Meant To Be (Sashay | AU)

By fheperz

15.9K 430 32

Sasha and Shay are two of the most popular girls in school. Belonging to different cliques, and being on oppo... More

Chapter 1 That Lit Paper
Chapter 2 First Meeting
Chapter 3 A Secret
Chapter 4 The Other Secret
Chapter 5 Second Meeting
Chapter 6 Circle of 5
Chapter 7 Not A Sleepover Afterall
Chapter 8 Officially A Couple
Chapter 9 A Tortured Past
Chapter 10 Waking Up
Chapter 11 New Beginnings
Chapter 12 Graduating And College
Chapter 13 Road Trip - Day One
Chapter 14 Hotel Fiasco
Chapter 15 One Night Stand
Chapter 16 Messed Up
Chapter 17 Run After Her
Chapter 18 Detour - Los Angeles
Chapter 19 California King Bed
Archer and Dylan
Chapter 20 A Wedding, A Blonde and Two Dates
Chapter 21 The Invitation
Sasha and Archer
Chapter 22 Tormented
Chapter 23 Yacht My World
Cece Drake
Chapter 24 The Cover - Up
Chapter 25 Hellos and Goodbyes
Chapter 26 Unexpected
Please Read
Chapter 27 The Revelation
Chapter 28 Broken Pieces
Chapter 29 On Friendships and Vodka
That Sunday Afternoon with Janel
Chapter 30 Kissing A Friend
Chapter 31 Time Apart
Chapter 32 Decisions
Chapter 33 Breaking - Up
Chapter 34 Another Wedding
Chapter 35 Meeting Rosie
Chapter 36 Picnic
Chapter 37 Rosie and the Girls
Chapter 38 Wedding Vows and Proposals (Part 1)
Chapter 39 Wedding Vows and Proposals (Part 2)

Taylor Hotchkiss and BHU

129 4 0
By fheperz

Sasha is in her last year at BHU and she couldn't be more excited. Once she graduates, she will immediately enter the postgraduate program of the school to gain her master's degree. Everything is happening so fast that Sasha feels like she can't catch up with her own life. Janel and her are still sharing the same house on campus, even if Janel is now working for Hotchkiss Technology. She appreciates and loves the girl so much and is excited about Janel's career path. Getting into Hotchkiss is one huge step for the brunette. It's funny how people think that they are a couple, but the truth is they're not. Sasha has not been in a relationship since Shay and her broke up, and that's almost four years ago. She heard that Cece and Shay are still together and she's happy for them. She has forgiven Cece and they are now friends. It may sound weird, but Sasha has no problems with it. The past is in the past and there is no need to hold any grudges against anyone.

Today is a pretty boring day at BHU. Classes were suspended because the Hotchkiss family will be hosting a gala later tonight. Everyone's pretty busy but Sasha finds herself in the library reading a book written by Agatha Christie. She wanted to message Janel and ask her if she wants to have lunch together, but she knows too well not to bother the brunette when she's at work. Her other friends Sofia and Sydney are both out on dates with their boyfriends. The perks of being single, she thought. She's been in the library for 2 hours and she's almost halfway through the book in her hand. It's almost 1 o'clock and Sasha decided to head to the cafeteria to have her lunch. She silently made her way outside of the library when someone accidentally bumped into her, almost knocking her down

"Hey. Watch where you're going," Sasha said a little irritated by this person who almost made her hug the floor.

"I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking," the guy responded.

"Clearly," Sasha said and walked off without even glancing at the man who bumped into her.

Taylor was instantly mesmerized by the blonde who completely ignored him and his apology. He got used to women chasing him, or throwing themselves at him, but not this girl. He must admit he wasn't looking when he bumped into her, he was heading for his mom's office and was distracted by the continuous calls he's been getting from A Global Security. The program that he and his team created aims to provide safety and security, to the people in BHU and Beacon Heights, and no matter what happens he is determined not to sell it to any interested parties. Enough about AGC he said to himself, his mind then drifted back to the blonde girl, she's really beautiful he thought, and now he's wondering who she is and how he'll see her again.

Sasha is not in the mood to party and mingle, but everyone is expected to attend the gala, so here she is sitting at a table together with Janel, Sofia, and Sydney.

"Why do you look so glum?" Sofia asked.

"Nothing, I'm just bored," Sasha answered. It's true, she's bored. Parties are her thing, but not tonight.

"Why do we even have to be here?" Sasha asked.

"To have fun? There's music, there's food, there's good company," Janel said giving her friend a wink.

"Yeah. C'mon Sash, don't be a buzzkill. Plus I heard that Taylor Hotchkiss is here," Sofia said.

"Oh yeah. He is the reason for this gathering. It's his welcome home party. And they are going to announce something," Janel said excitedly.

"You know too much. What is the announcement about?" Sasha asked.

"I work with Taylor, so of course I know stuff. And I will not tell you," Janel said sticking her tongue out to the blonde.

"Hah. Really mature. As if I'd beg you to tell me, I'll be hearing it anyway," Sasha answered mocking her best friend.

"Wait. Isn't Hotchkiss Technology based in Washington? You're not working there. You're just here on campus," Sydney pointed out.

"Well, yeah. But I have direct contact with Taylor, we video conference most of the time, together with the rest of the team here. So, I definitely work with the guy," Janel answered.

"You've never told us you're close with him," Sofia added.

"We're not close. I just work with him. He is very serious about this project, barely has the time to socialize," Janel answered.

"Sof? Couldn't you be any more obvious with your huge crush on him," Sasha teased?

Sofia blushed a little but was quick to deny the fact. Everyone just continued laughing and Sasha started having a little fun.

"Look, Claire is about to walk towards the stage. OMG! This is it," Janel said with much excitement as she points to a very elegant woman making her way to the stage.

"What's getting you so excited? Your work is the only thing that excites you this much, well apart from me," Sasha teased.

"You two should hook up already. There's so much sexual tension. I can't take it," Sofia said stifling a laugh.

"Yeah. Sof's right. You look and act like a couple already, everyone here thinks that" Sydney added.

"Well, we know that and we don't care. We're happy the way we are," Sasha answered.

"Yeah. And this girl already broke my heart too many times, I just want to be her friend now," Janel said jokingly.

"Keep saying that to yourself Parrish," Sasha said as she poked Janel on the side.

Before Janel can respond to that, they heard Claire Hotchkiss's voice speaking and addressing everyone.

"Good evening everyone. This night is very monumental, I am very excited to announce two things: First of all, as some of you might have already seen him lurking around campus, my son Taylor Hotchkiss is here. Welcome home son," Claire said as she motioned for Taylor to join her.

"As for the second announcement, I think it will be better if I let my son do the honors," Claire said.

Taylor joined his mom on the stage and as he stood there scanning the crowd, his eyes laid upon the most beautiful smile he's ever seen.

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