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By -AW05-

11.8K 358 661

"๐ˆ๐ง ๐จ๐ซ๐๐ž๐ซ ๐ญ๐จ ๐ฐ๐ซ๐ข๐ญ๐ž ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐œ๐ก๐š๐ซ๐š๐œ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ, ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ง๐ž๐ž๐ ๐ญ๐จ ๐›๐ž ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐œ๐ก๐š๐ซ๐š๐œ๐ญ๐ž... More

-๐Ž๐‚ ๐ข๐ง๐ญ๐ซ๐จ๐ฌ-
-๐—ง๐—›๐—˜ ๐—˜๐—ซ๐—ฃ๐—ข๐—ฆ๐—œ๐—ง๐—œ๐—ข๐—ก-
1: Pigtail girl
2: The letter
3: Not just another day
4: Helping a friend
5: Like I said, I'm tired
6: The MCC Charity Ball! pt. 1
7: The MCC Charity Ball! pt. 2
8: Get your sh*t together + The first date
-๐—ง๐—›๐—˜ ๐—ฅ๐—œ๐—ฆ๐—œ๐—ก๐—š ๐—”๐—–๐—ง๐—œ๐—ข๐—ก-
8: plant tiem
9: #HappyBirthdayJeremy ?
10: My lovely husband
11: I love you

8.5: The Night Before Christmas

217 9 2
By -AW05-

(A/N: Its December 2021 in this chapter. This chapter is part of the storyline and is completely canon.)

Your POV (aka second-person):

"Come hither orphans." Techno says as he sits on a velvet chair in front of you. You watch as he positions himself in front of a fire place, like a mall Santa waiting to have children placed on his lap.

"Today, I am going to be reading you a Christmas story. But it's not just any normal Christmas story, oh no." He says as he wags in finger in front of your face.

"Have a seat child, and get comfortable as this story will be a long one."

You do as he says and sit criss cross on the cozy carpet in front of him. You play with your thumbs as Techno brings out a leather cover book. His hands trace the title. You eye the title as he opens the book and starts reading. The words "The Night Before Christmas" act as the title.

You squint a tiny bit and manage to read the tiny words scribbled underneath. "Ft. Danni, Jeremy, Quackity, and Dream.". Huh, must be an indie or a stand alone book.

Technoblade clears his throat and you sit up straight as he begins:

"T'was the night before Christmas, when all through the house. Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The four residents of the apartment sat quietly in bed, as the couples snuggled up and watched Netflix movies instead."

"This roof houses two couples, each with different dynamics and relationships towards each other. We have your chill, cute couple; Danni and Alex. Then we have the alike, yet not alike couple; Clay and Jeremy."

"What do you think they bought for each other? Is it something old or new? Is it something from the heart, or is it something you can buy at a zoo?"

"Let's take a look at our friend Clay, he's seemed very nervous earlier today..."


Dream POV:

Today is Christmas Eve, and I'm shifting in my seat. I'm next to Jeremy, whom I get very nervous around more often. It's not like I was in love with him or anything.

Wrong, very wrong. I was madly in love with him.

But ever since our date, I've always wondered why he could never see us as a couple yet. Was it something about me? Was it a him thing instead? I may never know. It's been a year since the ball and I've just been racking the memories through my mind. The two of us are good friends, not really publicly since Jeremy isn't on twitter often. Even though him and Danni started Twitch streaming as a hobby, they're terrible at being online.

Me and Jeremy were sitting next to each other on the couch of Danni and Quackity's house. They invited us to stay with them for the holidays. Techno and Rory were invited too, but they were in the UK for Christmas. Quackity also was very insistent that we came because he needed our help with Danni's gift. (A/N: As always, Rory is CASTIKLINE 's OC so go show em some love!)

I would tell you what it is, but that would spoil the surprise now would it?

In the middle of "A Christmas Carol." , Danni walked into the living room. They were wearing a fancy blazer and waved to us.

"Hey guys, Do you know where Alex is? He left me this weird note again..." They said, holding up a familiar purple-stained envelope.

We shrug our shoulders and as soon as Danni goes upstairs, we get up to our feet and start working. Quackity instructed us to "set up the balcony" after Danni came home. So to the balcony we went, grabbing our coats because it is freezing.


Jeremy and I rushed up to the balcony and set up all of the lighting towards the backdrop that we set up earlier. Jeremy doesn't really want to look at me so I grabbed his attention the only way I knew how. I tapped him on the shoulder and he spun around. I'm a bit taller than him so I was sort of towering over him.

"Uhum, hey there." He said sheepishly.

"We're cool right? Like I didn't do anything wrong?"

"Yeah, of course. What made you think otherwise?"

"Nothing, it's just that you've been acting a bit distant lately ever since the ball. Just wanted to make sure things weren't weird between us."

"The ball? Clay that was over a year ago, are you okay? I'm sorry if I've been a bit cold since then. No pun intended hahaha." Jeremy said, raising his hands up in comedic defense.

"Haha, oh god no I didn't mean it like that. It's just that its around the same time, and I've been reminiscing y'know?"

I didn't want to say I was still in love with him. I've been trying so hard to get him off my mind but nothing works. Especially since it's been a year since we met and kissed. I just needed reassurance, but I knew that now wasn't a good time. Maybe it was? I don't know.

"Ah I see, well what time is Danni arriving?" Jeremy said, clearly trying to change the subject.

"I don't know." I responded a bit coldly, I didn't mean to but the thought just expressed through my words.

"Okay, I'm sensing you want to talk so..." Jeremy says as he goes up to the balcony door and locks it.

"...Let's talk."


Jeremy POV:

I have no idea what has gotten into Clay lately. He's acting a bit...weird. Weirder than normal. I have a strong feeling it's because of what happened last year. I don't feel like asking him about it, not today at least. Today is Danni and Alex's day, I'd be best to not ruin it for them.

I was making sure that the lighting looked good until I felt a slight tap on my shoulder. I turn around to the sight of Clay towering over me. He may be a few inches taller but damn can he be intimidating. I looked up at him in question as to why.

"Uhum, hey there."

"We're cool right? Like I didn't do anything wrong?" He said, obviously concerned.

"Yeah, of course. What made you think otherwise?"

"Nothing, it's just that you've been acting a bit distant lately ever since the ball. Just wanted to make sure things weren't weird between us."

Of course things were weird between us. The only time it wouldn't be weird is either on streams or when we'd talk in a group. We barely get enough alone time so we just have this awkward silence left.

"The ball? Clay that was over a year ago, are you okay? I'm sorry if I've been a bit cold since then. No pun intended hahaha." I said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Haha, oh god no I didn't mean it like that. It's just that its around the same time, and I've been reminiscing y'know?"

"Ah I see, well what time is Danni arriving?"

"I don't know." He responded a bit coldly. I can tell he's still a bit pissed about something.

"Okay, I'm sensing you want to talk so..." I say as I go up to the balcony door and lock it.

"...Let's talk."


"Dream, you're obviously mad or pissed about something so please tell me what it is."

"Everything is fine."

"No it's not."

"Why do you think that?"

"Because, nothing feels right with us anymore! It's like there's this awkward tension that we can't shake off. And I don't know why it won't fucking go away!" I said, not evening caring if the neighbors could hear us.

"Jeremy..." Clay said.

"No, let me finish. Look, if you're still on about that kiss then please tell me! It was a great kiss, it's just that..."


"It's just that...."

"What Jeremy? Fucking what? You're giving me mixed symbols lately. First, I thought you were into me. Next, you're turning me down. Now, you're telling me that you liked the kiss? That you felt something last year and didn't tell me?"

"YES!" I finally screamed. Clay looked at me with a concerned look.

"Yes, I did feel something. And I wanted to tell you, I really did. It's just that I didn't think I deserved you."


"I....I haven't been able to trust easily. I don't know why. I just keep thinking that everyone is out to get me. I can't fathom the idea of being loved."

"Jeremy...What made you think that you don't deserve to be loved?" Clay said, cupping his
hands around my face. I practically melt at his touch.

"I...I don't know..." I said, closing my eyes.

"¡Hijos de puta! ¡Deja de coquetear y ayúdame!" screams a voice from beyond the railing.

We look over and see Quackity clinging onto the ledge, looking scared out of his life. I reach out for his hand and Clay helps him over the railing.

"I swear to god you guys what the hell were you two doing?!?!!?!" Quackity scolded.

"Sorry, is Danni here yet?" Clay apologized.

"No, they were about to. Just please unlock the door and hide."

Me and Clay nod and we do as he said.


Quackity POV:

I am so fucking nervous.

I can't even imagine what they'll say.

I have everything ready. The scenery, the emotion, and the box. I contacted their parents, I have their blessing. Literally nothing can go wrong.

Then why am I still so nervous?

Why am I staring at the door, wondering if they'll come through?

I straighten up my posture when I hear the door click. I see Danni's face and they immediately smile at me. They look so beautiful, I can't believe that they're mine. Danni smiles and walks over to me stationed at a photoshoot-esque set up.

"Alex...what is all of this?" Danni asks me, looking around the balcony.

I say nothing....

but I do get down on one knee...

and pull out a small box from my back pocket...

Danni's eyes widen as I open the box to reveal a beautiful diamond ring with a silver band...

"Danni, You've made me so happy since the moment I met you. I never thought that I would find someone like you who could make me feel so...alive. I love you so much, you know that. Which is why its easy for me to ask you this..." I say.

Danni starts to tear up when I finally ask...

"...Danni Elise H. Raybourne. Will you marry me?".

Second Person POV: (aka your POV)

"WAIT NO THAT CAN'T BE THE END OF THE STORY." You scream at Technoblade.

He laughs at your face, moving his shoulders in unison with his chuckles.

"No...haha....no it's not," Techno says, closing the book. "There is still more to the story. But its best that you wait until later to hear the rest."

"What kind of bullshit is this? Can you at least tell me if Danni said yes or not?" You ask him.

"No, I don't think I will." Technoblade says.

"Techno, you have to stop teasing them like this." Rory says, walking into the room with three hot chocolates on a tray.

He hands you a mug and gives one to Techno who takes it enthusiastically. Rory sits on the arm of the seat, leaning on Techno's shoulder.

"What? I'm not teasing anything." Techno says.

"Anyway, sorry we have to leave you hanging like this. We really wish we could tell you everything. But we have to let you read the rest for yourself." Rory tells you apologetically.

You nod in understanding.

"Yeah, I guess I'll have to wait for the next chapters huh?"

The three of you nod in unison and the chapter ends here.


1986 words

A/N: wow the line to get milk was really long. sorry guys.

in all seriousness though, sorry to leave you guys hanging for a week. However, I do have much to publish! You guys are gonna love it!

Hey guys! Jeremy here, I missed you guys! See you all in the next chapter! <333

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