That place, those people... they... More



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By shruthii


Presenting, the last chapter of this year, i.e Chapter 26 and it is dedicated to @AlishaS854 :D



I will admit, I thoroughly dislike Radish and to some extent, I still don't like it. The only reason I force myself to eat it is because of some of its health benefits. In fact, I had it for lunch today. It's a root vegetable with a good amount of vitamin C to protect our red blood cells. It lowers blood pressure for people suffering from hypertension.

It's high on fiber and helps improve digestion by cleansing our liver and stomach, thus detoxifying it. Because of its good water content, radish is a great summer food as it keeps our body hydrated. One of my colleagues used to drink radish juice mainly because it was good for the skin as it's known to keep dryness and pimples at bay. Plus, it improves immunity and prevents early ageing.


"Once thing goes wrong, then the whole house of cards collapses. And there's no way you can extricate yourself. Until someone comes along to drag you out."
Haruki Murakami, South of the Border, West of the Sun



A shirtless Xanthos lay on his stomach beside Cyane. His arms crossed above the pillow and his face, completely relaxed in his sleep. He was taking more than his share of space in the mattress but she did not mind it one bit.

Smiling, she turned on her sides, to have a proper look at him simply because he fascinated her. Her lips curved upwards when she noticed the dark blonde hair curling against the pillow in which he had buried his face. She had been sleeping beside him for two weeks now and never had she seen him so completely relaxed. He was a beautiful work of art.

As her gaze roved down the over his muscular shoulders, the wolf tattoo on his shoulder blades, his smooth toned back, she felt a slow, smouldering heat unfurled deep down in her belly. Beneath her cotton dress, she felt her breasts being pierced by sharp little needles that had her nipples tingle.

Xanthos was asleep and unaware. His cold blue eyes weren't fixed on her but still somehow, just by being in his sheer presence, Cyane could feel her body spring to life.

Her eyes once again darted to the tattoo on his back and she felt her fingertips stinging lightly.

Biting her lip, she slowly moved closer to him, her face mere inches from his. Slowly, she raised her hand and moved them over the tattoo on his back.

Before letting herself touch his inked skin, she hesitated. Her eyes flicked back to his face and mercifully, he was still asleep.

Her heartbeat quickened the moment her finger-pads touched his peach-toned skin. Gently running her fingers over the wolf tattoo on his back, she raised her head to get a better look at the artwork.

The wolf in his tattoo was climbing up on his back. The ink was black and the eyes of the wolf, darker still. The claws and fangs were prominent and the tail, curled and beautiful.

Knowing Xanthos, Cyane assumed the inkwork had a hidden meaning and she was curious to know more because the wolf there was fierce just like him. The ears stood tall and glaring as it opened its jaw and bared its fangs, alert and ready to attack.

It was flawless and it fascinated her. She still wasn't a fan of tattoo's but she very much liked his tattoo on him.

When Xanthos began to shift, Cyane tensed. Dropping on her side beside him, she closed her eyes feigning sleep.

A minute passed and another. When she couldn't resist anymore, she opened one eye in a chink and when she found arctic blue eyes fixed on her, she inhaled sharply and quickly closed her eyes.

A low laugh vibrated through his powerful frame before he extended an arm and holding her by her narrow waist, he pulled her towards him in one swift movement. His body covered her own as he bent his head and trailed kisses on her collarbone. When his mouth pressed against his mark on her neck, she closed her eyes and gasped, her head rearing back on the pillow.

In the past few days, she had concluded that it was the most sensitive spot in her body. As he continued his sweet, expertise torture, she bucked into him. When Xanthos bit the mark again, she shuddered and moaned. Loud.

Rubbing his nose against the mark, he laughed low and masculine that sounded like music to her ears because she loved hearing him laugh and it was a sound, she knew she would forever hoard close as a precious memory.

For the past three days, Cyane felt like she was floating in heaven. Without his friends around, Xanthos had spent a lot of his time with her and a lot of things have changed between them. She woke up in the morning to find herself deliciously wrapped in his strong arms and they would kiss and kiss and kiss until they were breathless. Then he would take her out for breakfast and they would explore the markets in the cities.

As they sat in shades and sipped Sylvan coffee, he would patiently answer all her questions. He had hesitantly shared with her the details of all the odd jobs he had done in the past. In turn, he had asked her several questions about her love for art and he had seemed genuinely interested to see her work. When she had asked him what his hobby was, he hadn't even blinked when he had said killing people. Xanthos shocked her but he also enthralled her.

He loved purchasing things for her and anything she looked at longingly was hers. However, Cyane who was aware of Xan's financial problems flatly refused to buy more clothes or sandals. The only thing she had truly wanted to buy was a map and on her insistence, he had purchased a geographical map of the kingdom. Cyane had been able to locate the Iron Fort through it and it was an hour and a half drive from Xan's apartment.

After lunch, Xan would be gone for a couple of hours for work and Cyane had spent that time either napping or anxiously waiting for him to return because she knew he was to meet the king. The meetings were conducted in strange outdoor places and like her, Xan too was suspicious about it because he had mentioned earlier that the meeting used to always take place in palace grounds.

He never shared the details of the meeting with her and she never asked. She still hated that he worked for the king but she wasn't going to force him to make a choice either. She wasn't going to become another king in his life and manipulate him to do what she wanted.

He had already lied to the king by not telling him about her and it was a decision that came with consequences. Cyane was sure Xanthos was aware of those consequences yet he did not seem to worry so much about it. She just had to trust him because she knew he was clever and had surely thought of a way around this situation too.

They spent the nights in his apartment scratching things off her list. As per her request he had brought her spicy food and had laughed when she had been fanning her burning tongue. Later, to cool her heated face, he had kissed her all over the face which hadn't helped matters. When probed, Cyane had been forced to confess that she had eaten meat before.

Xanthos had also fulfilled her wish of drinking and testing new alcohol. In three days, she had tried Brandy, Whisky and Beer and though she had puked the latter ones out, she had come about to like Brandy. After locking Mr Black out of the bedroom, they had slept in the same mattress.

Barriers after barriers had come down but Cyane was adamant on not crossing the final barrier.

The only argument they had was when Xanthos had refused to take her to Moonflower Community Hospital to meet her friends Mel and Winnie. Xanthos had flatly refused her request and had once again threatened to attack Lysander.

She remembered being furious with him when she had slept that night but the next morning when he had kissed her awake, she had simply lost herself in his kisses. She didn't know how but it just happened.

He tended to divert her mind from things until she was all but consumed by his thoughts. His hands atop her over-heated skin and his mouth on hers, enticing her and baffling her until she stopped worrying about everything else. Except for him.

"You like the tattoo?" he asked, his lips hot on her jaws.

"Hmm" Cyane moaned and even though she wasn't looking at him, she felt his smile against her skin.

"Is that on your list?"

"I don't like tattoos or any form of body art on my skin. I hate writing on my hands too. I just like your tattoo on you" she shared and then turned her head sideways to look at him. "Is there any story behind that tattoo?"

"What do you think?" Xanthos countered, slowly releasing her from his weight.

"The wolf is angry and climbing on your back."

"My wolf is ascending" Xanthos clarified and Cyane furrowed her brows. "Tell me about your fascination with art. When did it start?"

"I was good at drawing and painting since I was a kid. Underwent classes to become skilled in it. It's carving that I love the most though" Cyane smiled blissfully as she recalled some of her finest works. "My granddad, the Russian prince I told you about, he was into clay arts. He used to do these beautiful potteries from clay and porcelain and he was the one who taught me to carve. Initially, I went for it only because it was soothing but I soon fell in love with it."

"What's your best piece?"

"Ramiel's wings," Cyane said proudly. At his questioning look, she elaborated, "I did it for my grandmamma. Ramiel is our forefather. He's an angel and it's because of him our wings are different from other fairy clans. My grandmamma once told me that he is always watching us, his daughters." When Xanthos raised a brow, she smiled, "Without his approval, no one can join our family. He is like our guardian angel and he makes sure our bloodline continues and grows stronger."

"Bloodline? Of the royal family?"

For a second, Cyane froze but then she realized Xanthos didn't know. He thought she was talking about her Russian grandad and so she nodded.

"Have you done any other pieces?" Xanthos asked tucking a strand of her dark brown hair behind her ears, his thumb gently brushing the helix of her ears.

"Several. Though I started as a hobby, I soon became very good at it and then my teacher found a market for it. Now I do customized pieces only. The last piece I sold was five months ago" Cyane sighed sadly.

"You can continue working from here if you want to" Xanthos suggested and Cyane scoffed before chuckling. "Why not?"

"I need my tools and raw materials and even after that, it takes me almost a week or two to get the perfect result. Also, I do not know anything about the marketing aspect" Cyane admitted with a grimace because honestly, she had never bothered about it or the money that she got paid.

When her work was done, she would inform one of her guards and he was the one who contacted her grandmamma's secretary, who handled the rest. She had never really bothered on the specifics or the details.

"How rich is your family?" Xanthos asked all of a sudden and when Cyane looked at him, she saw the frown in his face. He wasn't happy.

"Very rich" Cyane admitted. "And powerful. They can vanish people without a trace."

"I know how to hide without leaving a trace," Xanthos said flatly and Cyane furrowed her brows. It dawned on her then that he was talking about killing Johnny to keep her safe from the king.

"I know" Cyane looked at his cold blue eyes when she spoke again, "You are very clever at hiding everything behind that cold mask." She ran her fingers over his face and when the tips of her fingers reached his lips, he pretended to bite them and she pulled back with a grin. Sighing, she continued, "I also know it's a form of defence. You have been hurt in the past and not showing pain had become your form of defence. It continues even now."

"What about you? What is your form of defence?"

Xan's question startled her and she blinked.

"I do not have any form of defence" she answered, shaking her head. "I simply forget." Tears stung her eyes, but she blinked them away before continuing, "As a child, I was always with my parents. I don't think I had ever been away from them and I am pretty sure I was with them the day they were killed but I don't remember it. I don't remember what happened to them. When I think of it, I realized that there were many times I have forgotten what I have done. The most recent, the day you marked me."

"What happened?" Xanthos questioned, his features tensed as sat up.

"I had stolen clothes from someone's balcony. The sweatshirt I was wearing that day... it was freshly washed one when I wore it, but the next morning, the sleeves were burnt. I do not remember how that happened and I am saying the truth" Cyane choked out before taking deep breaths to compose herself.

"Did someone hurt you? Did you feel any pain?" He held her arms and pulled her towards him.

"Someone did and I don't know who it is. That's the most prominent difference I see between you and me. You are focused. You have dedicated your life to serving the king and that is it for you. His enemies are yours. I am not like that. I have no focus, no goals. I do not even know who my enemy is and why. I am in a dark room where someone has covered my eyes. I have no idea who has covered my eyes, nor do I know who is going to attack me. I see no solution to my problem as I strongly feel I cannot survive in that dark room alone. Someone has to pull me out and that helping hand won't come for free. It'll come with a price and I am here to pay that price" Cyane confessed truthfully.

One of the main reasons she is going to the Iron Fort to fight the unknown creature Boon is only because she knows killing that creature will force everyone to accept that she is a strong, grown woman and in return, they will stop looking at her like she is something fragile and breakable.

Maybe then her grandparents will finally tell her the truth.

"It does not matter to me that you have no focus, no goals. It does not matter to me how rich you are or how powerful your family is" Xanthos said and surprised, she stared at him with wide eyes. "You are mine," Growling, he leaned forward and pressed his forehead against hers, "That's the beginning and end of my story. Anything or anyone that tries to come in between has to go. Good or bad, I don't give a fuck." His harsh breath fanned her lips and she gasped, stunned to hear his impassionate promise. "I will break the hand of the person covering your eyes and brick by brick, I will destroy that dark room until all that's left standing in the rubbles and ashes is you and me."

It was all too much but Cyane believed him. God help her, she did believe him because if Xanthos was scary when he was stoic, she also knew he was downright ferocious when he let his emotions show. His feelings were intense and Cyane guessed that's why he had learnt to put on a stoic mask. She hurt for herself but she also hurt, for him.

They were a mess and nothing good would come out of them being together. If she let him in, if she let him consume her then as he said, all that would be left was rubbles and ashes. She would be standing for sure, but over the ashes of her loved ones.

When his mouth came crashing down on hers, Cyane breathed his name and wound her arms around his neck. Tears streamed down her cheeks but she knew nothing would hold her back from this.

Knowing that he would consume her, knowing that he would destroy everything, Cyane still gave into him and pressed her body closer to his as he wound his arms around her waist.

He was bad and she knew that. Everyone did. But the real question was she did not know what she was?

Good or bad?


Garbed in his freshly washed and scented royal clothes, King Stanislaus stepped out of his bedroom and walked towards his office, with his entourage of bodyguards closely following behind. On his way past, servants stiffened, stopped working and bowed their heads.

"Get on with your work" Stanislaus snapped. "We only have a couple of hours before the coronation."

While he was about to take the turn towards his office, he paused and changed track towards Saint's room.

The queen was already in the room and she was adjusting the golden chain adorned with the wolf claws as a locket, against Saint's naked chest.

"Isn't this father's favourite?" Saint asked when he watched the locket.

"Yes, it is" Stanislaus confirmed, stepping into his son's bedroom. One of his bodyguards quickly closed the door behind him, giving the royal family some privacy.

"It is now yours," Stanislaus said proudly as he watched his son, clad in black pants and a black cloak. "These are the claws of Appollo Zeke. The last ruler of the Zeke family. My grandfather cut his head off in a battle" Stanislaus said flashing a cruel grin.

"It is going to give you the strength to fearlessly face your enemies and it is going to remind them what will happen if they chose to fight against you" Queen Marcella announced smugly.

"I am honoured by your gift father," Saint said stepping close to his elderly father and bowing his head in respect.

"You come from a family of warrior wolves and you deserve this gift" Marcella stated.

"Indeed" Stanislaus smiled and held his son's arm before pulling him closer for a hug.

They pulled apart when there was a knock on the door. "Come in" Saint ordered.

The door was pushed open and Sharon, the queen's secretary stepped into the room, "I am sorry to interrupt your highness but Alpha Ajax has arrived and is waiting for you in his office."

"I will be there in a minute" Stanislaus assured and then turned towards his wife, "Join me in the courtroom in the next hour. We have to welcome our guests."


"Why wasn't I informed about the coronation before?" Ajax growled the moment Stanislaus entered his office.

"Because I didn't seem it important" Stanislaus replied flatly.

"Not important? I am the one funding your royal lifestyle and I will be the one paying for all the decorations happening around you" Ajax snapped.

"If it makes you feel better, I will let you know that you were informed before everyone else" Stanislaus drawled leaning back in his seat.

"That's not the point" Ajax growled.

"Perhaps your point is irrelevant to me," Stanislaus said tautly, "My primary concern was my son's welfare. I did not want anyone knowing that he was up from the coma and so I let my enemies believe he was still out and then surprise them with the news of his coronation. It's going to set them back by a couple of steps and that's all I need at the moment."

"Fair enough" Ajax agreed tightly. "But I would like to know how much I am paying and for what, which is why let your son know that I am not going to fund his whoring lifestyle. You want him to be my king, fine, he can be one but only if he knows how to be one."

"Careful Ajax" Stanislaus hissed in a threatening tone, "Saint is going to be your king now and his order is going to be the rule. Do not let him hear what you just said."

"Or else what? Is he going to execute me? If your whiny little son manages to fight one-tenth of my men off, then I will happily lay my head on the block" Ajax sneered.

"Enough" Stanislaus snarled standing up from his seat and glaring at Ajax, who looked away.

A knock on the door broke the tense silence in the room. Oliver entered the room along with another staff member, who was holding an envelope.

"Keep it in the file" Oliver whispered to the staff when he sensed the hostility in the room. "I am sorry for interrupting you Sire, but I have something to share with you" Oliver murmured lowering his head.

After nodding at the king once, the employee walked towards the cabinet, pulled out an orange coloured box file and quietly kept the envelope inside it. Stanislaus's eyes hardened because he immediately recognized the file which he had particularly picked for its bold orange colour.

"What is it?" Stanislaus questioned harshly and the employee jumped in fright, causing him to drop the file onto the floor.

"Oh! Nothing that you need to worry about at the moment Sire. It's just a monthly report on Xanthos" Oliver said dismissively.

Several photos from the envelope were now on the floor and Stanislaus furrowed his brows when he saw that.

"Is there anything I should know?" he asked Oliver while the employee collected the photos and placed it back into the envelope.

"Nothing unusual Sire. As usual, palace, apartment, arena and girls" Oliver shrugged carelessly.


"Yes. He has broken the dry spell I suppose. Two weeks ago, our men saw him chasing after some girl all over the street" Oliver rolled his eyes heavenwards.

"Who is she?" Stanislaus demanded.

Oliver nodded towards the employee, who quickly brought over the file and placed the photos on the table.

Lowering his head, Stanislaus saw the photos of Xanthos and a dark-haired lean girl.

"Who is this girl?" Ajax questioned, staring at the photos.

"Oh! We... we don't know" Oliver stuttered. "She is not a wolf though."

"This was taken last week?" Ajax asked tapping a photo that showed Xanthos and his friends in a restaurant having breakfast.

"Uh... no... that was three weeks ago. That's the first time our men spotted the girl with Xanthos" Oliver shared nervously.

"Xanthos has been with the same girl for three weeks now and that is not unusual?" Stanislaus glared at his secretary who visibly flinched.

Ajax smirked and looked at Oliver, "His earlier track records have made it clear that he doesn't do more than one-night stands; so, what is it with this girl?" Ajax tapped his finger against the girl's photo.

It was true. The king has kept a tab on the Hound's movements for years and never before have they seen him with a girl twice.

"I... I don't know" Oliver mumbled, "But I will find out... I will find out everything" he swore.

"What's her name?"

"Cookie. That's what they told our men."

"Circulate her photo around the kingdom. Find out everything about her. Her family, her friends, every single thing" Stanislaus glared at Oliver, who nodded tersely and signalled to the employee who snapped pictures in his phone and began sharing it. "Also find out, who is she to Xanthos."

Picking up Cyane's single photo, Stanislaus stared at it and tried to figure out if he had seen the girl before. She seemed familiar yet he was positive he has never seen her before.

"Déjà vu?" Ajax prompted, curiously watching the king.

"A bad feeling" Stanislaus muttered staring at the photos of Xanthos and the girl. He couldn't help but recall the time he had sat in this very same office and had stared at the photos of Yolanda and Lysander together. Kissing, holding hands.

"Call Xanthos" Stanislaus barked at Oliver, who immediately pulled out his phone.

"Is she a threat? She is a human" Ajax commented, leaning back in his seat.

"I will decide if she is a threat or not, only after I meet her" Stanislaus stated as he took the phone from Oliver.

The phone went unanswered and Stanislaus glared at it. However, before he could call back the phone began ringing and Stanislaus answered it with a grin.

"Xanthos" Stanislaus began cheerfully, striding towards the window and Ajax rolled his eyes, prepared for the drama about to come. "I have some good news to share with you, my boy. I will apologize for not sharing it with you sooner but you must understand that my family was my priority and I had to keep the news a secret to protect them."

"I understand Sire," Xanthos said calmly from the other end.

"Well then, there are not one but two good news. First, Saint has woken up" Stanislaus grinned and paused, waiting for the desired effect from the other end of the line. 

"I am thrilled for you Sire. It's the best news that I have got in a while," Xanthos said silkily and Ajax cocked an eyebrow. 

"I am pleased to hear that" Stanislaus nodded approvingly. "Saint had woken up a week ago but as I said, I had to keep that a secret."

"What is the other good news?" Xanthos probed.

"He is going to be your new king from today" Stanislaus stated flatly and there was complete silence on the other end. It lasted for five seconds which was long enough for everyone to raise questioning brows.

"He will be crowned today?"

"Indeed" Stanislaus growled. "From now on, I expect you to show Saint the same amount of respect and admiration you have been showing me. He will be your king and you will follow his orders."

"I understand," Xanthos said quietly.

"Very well. However, considering that I am still your king at the moment, I have one last order for you" Stanislaus said smoothly and Ajax knew what it was going to be before Stanislaus uttered the words.

"Anything Sire."

"I want you to come to the coronation along with your lady friend."

There was a long pause again and Stanislaus smirked, "I am very sorry, I know your relationship with her is just yours but I have been hearing all about your lady friend for weeks now and I am curious to meet the girl who made Hound chase her all over the streets."

"I understand your curiosity Sire. I am surprised you would want to meet her" Xanthos began.

"Why wouldn't I?" Stanislaus countered with a low growl. "From the way you sound so protective of her, I believe she means something to you and that makes me all the more curious to meet her."

"Then I will bring Cyane to you so that she can finally meet the king. Thank you for the invitation. I will be there to witness this prodigious moment" Xanthos said calmly and Ajax huffed.

After ending the call, Stanislaus stared to look at Oliver. "Make a seat available for Hound. It should be at the front where he can see my son getting crowned."

"Sire" Oliver nodded and turned to leave with the employee.

"Stop" Ajax commanded and Oliver jumped. "You wanted to tell the king something when you entered, what is it?" Ajax asked Oliver.

Oliver fixed wide eyes on Ajax and then looked at the employee. "You can leave," he told the employee who scurried out of the room.

Once he was out of earshot, Oliver addressed the king, "It's about Lysander."

"What about him?" Ajax demanded with an aggressive growl.

"Some of our spies saw him in Scevola last week" Oliver shared quietly.


"Uh... he usually goes to the capital city but this time they tracked him heading towards the foothills of Sylvan mountains."

Stanislaus stiffened, unhappy with the news while Ajax frowned wondering why this news was so important.

"Our spies couldn't track exactly where he went but they did see him going in that direction. It's rogue territory but it belongs to a group of highly skilled rogues, which is what makes it a prohibited territory" Oliver shrugged.

"What is it?" Ajax asked carefully gauging Stanislaus's reaction.

"The day I brought Yolanda back to the palace, I had given clear orders to my men to kill Lysander. I wanted him out of my daughter's life once and for all. But his two-faced friend, Bardo, came to the rescue and helped Lysander escape. For the next eight years, my men had tried in vain to find him all over my kingdom and in Scevola" Stanislaus growled and Ajax cocked a questioning brow. "The reason my men were unsuccessful in finding Lysander was because he had escaped to Lycoris. The fairy queen had provided him shelter in her kingdom. If he is going towards those mountains again then it means that he is going to ask the help of those fairies again."

Ajax shifted in his seat, suddenly uncomfortable after hearing the news. He had heard everything he had wanted about the Lycoris fairies and he knew his whole pack was no match to them.

"Why do you fear them? You have Boon with you. You have been feeding the creature for years now, why are you still worried about the fairies? Boon is going to protect you" Ajax pointed out.

"Boon is not there to protect me. Boon is in the Iron Fort to protect the Star Essence of Alfonsi Clan" Stanislaus gritted out.

"And as you had once gleefully pointed out... as long as you have that essence no one can overpower you" Ajax shrugged. "Fairies have tried before but they have all died and their bones are still inside the Fort."

"Yes. But a Lycorian has never tried before" Stanislaus whispered and then slammed his prosthetic hands against the table. "I don't want the fairies involved in my battle" Stanislaus stated firmly and Oliver nodded. "They should stick to their mountains and never lay a foot on my kingdom."

It was obvious why the king said those words because everyone knew the wolves of Aelius and Scevola were no match for the Lycorians.

Stanislaus turned his head and with green eyes that were cruel and daunting, he looked at Ajax and gave a clear command, "Kill Lysander's family."

Ajax's eyes narrowed suspiciously, before he asked, "Why not Lysander?"

"He is not yours to kill" Stanislaus murmured smoothly, as his eyes gleamed with cruel intentions. "I have better plans for Lysander."

Sighing, Ajax got off the chair and buttoned his suit jacket, "Do you want me to do it now?"

"No. My daughter will not die today. She has to live through this day. She has to sleep tonight knowing that my son became her new king. She has to wake up tomorrow morning with the same news. Yolanda has to live with this news for a while and when I think it's enough, you will kill her and her spawn."

Ajax grinned as he nodded thoughtfully.

When he was just about to leave the room, the office door was pushed open and Saint barged in clad in his royal attire. He hurried straight to his father and Ajax watched the Crown Prince with a frown.

"It's her," He said breathlessly, holding up his phone screen for his father to see. "She is my queen."

When Stanislaus saw the same girl's photo in his son's phone screen, he turned rigid and then let his eyes drift towards the table. Ajax narrowed his eyes in confusion while Oliver gasped.

Saint frowned and followed his father's gaze to stare at all the pictures scattered across the table.

"What the fuck is she doing with the Hound?" he all but snarled in rage as he stared at the photos.

"She is the one you were telling me about?" Stanislaus questioned shakily and Saint nodded.

"Yes. It's her. You said no one saw her in the factory that day, then what is she doing with the Hound?" Saint asked in an accusatory tone.

King Stanislaus couldn't breathe. He felt a hand enclosed around his throat, choking the life out of him. His body shook in fear as he felt the blood drain from his body.

The last time he had felt like this was when he was an eleven-year-old boy. He had watched Alexander Zeke murder his father and he had been unable to do anything about it but just promise to himself to avenge his father and fulfil his father's last wish. Do what his father had wanted to do but failed.

All these years of planning....

"Did Xanthos lie to you?" Ajax voiced out what Stanislaus had been thinking.

Did he? DID HE?

"That dog wouldn't dare" Stanislaus roared as he roughly shoved the wooden table a good couple of inches back. "That dog only does what I say and I had made sure he behaves like that. He is not allowed to think on his own. He is my pet and he will only do as I say."

"But he lied to you about the girl. He must have known all along that she was the one Saint has wanted" Ajax pointed out with a growl and Stanislaus bared his fangs, refusing to believe that Xanthos could get so ahead of himself.

"Someone please explain to me what is going on here" Saint barked.

Oliver held him by the arm and dragged him to a corner of the room where he shared everything while Stanislaus paced the room and tried to compose himself. Ajax on the other hand made some important calls and barked orders at his men to find more information about the girl with Xanthos.

"Xanthos is lying father. He has lied to you and kept the girl for himself" Saint growled stepping closer to his father after hearing everything Oliver had shared. "I am sure he had found the girl that day in the factory and has kidnapped her for himself."

"He might have rescued both the prince and the girl but might have kept the girl for himself" Oliver suggested.

"Did you find anything from Karl?" Stanislaus demanded from Ajax, asking about the other survivor from the factory.

"Yes. Karl couldn't recognize her. He had not seen her and Karl kept mentioning that Xanthos was the last one to enter the building. My men have threatened him in every possible way and this is what he keeps saying to them" Ajax muttered. "I don't think Xanthos has seen the girl that day."

"Whatever the case. He cannot have her. She is mine" Saint stated firmly and Stanislaus compressed his lips. "You promised father that you are going to agree to anything I want once I became the king. Here we are and I want her father. I want her as my queen."

"Then you will have her" Stanislaus stated flatly. "Xanthos is going to bring her today to obey my last order as his king and you will ask for her in your first order as his new king."


Lysander was agitated. He had been since he returned home to an empty house early morning. Yolanda had gone to the hospital while Minerva had gone to her college.

He had showered, napped and had breakfast but his heart continued thudding rapidly in his chest.

He had a feeling. A bad feeling. The last time he had felt like this, bad things had happened and he was getting the same feeling now.

Cyane's grandfather had told him everything about Cyane's past but he had not revealed anything about Ash claiming that he had made a deal with Ash and his part of the deal was to not interfere in Ash's plans.

Ash was still a mystery to him but at least now he knew Ash wasn't a bad guy. Just a vengeful one.

When they had been sharing information, Lysander had informed Roderick that Ash had been aware that Cyane was with his family and that had made Roderick furious— with Ash.

Roderick's rage had made him uneasy because it was directed at Ash for lying about Cyane's whereabouts. What Lysander did not understand was why would Ash lie about Cyane's whereabouts to her grandfather?

Ash had known for weeks now that Cyane had been in Aelius, yet he hadn't let her family know about it. Why would he do that? What was Ash doing?

He growled in frustration and then wearing his hat, decided to go work in the field to divert his mind. While he was walking through the vineyard, he hard a bird's caw and looked up to see a black raven flying above the trees before morphing into a black cat and running towards him.

"Mr Black" Lysander breathed out in surprise and crouched on the ground.

"Did you find Cyane?" Lysander asked when the cat stopped a few feet away from him. As a reply, the cat nodded and Lysander's eyes widened in surprise before a smile lit up his face.

"Is she okay? Is she safe?"

As a reply, the cat hissed and Lysander stiffened. Where the hell was Cyane? Wherever she was Mr Black did not think she was safe.

"Can you take me to her? I can help Cyane return home" Lysander said carefully but another hiss was the reply he got.

"I don't understand" Lysander growled in frustration and stood up. What was the cat telling him? Cyane was unsafe yet Lysander wasn't allowed to rescue her? Why?

"Who else is with her?"

Lysander's eyes widened in shock when Mr Black morphed into a werewolf. A full-grown werewolf, the size just like his own.

"A werewolf. She is with a werewolf?" Lysander muttered in shock.

"It's her mate." A familiar, sweet feminine voice said from behind him and Lysander turned to look at his mate, who was watching him and Mr Black. "Cyane is with her mate."

"What?" Lysander said and then turned to look at Mr Black, who nodded.

"She told me a few days ago" Yolanda shrugged.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Lysander growled at his wife.

"She asked me not to because she knows her family won't accept him and I am telling you now only because I don't want you to inform her grandfather about this. It's Cyane's decision. She will be the one to tell them the truth when and how she wants it" Yolanda declare fiercely and Lysander compressed his lips.

"Yolanda, you don't understand. Cyane is not like us" Lysander tried to reason but Yolanda cut him off.

"I know she is a fairy."

"No. She is not just any fairy. She is the Lycoris princess."

Yolanda stared at him in shock for a full minute before whispering, "What?"

"Yes. She was to be their queen. She comes from a long, lineage of royal blood. Probably longer than mine" Lysander muttered while Yolanda stared at him in disbelief. "The stories that we have heard about Lycoris royal family... they are all true. They do carry the blood of an angel and it gives them powers. Cyane has the same blood and she is as deadly as the others in her family."

"I don't understand... what powers?" Yolanda asked, still too stunned to form a coherent sentence.

"Ramiel's blessing. He is the Angel of Thunder and Cyane can control the element just like others in her family. She does not belong in this part of the world" Lysander shook his head and through the corner of his eyes, saw Mr Black move closer to watch him carefully.

Lysander suspected that Mr Black knew everything about Cyane and for years has repeatedly protected her and kept her secret safe.

"You are talking in riddles Zander. I cannot understand what you are trying to say" Yolanda growled.

"I am trying to say that Cyane is unpredictable, which makes her dangerous."

"Dangerous? Why? Because she has some wonderful gifts?" Yolanda frowned.

"No, love. Cyane is dangerous because she is not aware of her powers. She is dangerous because she does not know—"

Lysander stopped talking when he heard loud footsteps approaching him. There were several of them and he relaxed a little when she sensed Minerva along with her guards and friends.

When Minerva saw him, she rushed forward and growled, "Papa, we need to go to the capital city now."

"What? Why?"

"This is why" Elliot growled, holding up his phone screen in front of Lysander and Yolanda.

Yolanda gasped and Lysander's eyes widened when he saw the photo of Cyane and the Hound, together in some shabby restaurant. The Hound was watching Cyane who was about to eat a mouthful of noodles.

"There are more" Elliot added and then swiped the screen to show more pictures of Cyane with the Hound. Walking the streets, in the car, in malls, entering a building, exiting a building all hand in hand.

They looked like a couple.

"These are being circulated everywhere and we need to get Cyane back before the king finds out about this" Minerva said anxiously. "We need to rescue Cyane from the Hound."

After getting over the shock, Lysander looked up from the screen and met Yolanda's anxious gaze. Her troubled gaze confirmed everything he suspected.

Cyane did not need rescuing because she had chosen to be with the Hound.

"It's him" Yolanda whispered. "The Hound is her mate."

"What?" Minerva screamed in horror. "Xanthos and Cyane are mates?"

"I am afraid so" Yolanda mumbled in a daze.

"Fuck! This day just keeps getting worse" Nate, one of the younger wolf in the vicinity growled and every single head turned to look at him.

"What's worse than this?" Minerva snapped.

"Saint's coronation" Nate replied.

"But he is in a coma" Elliot frowned.

"Not anymore. In a statement released by the palace just now, the king has let the citizens know that not only has Saint recovered but is also fit and healthy and to double the celebration, Saint is officially going to be crowned as the new king today."

A loud, murderous growl echoed around the area, rustling the leaves of the trees and startling everyone.

At first, Minerva and her friends looked at Lysander, thinking it was him, but their eyes widened in astonishment when they saw Yolanda trembling in rage.

"He. Cannot. Become. The. King" Yolanda spelt out furiously through gritted teeth as she clenched her fists.

"Yolanda—" Lysander tried to reason.

"It's not his right. It's my child's" Yolanda roared before shifting into her brown wolf.

She took off into the woods and Lysander quickly signalled two guards to follow after her. Though he desperately wanted to go after his mate, he knew he had to get things in order quick and fast.

"Mom" Minerva gasped but Lysander held his daughter's arm and shook his head.

"Not now. Give her some time" he muttered and Minerva nodded reluctantly, while her eyes drifted in the direction her mother had taken off to.

Lysander turned his attention to Mr Black, fighting off his wolf, who only wanted to console Yolanda because he knew and felt her pain. It was theirs.

"You have known Cyane for a long, long time and you know what is going to happen if the king finds out about her. If you truly want to help her, then take me to her."

Mr Black nodded his big, wolf head and turned into a raven again.

"Come on, we have to go" Lysander urged his men, who all nodded in agreement and followed the bird.

Lysander who was about to take off, paused when he saw the worried expression in his daughter's face.

"What is it?"

"Don't you think we have to first stop the coronation? Saint has already seen her and once he becomes the king, he will want Cyane punished" Minerva said quietly.

"There is nothing we can do to stop the coronation. Saint will become the next king" Lysander stated grimly and Minerva's eyes hardened angrily. "Stanislaus has already planned everything and today, he is just going to sit back and watch the show. It's on us to not give him the show he requires. We have to find Cyane and the Hound before Stanislaus's men finds them."

"If Xanthos is her mate, then won't he protect her from the king? Won't he stand against the king for her?" Minerva asked innocently. "Their mate bond has to be strong right?"

"I don't know what Xanthos is going to do. If he chooses to rescue her from the king, then Cyane and he will need our protection but if Xanthos gives her up to the king, then the entire kingdom will need our protection. We have to stop them before they reach the palace" Lysander ascertained.

'Min, go with your papa' Yolanda said through the link and Lysander breathed a sigh of relief to know she was fine.

'But mom—'

'I will be fine. I will be here' Yolanda promised.

Nodding once, Lysander followed after his men while Minerva trailed after him.


Well, shit is about to go down in next chapter and it will be posted on January 9th.

So, what do you think will happen in the next chapter? What do you want to happen? Do share...

Pic on how Xanthos' tattoo is... (Just imagine a wolf!)....

Stay safe lovelies :D


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