
By notso-maggie

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Carina and Lily both share a room in college, but that's about the only thing they have in common. At least t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 31

131 3 0
By notso-maggie

T onight they forgot about all of their worries and all of their concerns and they were able to express their love for one another without any restrictions and without any limits.

Tonight made them feel free.

And they both lean in to share one last kiss before they whisper, at the exact same time, "I love you, too."


Carina has her arm tucked underneath her head, using it as support while she uses her free hand to delicately caress the pale, smooth skin of Lily's bare back. The older girl is lying on her stomach, her arms underneath her pillow and her sleeping face is pointed away from Carina.

Their legs aren't tangled together under the blanket. They aren't clinging onto each other for warmth. They aren't even touching with the exception of Carina's fingertips dancing across Lily's spine. In fact, there is a small gap between their bodies, but it's comfortable to Carina. There's comfort in just knowing she's there and knowing she was able to wake up beside her.

There's a serene atmosphere in the room this morning. The early 7 A.M. sun peeks through the closed blinds of the window with horizontal rays of light shown on the floor before crawling up the wall on the opposite side, dimly illuminating the room with an orange tint.

It's quiet aside from Lily's soft, steady breathing. Carina has been listening to the familiar and soothing sounds of her girlfriend for the past hour or so now, simply loving everything about this moment in time.

The events of last night keep replaying in Carina's mind, everything still so incredibly vivid from the way her body felt as Lily touched her and as she touched Lily, but most importantly, Carina doesn't think her heart could've possibly loved her more than in those moments.

Their touches were eager yet respectful, lustful yet passionate, needy yet shy. It was Carina's first time being with a girl and it was Lily's first time with, well, anyone and it only made Carina wish she could've shared that same experience with her instead of giving it away to some boy she doesn't even know. But Lily is still so many of Carina's firsts and she wouldn't trade her for anything.

When Carina notices Lily subtly shivering in her sleep, the cool air encasing her naked body, she pulls up the blanket that clings around the both of their hips and covers her body a little bit more. Why her girlfriend is always so damn cold all the time, she doesn't know, but what she does know is that she'll always be there to keep her warm.

Carina leans in slowly to place the softest kiss on the back of Lily's shoulder before she grabs her long night shirt from the foot of the bed and throws it over her body. Then she carefully crawls over Lily, hoping not to wake her up, then makes her way into the bathroom.

She flicks the light on and her eyes immediately widen at the sight of her in the reflection of the mirror. Lily definitely made her mark. Or should she say marks.

Carina pulls her shirt off again to examine her bare body. Hickies are present all over her neck, chest, and stomach and her hair is a disheveled mess. When she turns around, she's able to make out faint streaks of pink from Lily scratching her back as she writhed and moaned in intense pleasure.

And the recollection of that only gets her a bit turned on again.

It doesn't help that she now can't stop thinking about how fucking amazing it felt when she was grinding on Lily's leg with her long fingers inside-

She shakes her head to clear the incoming dirty thoughts. Okay, too early for that. Breathe.

Carina's instinctively smiles to herself in the mirror, her cheeks blushing. God, that girl that's still sleeping on the bed makes her feel crazy in so many more ways than just one.

After Carina takes an early morning shower (a cold one) and brushes her teeth, she reenters into the room just in time to see Lily wake up from her hibernation.

She grumbles and groans, the way she always does when she awakens, but as soon as she spots Carina smiling at her, Lily's face and ears turn red and she ducks under the blanket.

Carina giggles as she strides over to the bed and takes a seat on the edge of it. "Lily," she says sweetly, trying to coerce her into showing her face again.

After a couple of moments, Lily pulls the blanket down just a bit until they only reveal her bright, green eyes. There they are.

"Morning," Carina greets with a soft smile.

Lily doesn't say anything, but the subtle way the sides of her eyes crinkle show that she's smiling as well. But why is she so quiet?

Carina quirks an eyebrow up in question to her odd silence. "Are you just not going to speak to me this morning or something?" she chuckles.

Lily smirks. That's a yes. Someone is in a playful mood.

Two can play at this game. "If you're not going to talk to me this morning then I won't either," she grins widely. "Whoever loses has to... uhm... pay for Dippin' Dots. Deal?"

Lily nods her head enthusiastically. Dippin' Dots are the shit so of course Lily wouldn't pass up an opportunity to win a free cup, especially since it's fucking 5 dollars for a serving size that could fit in the palm of her hands. Ridiculous.

Then Carina does the whole zip-your-lips-and-lock-it-with-a-key motion with her hands. Lily and Carina then proceed to stare at each other, without speaking of course.

Now what?

Lily then reaches a hand out and grabs on the fabric of Carina's shirt before pointing at it. Carina then realizes after a minute of hard deliberation that Lily is asking for a shirt. Carina gives her a thumbs up before getting up to search through the closet for a big and warm sweatshirt for her to wear. She then throws it at Lily's face. Literally. She didn't mean to chuck it at her.

Carina gives her an apologetic smile when Lily glares at her but her smile vanishes and her eyes widen slightly when Lily sits up, revealing her bare chest. It must have slipped her mind that Lily was still completely naked underneath the blanket the entire time.

Even though she knows Lily wouldn't mind, Carina politely looks away anyways out of sheer respect. She doesn't want to appear to be like some creepy-ass girlfriend who gawks at her gorgeous body like a ravenous animal.

But then slender arms wrap around her waist followed by a sweet peck on the side of her neck, catching her by surprise. Carina closes her eyes and sighs quietly as Lily places slow, warm kisses all across her skin, nipping in some places playfully.

Carina was almost about to moan out Lily's name in order to encourage her to continue, but then she realized that Dippin' Dots were on the line. She was not about to lose to her that easily. It's literally only been about two maybe three minutes since they initiated this deal.

Carina pulls away from Lily and points a scolding finger at her, giving her a look that says "shame on you."

Lily just smiles innocently and shrugs her shoulders as if she wasn't playing the game so dirty just now. That damn girl and her smooth tactics.


Carina was on her way back to her dorm after class when she spotted Daniel strolling down the sidewalk about 30 feet in front of her, dressed a little bit nicer than one would be on any average day.

She hasn't spent much time with him lately considering she's been with Lily and he's been with Amanda. Daniel and Amanda haven't said a word about their "relationship" to any of the girls, but it's no secret that they're into each other. They hang out in private and are incredibly discreet about it considering, well, Daniel is still Carina's "boyfriend".

Being that she is still in her joyous and rather childish mood, Carina doesn't even think twice before she sprints up behind Daniel and leaps on him, clinging her arms and legs around his neck and waist.

And Daniel doesn't even flinch.

"Hey, Carina," he greets with absolute nonchalance as he moves to place his hands underneath her legs to hold her up, continuing his trek to wherever he was heading. It was like nothing even happened.

"You seem eerily unfazed?" Carina chuckles as she hobbles along on his back.

Daniel shrugs as he looks over his shoulder to smile up at her. "Lily told me once how you're practically a koala and that this is something you do all the time."

Okay, true.

Lily would only be just stepping inside the door before Carina jumps up on her and attacks her with a koala hug. It's so much more fun than saying a simple "hello".

Carina notices some of their classmates looking at the two of them with soft smiles on their faces. They must be thinking about how cute of a couple she and Daniel probably look right about now and it takes a lot inside of her to prevent from scoffing. Little do they know.

"Where you headed off to?" Carina asks, chin on his shoulder. Considering he stands at about 6-feet tall, she's unused to being this high above the ground. The people around them practically look like ants from up here.

When Daniel doesn't answer, Carina shifts herself up forward just enough to see his cheeks blushing. Well that answers her question.

"Tell Amanda I say hi when you see her," Carina smirks.

"Will do," Daniel laughs lightheartedly. "I'll swing by and drop you off at your room before I do since I'm already carrying you anyways."

The walk to Carina's dorm was about ten minutes and it was spent with Daniel and Carina just joking around and being loud and obnoxious idiots with each other. It's evident that they get along extremely well so their "relationship" is not even forced when they're together. It's as if they genuinely are dating sometimes, minus the kissing and handholding.

That's all reserved for Lily.

Speaking of Lily, by the time they make it inside the room with Carina still on his back, she immediately scrambles up to her feet and runs up to them in panic. "Oh, my god! What happened? Are you hurt?" she asks, eyes wide with concern.

Carina and Daniel exchange a look with each other before they laugh loudly. Lily tilts her head and scowls. "What?"

Sliding off of Daniel's back, she walks up to Lily and greets her with a peck on the cheek. "Babe, I'm fine," she reassures her. "I'm not hurt or anything. Daniel just carried me over here because, well, it's Daniel and he's a descendant from Heaven himself."

He scoffs from behind her, nudging her playfully on the shoulder.

"Oh," Lily blinks. "Good. I just assumed you like hurt your leg or something because you can be pretty damn clumsy sometimes."

Carina's jaw drops slightly in offense as she begins to walk around Lily. "I am not c-"

And there she goes tripping over her shoelace clumsily while she was in the middle of refuting Lily's accusation that she is clumsy. Of course. She's never tripped over a shoelace once in her life and she just so happened to do so at this point in time?

But Lily's quick reflexes allow her to catch her around the waist before she gets a face full of carpet. "You were saying?" Lily giggles, gently sweeping some hair out of her girlfriend's face after she stands Carina upright again.

"Nothing," Carina grumbles.

She and Lily then give Daniel hugs goodbye before Carina shoos him off to go "canoodle with Amanda", which made him blush furiously.

Then Carina turns around and grins jubilantly at Lily. "You lost."

Lily raises an eyebrow. "What?"

"You were the first one to speak to me after we started our little game this morning and now you owe me ice cream," she explains, face still beaming brightly.

"Wait, no, that's not fair I thought you were hurt and I was worried so I-"

"-Sorry, princess. Rules are rules."

Lily is upset over losing this. She's always been competitive as hell and the prize on the line was definitely worth fighting for. Carina smiles at her as Lily crosses her arms across her chest and pouts.

Carina juts her bottom lip out sympathetically as she opens her arms up and hugs the younger girl warmly, rubbing her back. "Aw, Lily. It's not my fault you suck."

The older girl rolls her eyes with a smile as she nudges her away. "I hate you."

But Lily then takes a seat on the chair at the desk and motions for Carina to come over by patting her lap. Carina smirks surreptitiously at her request because she should not be having flashbacks of last night. She doesn't want to sound like some sex-craved person after one night but god , it's so hard not to feel like this when she's constantly with her gorgeous girlfriend in the privacy of their own room.

Willing away her thoughts, she settles herself on Lily's lap and straddles her waist. Lily encases her arms around Carina's hips and looks up at her with bright, happy, green eyes.

Then Lily's gaze travels down to Carina's neck and chest, but it's not with sexual intent. Well, at least she doesn't think so.

Carina watches her closely as Lily uses her hand and traces the tips of her fingers along Carina's neck and collarbone. Then she swiftly pushes away the fabric of Carina's v-neck to reveal one of the fading hickies she made near her heart and Lily just smiles to herself.

Carina's breathing and heart rate speeds up as Lily leans in to press her lips against the mark lovingly. It's a sweet and rather innocent gesture, but she's still getting excited over it. It doesn't help that she's on her lap and one of Lily's hands is resting firmly on her butt.

"Can I be honest with you?" Carina whispers, watching her movements. Lily looks up and they lock eyes for a few seconds before Carina exhales a rather unsteady breath as she says, "I can't stop thinking about last night."

Lily begins to pick at the fabric of the hem of Carina's shirt as she smoothly drags her tongue out to lick her lips alluringly. She really wants to kiss her.

"Can I-can I be honest with you too?"

Oh, God. At this point, anticipation is coursing throughout Carina's body and she can hear her own heart pounding in her ears.

She nods her head and swallows hard, waiting expectantly for Lily's answer. She doesn't speak until after what feels like hours but then...

"I really want to touch you and I really want you to touch me again."

After that, things were a blur. Lips connected fervently, clothes were blindly getting ripped off and thrown around, throaty moans escaped their mouths, bare skin pressed against each other, nails scratched, hips bucked, and bodies thrummed wildly. It was perfect, just like it was last night.

And memories of a certain event are great, but the real thing is so much better.


Lily hums happily to herself as she jogs down the steps of the library. It was getting pretty late and she felt that after a few hours of hardcore studying, she really just wanted to go back to her room and snuggle up with her girlfriend waiting up for her.

The thought of Carina never fails to make her smile to herself, especially with how things have been going with them. Everything was better than they have ever been before and she feels on top of the world.

"What the hell are you smiling at?"

A deep scowl falls over Lily's face as she recognizes that disgusting voice. She doesn't even have to turn around to know that it's Alexus. So she continues walking.

"Hey! I'm talking to you, bitch."

Lily holds back a scoff, but she does manage to say, "yeah and I'm ignoring you, bitch ."

That got her to shut up real quick.

Lily was able to make it back to her room without any more shit from Alexus, but it still left her in a bad mood. Why is she so damn relentless? Can she stop popping into her life right when things go so well?

"What's wrong?" Carina asks when Lily shuts the door a little bit harder than usual, an annoyed expression on her face. She's lying on the bed, phone in her hand.

Lily drags her feet across the floor and slides into Carina's bed, cuddling up against her side and resting the side of her head on her stomach.

"Alexus," Lily grumbles under her breath, draping her arm across Carina's hips.

Lily feels her body tense up. If there's anyone Carina despises most in this world, it's her.

"What did she do to you?" Carina growls through gritted teeth.

Lily tilts her head up to look at her. "Nothing, Cara," she sighs. "She just tried to get my attention by calling me a bitch and whatever but I ignored her."

"Why the fuck is she even trying to get your attention in the first place? Did she not fucking hear me when I told her to leave you alone the first time?"

Lily can swear she feels her skin temperature getting warmer by the second and she soothingly strokes Carina's forearm to calm her down. "I don't know, babe, but she's not worth the bullshit and stress. That's what she wants."

"Well, what I want is for her to go fuck hers-"


The younger girl simply shrugs nonchalantly. "You know you feel the same way."

Lily purses her lips for a minute before she opens her mouth and mutters, "yeah. You're right."

Carina smirks and kisses the top of Lily's head. And even though she hasn't said anything herself, Lily already knows that Carina is formulating what she plans on telling Alexus the next day. That's just the person she is.

Always protecting her girl.


Carina taps her finger against her thigh rapidly as she waits along the corner of the wall of Alexus's hallway. She doesn't remember the last time she's been within this vicinity, but she's suddenly wondering why she even ever got near here in the first place.

Alexus was doing so well with backing up off of both her and Lily until she crossed the line last night and tried to bother Lily yet again. Alexus can bother and bitch about Carina all she wants, but as soon as Lily gets involved, that's when she has to step in.

God, it's crazy to think she was ever friends with such a homophobic piece of shi-

"So are you deaf or are you just dumb?" Carina calls out as soon as she spots Alexus coming out of her room.

Alexus turns her head to look at her without so much as even blinking. She then sighs as if she is the one who is fed up. The fucking nerve. "What do you want?"

"I told you to lay off of Lily a long time ago but apparently it didn't quite sink in for you," she replies as she walks towards her. It's a staring battle and neither one is breaking.

"You don't scare me, Carina, and your little threat about telling Gabe that I cheated on him isn't going to work anymore considering he broke up with me."

Carina snorts sarcastically. "Gee, I wonder why."

Alexus's eyes darken and Carina knows she struck a nerve. Good.

"I don't think you quite understand that because you no longer have anything to threaten me with, I no longer have any reason to lay off of that lesbian bitch of a roommate of yours anymore. You don't know what I'm capable of and who I know and by you coming here, you're just personally asking for me to hurt her."

Carina feels the color drain from her face and if she had an ounce less of self-control and willpower, she would have shown it. But instead, she maintains her stare, even though Alexus's menacing threat made her internally shudder.

"Back the fuck off of her," Carina growls, jaw tightened. And that's the last thing she says before she rams into her shoulder roughly as she walks through her, rolling her eyes at the obscenities being shouted at her from behind.

She doesn't know whether or not Alexus was bluffing when she said she would hurt Lily, but the simple fact that she doesn't even know scares her to death.

And Carina does know a little bit about what Alexus is capable of because she does know people and who knows what they would be willing to do.

Carina curls her hands into fists tightly, nails digging into her palms as pure rage incites inside of her. Lily hasn't done a single thing to anyone, especially Alexus, yet she's her number one target.

But then Carina realizes something. It's not Lily that Alexus has it out for, but instead it's Carina. Carina dropped Alexus from her life, humiliated her in public in front of their peers, and called her out for the first time, tarnishing her reputation, and now Alexus is out for blood.

And everyone knows that a person's weakness is to hurt the person who means the most to them.

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