The Mandalorian (Din Djarin x...

By LayceJ25

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Two lone gunfighters make their way through the outer reaches of the galaxy, far from the authority of the Ne... More

Chapter 2: The Child
Chapter 3: The Sin
Chapter 4: Sanctuary
Chapter 5: The Gunslinger
Chapter 6: The Prisoner
Chapter 7: The Reckoning
Chapter 8: Redemption
Chapter 9: The Marshal
Chapter 10: The Passenger
Chapter 11: The Heiress
Chapter 12: The Siege
Chapter 13: The Jedi
Chapter 14: The Tragedy
Chapter 15: The Believer
Chapter 16: The Rescue
Chapter 17: Return Of The Mandalorian And The Dar'manda
Chapter 18: From The Desert Comes A Stranger
Chapter 19: In The Name of Honor

Chapter 1: The Mandalorian And The Dar'manda

14.4K 278 231
By LayceJ25

(A/N: Dar'manda means a state of being "not Mandalorian"; not an outsider, but one who has lost his heritage, and so his identity and soul. There might be times where I use Mando'a, or language of the Mandalorian, from time to time but I will make sure to put the translations of them at the end of the chapter.)

Snow was fallen from the cloudy sky on to the already icy and snowy planet. One large building was the only thing that stood out among the ice and snow. One lone armored figure, a Mandalorian, walks up towards the building, holding a tracking fob. The device beeped, letting him know that his bounty was here.

Inside, the cantina was bustling with people drinking and talking amongst each other, including two trawlers who were messing with a Mythrol. "Look at his glands!" One Trawler to his friend as they continue to mess with the Mythrol. "I bet we could sell them at the port!" the second Trawler pointed out. "Please! Please! I have credits! Take them!" the Mythrol pleaded to them as he shows them the credits. But the second Trawler shoves him against the table

"He's young. The musk will be sweet." The Alpha Trawler laughs as his partner pulls the Mythrol up, making the Alpha Trawler's drink fall over. Then the Trawler pulls out his blade. "And now for the real prize..." he said but before he could do anything, the doors open and the Mandalorian stands there for a moment before he enters.

The Trawlers and every other patron all turn to see the newcomer but the Trawler was not impressed. The Alpha Trawler yells at the Mandalorian as the Mandalorian walks past him, ignoring him. "You spilled my drink..." The Alpha Trawler said, angrily, to the Mandalorian but the gunslinger doesn't respond to him.

"Hey, Mando!" The Trawler calls out and the Mandalorian turns his head to him then turns away as he walks up to the bar. The Alpha Trawler then walks up to him. "I said, you spilled, my drink..." The Alpha Tralwer tells him but Mando doesn't even look at him. Then the second Trawler shoves the Mythrol down against the table while the other patrons stare at the Mandalorian.

"He says you spilled his drink." the Bartender said but Mando never speaks. "That's fine! It's on me." The Bartender said and he goes behind the bar while the Trawler looks over the Mandalorian. "Is that real Beskar Steel?" He asked the Mandalorian just as the second Trawler comes up to the Mandalorian.

"Here." The Bartender said as he picks up a cup then slides it across the bar. But before the cup could get to the Alpha Trawler, Mando stops the cup, grabs it then used it to hit the Alpha Trawler in the head and the second Trawler in the face, making him fall back unconscious. The Alpha Trawler stumbles back as Mando grabs the third accomplice by the head and slams him onto the bar.

The Alpha Trawler pulls out a blade and tries to stab Mando, but he grabs his arms, punches it under his arm and twists it behind the Alpha Trawler. The third guy tries to flee but Mando shoots out a grappling hook and it wraps around the creature's legs. Mando began pulling the grapple towards and the guy pulls out his blaster and fires at the Mandalorian, which hits his shoulder armor.

Mando fires his own blaster at the door panel; which made the door close on the guy, cutting him in half. Everyone watched in shock and horror at this but nobody dared to go near the Mandalorian 

The Mythrol started to chuckle as Mando walks up to him. "Thank you. Thank you very much. You got my heartfelt gratitude." the Mythrol said as Mando just stares at him. "You know, you take my credits. Buy yourself a drink." he tells the Mandalorian as he pushes a pile of credits to him.

But the Mandalorian places a hologram puck on the table, which shows a hologram image of the Mythrol. "Uh...Is that a bounty puck? Is that me?" The Mythrol said, nervously, but the Mandalorian doesn't say a word. "Look...uh...there must be some mistake. I can get you more credits." the Mythrol said, a bit panicked, until the Mandalorian finally speaks.

"I can bring you in warm...or I can bring you in cold." The Mandalorian said as he places his hand on his holstered blaster, getting ready to fire it, if needed be. The Mythrol looks up at him and gulps, nervously.

After surrendering, the Mandalorian handcuffs the Mythrol and they began to walk out of the cantina and towards a speeder stop where a ferryman stands by. "I need passage to the yards." Mando said and the ferryman calls a speeder which arrives with an R2 unit as the pilot.

"No droids." Mando said, firmly. "I assure you, this speeder is brand new. It's the latest model..." the Ferryman said, in its own language, but Mando tosses the ferryman a coin. "At your pleasure." the ferryman said and he calls another speeder. It arrives in rough shape but with a human pilot. "Where to?" the pilot asked.

Sometime later, the speeder flies across the icy plains and the Mythrol begins to speak. "You know what he's looking for..." the Mythrol said to the Mandalorian but he still doesn't respond to him. So the Mythrol looks at the pilot. "You're looking for Ravinaks, right?" He asked. "It's clear right now. But be careful near the port. Everyone dumps their gray holds out. They think the whole entire planet is their own personal stink pit." the pilot warned just as the speeder arrives at a large ship, the Razer Crest.

"Here you are." the pilot said once he stops and the Mythrol looks up at the ship. "You're kidding me, right?" he said as he looks back at the Mandalorian. "Get out." Mando ordered and the two get out of the speeder.

"I'll hire us a Livery Cruiser. No big deal. It won't come out of your end. I'll pay for it." The Mythrol bargained to the Mandalorian, who turns his head towards him almost like he was telling him to shut up. "I'm just trying to make it pleasant." The Mythrol said as he walks towards the Razer Crest.

"Hey, it's time to go, so let's settle up." The pilot said and the Mandalorian pays the pilot. "I'd stay off the ice if I were you." the pilot warns before he takes off. The Mandalorian and the Mythrol get ready to board the Razer Crest. "You think there's really something to worry about?" the Mythrol asked Mando before he turns and watches the speeder, just in time to see it get eaten by a beast that busted out of the ice.

"Oh! Oh! Open the hatch! Open the hatch!" The Mythrol exclaimed in a panic as the Ravinak breaks through the ice and towards the Razer Crest. The Mandalorian grabs the Mythrol and drags him into the ship. "Dank farrik, that was close!" The Mythrol said as they get into the cockpit. Then the Ravinak grabs the Razer Crest's leg.

"Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Stay off the ice. That's the understatement of the millennium." the Mythrol said, panicked as Mando attempts to take off. But the Ravinak holds onto the ship's leg. "It's taking us down." the Mythrol screamed as the Mandalorian tried to maneuver the ship but the beast wouldn't let go. "What're you doing? It's got us! It's gonna take us under!" The Mythrol screamed and the Mandalorian leaves the cockpit.

"Where you going? You gotta do something! We gotta get out of here!" The Mythrol shouted as the Mandalorian walks up to the hatched door, pulls out his long rifle and used it to electrocute the Ravinak, which finally let's go of the leg.

"Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Yes. All right. Whew." The Mythrol exclaimed in excitement as the Mandalorian comes back and steers the ship off of the planet.

"I like your ship. She's a classic." the Mythrol said, trying to make conversation after they left the ice planet. "Razor Crest, am I right? Pre-Empire?" He asked the Mandalorian, who doesn't respond. "I have a lot of credits, by the way. That's why I offered to hail a Cruiser." the Mythrol said. 

No response.

"How much are they paying you?" he asked Mando.

No response.

"Is it true that you guys never take off your helmets?" 

No response.

"Oh... Boy." The Mythrol muttered as he looks around. "I think I have to use the vacc tube. I mean I can do it here, but if you've never seen a Fledgling Mythrol evacuate their thorax, you're a lucky guy, trust me." The Mythrol said but no response from the Mandalorian so the blue skinned creature gets up.

"Clearly, there's nowhere for me to go. So, uh...I'm gonna look for that vacc tube if it's all the same to you?" The Mythrol said but silence. "Great." he said and he leaves the cockpit and gets down into the belly of the ship.

"Found it! Thanks. It might take a while. I'm molting" the Mythrol calls out to the Mandalorian as he looks around. At one point, he opens the weapons hold and sees the various weapon that the Mandalorian had. He panicked and quickly closes it again.

"Oh, this feels a lot better. I haven't evacuated since the solstice. Yeah. I was hoping to be free for...uh...Life Day. Maybe even, uh..." the Mythrol blathers on until he discovers the bounty hold with several carbon-frozen bounties. "Get home to But I guess that's not gonna happen this year." he said as he backs away.

"Probably not." A voice said and the Mythrol turns to see the Mandalorian standing behind him. He grabs the Mythrol and shoves him in the on-board carbon-freezimg chamber, which adds him to the line of the carbon-frozen bounties.

After arriving in Nevarro, the Mandalorian walks into a cantina and walks up to a man, Greef Karga who is the Bounty Hunter Guild. "Ah, that was fast." Greef said as Mando walks up to him. "Did you catch them all?" Greef asked and the Mandalorian places the tracking fobs on the table. "Good. I'll begin the off-load." Greef said before he turns to some of his people and gives them an order in a different language.

The Mandalorian sits across from Greef, who places credits on the table. "These are Imperial Credits." the Mandalorian noted as he looks at them. "They still spend." Greef assures him. "I don't know if you heard, but the Empire is gone." said the Mandalorian.
"It's all I've got." Greef said, shrugging. 

The Mandalorian grabs the tracking fobs back but Greef stops him. "Save the theatrics. Fine, I'll..." he said and he places different credits on the table. "I can do Calamari Flan But I can only pay half." he said. "Fine." the Mandalorian said and he places the tracker fobs back on the table and grabs the credits.

"Hmm. I have a bail jumper, a bail jumper, another bail jumper, a wanted smuggler." Greef said as he looks over the hologram files. "I'll take them all." Mando said and Greef looks up at him. "Nah, hold on. There are other members of the Guild, and this is all I have." he said.

"Why so slow?" Mando asked him. "It's not slow at all. Actually, very busy. They just don't want to pay Guild rates. They don't mind if things get sloppy." Greef replied. "What's your highest bounty?" Mando asked him. "Not much. Five thousand." Greef said. "That won't even cover fuel these days." Mando grumbles and Greef smirks as he thinks.

"Hmm. There is one job." He said. "Let's see the puck." Mando said. "No puck. Face to face. Direct commission. Deep pocket." Greef tells him. "Underworld?" asked Mando. "All I know is no chain code." Greef said and he pulls out a chit card. "Do you want the chit or not?" Greef asked him. Mando grabs the chit card and leaves.

He walks through the town to a building then knocks on the door of said building. A sensor eye appears and asked for identification in a foreign language. Mando shows the chit card and the sensor reads it and lets the door open.

Mando makes his way into the building and walks into a room where an older man and about four stormtroopers stood. "Greef Karga said you were coming." the client said. "What else did he say?" Mando asked him. "He said you were the best in the parsec." replied the client.

Suddenly, a door opens and, before the man could even enter, Mando draws his weapons as do the stormtroopers. "Freeze!" one of the Stormtroopers ordered Mando as the new guest jumps back. "No!" the new guest said while one of the Stormtrooper said, still aiming their guns at Mando. "Drop your weapons!" 

"No, no, no, no. Pardon. Uh, sorry. I...didn't...mean to alarm." The new guy said and the client gets up and walks around the table to stand in front of Mando. "This is Doctor Pershing." the client said as he points at the man.  Please excuse his lack of decorum. His enthusiasm outweighs his discretion. Please lower your blaster." he said to Mando.

"Have them lower theirs first." Mando said, referring to the Stormtroopers. "We have you four to one." One of the Stormtroopers said but Mando keeps his weapons up and steady. "I like those odds." Mando said, confidently.

"He also said you were expensive. Very expensive. Please sit." The client said as he steps closer to Mando. On a sign from the client, the stormtroopers lower their weapons as does Mando. He and the client sit as the client unpacks a cloth package, revealing a brick sized silver metal.

"Beskar?" Mando asked and the client smiles. "Go ahead. It's real." the client said and Mando inspects the ingot. "This is only a down payment. I have a camtono of Beskar waiting for you upon delivery of the asset." said the Client. "Alive." Pershing added, quickly. "Yes. Alive. Although, I acknowledge that bounty hunting is a complicated profession. This being the case, proof of termination is also acceptable for a lower fee." the client said and Pershing looks at him.

"That is not what we agreed upon." Pershing said. "I'm simply being pragmatic." The client said. "Let's see the puck." Mando said but the client shakes his head, slightly. "I'm afraid discretion dictates a less traditional agreement. We can only offer you a tracking fob." the client said and Pershing hands Mando a tracking fob.

"What's the chain code?" Mando asked. "We can only provide the last four digits." said the Client. "Their age? That's all you can give me?" Mando asked, confused. "Yes. They're 50 years old. We can also give you last reported positional data. Between that and the fob, a man of your skill should make short work of this." the client said. 

Mando gets up and moves to leave. "The Beskar belongs back into the hands of a Mandalorian. It is good to restore the natural order of things after a period of such disarray, don't you agree?" the client asked as Mando stops. He looks over his shoulder before he walks out and leaves.

He walks through the town again and covertly enters an underground facility, where there were many other Mandalorians. Mando walks past many of them until he comes up to the forge room where the Armorer was standing. Mando places the credits and the beskar ingot on the table.

The Armorer picks up the ingot and inspects it. "This was gathered in the Great Purge. It is good it is back with the Tribe." she said. "Yes." Mando said, plainly. "A pauldron would be in order." Armorer said then she looks over at Mando.

"Has your signet been revealed?" She asked. "Not yet." he replies. "Soon." the Armorer said and she prepares to forge the pauldron. "This is extremely generous. The excess will sponsor many Foundlings." she said. "That's good. I was once a Foundling." Mando said. "I know." the Armorer said and begins to forge.

While she forges the pauldron, Mando started to think back to his childhood. Probably his worst memories of his childhood. It was the day when his parents made their way through this village, he originally lived in. They were running as the village had been attacked, people were fighting and explosions were going off. It was utter chaos that day.

Then his parents found a large storage unit and they began to open it. That's when another family came up to them, also carrying a child. His parents and these other set of parents talked among each other before they set both kids inside the large storage unit.

He remembers looking over to his right to see that the other kid was a girl around his age, who looked just as terrified as he did. The two kids share a look before they look up and out towards their parents. 

Mando pulled himself out of the memories as the Armorer places the pauldronon his shoulder.

Later, the Razer Crest approaches Arvala-7 then lands on the desert island. After he lands, Mando sits back for a bit then looks at his dashboard for a moment. The memory of his childhood kept coming back to him, especially the moment with the girl.

He hadn't seen her since that day where she got her helmet pulled off by an enemy. He'd never forget that day when this guy, they were hunting down for a bounty, got into a fight with her and he was able to get the upperhand on her. Mando tried to get to her but the guy had friends and he had to take care of them.

By the time Mando was able to make it to her, her helmet was already yanked off. He took out the guy and was able to cuff him but he would never forget the look of fear on her face when she realized her helmet was off. There was another Mandalorian with them during this hunt and he had gone and told the Armorer.

She was exiled and became, what they called, a Dar'manda, a former Mandalorian that has lost one's identity. And even though this is the way of the Mandalorian, he felt a pang of anger and hurt that she was leaving.

The last time he talked to her was after she was exiled. She had walked out of the facility and was just a few miles outside of the town when he came up behind her. "Where will you go?" He asked her. She smirked a bit as she turns back to him. "I'm not sure. The galaxy is a pretty vast place..." she replied before she let's out a sigh.

She could tell by his stance and body language that he didn't like that she was exiled. She gave a sympathetic look before she walks up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'll be fine, Din." She said, softly. She slides her hand off of his shoulder and down his arm until she got to his hand and held onto his hand for a moment.

She stared up at his masked face then said. “We’ll see each other again. Don’t hesitate to call if you’re in need of help.” then slowly, reluctantly, she let's go of his hand and walked away.

That was about ten years ago and he hadn't heard much from her. He had heard a few things here and there about her, like she had started to call herself Manda instead of giving out her real name. And she had stuck with the bounty hunter life style but other than that, he hadn't heard anything from her.

But those last words she said kept ringing in his ears.

Don’t hesitate to call if you’re in need of help.

He sighs then shakes his head as he gets ready to make the call. Part of him wanted her to answer but part of him didn't want her to answer. He figured since that it's been so long, she wouldn't answer.

She didn't seem to respond to his call, so he sent out a transmission to her. "I know it's been years since we've talked but....I might need your help on this one. I'm sending you my coordinates now." He said as he presses a few buttons on his dashboard console. "If you can't make it....I understand." He said then he ends the transmission and gets up and leaves the cockpit.

Mando starts to walk out of the Razer Crest and goes to scan the landscape with the scope that was atop of his rifle. He looks around until a large creature comes out of nowhere. 

Startled by this, Mando quickly turns on his flame thrower but the creature knocks him down and grabs his arm with its jaw. The creature tosses him around while Mando punches it a few times on the side of its face. It finally let's go and Mando stands up to regain his composure but the creature charged at him again.

It clamped its jaw on his other arm when a device hits the creature and electrocutes it. The creature falls over and stops moving and Mando starts to pull his arm out when he heard another one of those creatures coming.

He looks up and sees it charging towards him but another device hits it on the side, making the creature fall over. Mando sits up and sees an Ugnaught, holding a rifle, riding one of those creatures.

Mando pulls his arm out of the creatures mouth and looks up at the Ugnaught. "Thank you." He said, appreciatively. "You are a bounty hunter." the Ugnaught said. "Yes." Mando replied and he looks down at his arm. The Ugnaught looks over the Mandalorian before he says. "I will help you."

Mando looks up at him for a moment. "I have spoken." the Ugnaught said and Mando starts to get up on his feet.

"Many have passed through." the Ugnaught, Kuiil as he introduced himself, explained after he and Mando arrived at his residence. "They seek the same one as you." He said. "Did you help them?" Mando asked him. "Yes. They died." Kuiil said. "Well, then I don't know if I want your help." Mando said. "You do. I can show you to the encampment." Kuill said.

"What's your cut?" Mando asked him. "Half." Kuiil replied. "Half the bounty to guide? Seems steep." Mando said, questioning. "No. Half of the blurrg you helped capture." Kuiil said. "The blurrg? You can keep them both." Mando grumbled.

"No, you will need one. To ride. The way is impossible to pass without a blurrg mount." Kuiil said as he started to walk out of his home. "I don't know how to ride blurrg." Mando told him. "I have spoken." Kuiil said.

Next thing he knew, Mando was being thrown by a blurrg. He lands on his back then slowly sits up as the Blurrg stares at him and lets put a noise. "Perhaps if you removed your helmet." Kuiil tells Mando. "Perhaps he remembers I tried to roast him." Mando said.

"This is a female. The males are all eaten during mating." Kuiil informs him and Mando sighs as he gets up and tries again. But once again, he was tossed backwards again. "I don't have time for this." Mando said, impatiently, as he gets up and walks over to Kuiil. "Do you have a Landspeeder or Speeder bike that I could hire?" he asked. "You are Mandalorian! Your ancestors rode the great Mythosaur. Surely you can ride this young foal." Kuiil said and Mando stands there for a moment before turning back to the Blurrg.

"Easy. Easy. Now, all right." Mando said to the Blurrg as he slowly approaches it. It bucks a bit and he steps back for a moment. "Settle down. Whoa! Settle. Settle." He said, calmly, then he continues to approach it with caution.  That's good. That's good. Easy. Okay. That's good. All right." He said as he comes up to it and pets it before he finally mounts the creature. Luckily, it doesn't throw him.

So Kuiil went to mount his blurrg and the two take off and made their way across the desert landscape. Eventually, they make it towards this ridge to see a small village with a large building in the center of it.

"That is where you'll find your quarry." Kuiil said and Mando hands him a bag of credits. Kuiil waves him off. "Please. You deserve this." Mando tells him. "Since these ones arrived, this territory has been an endless stream of mercenaries seeking reward and bringing destruction." Kuiil tells him.

"Then why did you guide me?" Mando asked him, curiously. "They do not belong here. Those that live here come to seek peace. There will be no peace until they're gone." Kuiil replied. "Then why do you help?" Mando asked him. "I have never met a Mandalorian. I've only read the stories. If they are true, you will make quick work of it. Then there will again be peace." Kuiil said then he raised his hand

"I have spoken." he said and he steers the blurrg and sets off back to his home.

Later, Mando was scoping out the encampment from a far off cliff. He scans the area with his binoculars when he noticed a droid walking up towards the encampment. "Oh, no. Bounty Droid." he mutters in disappointment while the droid walks up to the people that were in the encampment.

"Subparagraph 16 of the Bondsman Guild protocol waiver compels you to immediately produce said asset." the droid, IG-11, said to the people. But they started firing at him and of course he fired back until the rest of the people hole up. "Droids." Mando said, exasperated, as he stands up and makes his way down to the encampment.

"Subparagraph 16 of the Bondsman Guild protocol waiver compels you to immediately produce said asset." IG-11 said as he kept firing his blasters. Then Mando appears from behind a pillar.

"IG Unit! Stand down." Mando shouts then the droid fires a shot at Mando, making him fall backward. The droid then comes towards him but Mando holds his hands up.. "I'm in the Guild!" He shouts and IG-11 stops firing. "You are a Guild member?" the droid asked. "I thought I was the only one on assignment."

"That makes two of us. So much for the element of surprise." Mando said to the droid. "Sadly, I must ask for your fob. I have already issued the writ of seizure. The bounty is mine." IG-11 tells him. "Unless I'm mistaken, you are, as of yet, empty-handed." Mando said. "This is true." IG-11 replied 

"I have a suggestion." Mando said. "Proceed." IG-11 encourages. "We split the reward." Mando said and the droid thinks for a quick moment. "This is acceptable." The droid said. "Great. Now let's regroup, out of harm's way, and form a plan." Mando tells him.

"I will of course receive the reputation merits associated with the mission." IG-11 said. "Can we talk about this later?" Mando asked, a bit impatientl. "I require an answer if I am to proceed--" IG-11 started to say when there was a gunshot sounded out and hit the droid. But it didn't harm him, just turned on his alarm bell.

"Oh, no. Alert. Alert. Alert." IG-11 said and both the droid and Mando take cover as the guards started firing at them. "Let's go!" Mando said as they run and dodge gunfire. Mando pulls out the fob and points it to a steel door, which let's out a ping.

"He's in there!" Mando exclaimed. "Affirmative." IG-11 said but the guards then continued on with the gunfire. Mando and the droid fired back. "Up top!" Mando tells the droid and the droid aims his gun towards the roof of one of the small buildings and shoots one of the gunman.

Mando and the droid then took cover behind pillars while the enemies began to surround them. "It appears we are trapped. I will initiate self-destruct sequencing." IG-11 said and Mando, quickly, turned to him.

"Whoa! You're what?" Mando asked, shocked and confused. "Manufacturers Protocol dictates I cannot be captured. I must self-destruct." the droid informed him. "Do not self-destruct." Mando tells him then he looks out towards the enemies before turning to the droid. "Cover me!" He tells the droid and he goes to open the door while IG-11 fires at the guards and tries to take out as many as he could.

Unfortunately, Mando couldn't open the door then he looks back at the droid. "Go! Go! Go!" he yells and they go back behind the pillars. "There's too many!" Mando shouts as gunfire continued. Mando tried to get a shot but there was so many guards and thousands of gunshots off it was hard to keep up.

"They got us pinned." Mando said just as the guards bring out a heavy gun. "I will initiate self-destruct." IG-11 said as a little red light started to come on his chest. "Do not self-destruct! We're shooting our way out." Mando shouts and the droid goes back to normal.

They come out of hiding until they saw the heavy gun. "Okay..." Mando said, worried, and they take cover again. "New plan!" he shouts as the heavy gun began to fire. "Beginning self-destruct countdown." IG-11 said once again. "No! Stop it!" Mando yells just as he hears the gunfire stop.

Puzzled, he looks over and sees that the guns were aiming somewhere else beside them. "What the...?" Mando asked when one of the gunman vaporized. "It appears we have company." IG-11 said as the other gunmen started to fire while a couple more people got vaporized.

Then a figure flew in and knocked the guy off of the heavy gun. The figure and the gunman fall onto the ground then the figure starts to get up and the gunman started to attack the figure, which Mando could tell was a woman.

She had dark blue pants and a long sleeve black shirt with familiar Mandalorian armor covering her legs, arms, shoulders and chest but she didn't have a helmet on. And she was wearing a brown leather jacket over her clothes.

A couple of gunmen started to aim at her as her and the other gunman fought, making Mando realize he need to make a plan fast. He turns to the droid and said. "Draw their fire, I'll take them out." 

"Acceptable." The droid said and Mando nods. "Go!" Mando shouts and the Droid runs out to draw fire while Mando grapples the heavy gun, jumps on it and shoots all the remaining enemies. After punching one of the gunmen a few times, the woman takes cover as Mando finished taking out the enemies.

"Well done. I will disengage self-destruct initiative." The droid said as Mando helps him up. "You know, you're not so bad. For a droid." he said. "Agreed." said the droid and Mando looks over the droid. "That blaster hit looks nasty. You okay?" Mando asked the droid. "Running a quick diagnostic. It has missed my central wiring harness." the droid replied.

"Is that good?" Mando asked. "Yes." replied the droid.

"Never thought I'd see the day where you teamed up with a droid." A female voice replied and the droid and Mando look over to see the woman who came to the rescue. Now that he was able to get a clear look at her, he could see the familiar (h/c) and the (e/c) eyes.

"(Y/n)." Mando greets, calmly, and she smirks at him. "Hello, Mando." She said then she looks around her until she pulls out her own tracking fob. "I'm guessing this is the job you ask my help for?" She asked as she holds up the fob. "You too?" He asked her and she nods.

"Yep. I was on my way here when I got your transmission. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole Guild got this job." (Y/n) said, shrugging. "Neither would I." Mando said and (y/n) looks over at the droid. "Guessing, you're part of the Guild?" She said. "That is correct." IG-11 replied and (y/n) looks over at her old friend with smirk.

"Thanks for saving us." Mando tells her and her smile grew wider. "Just like old times, huh?" She said with a bit of sarcasm in her voice. Mando chuckles a little before he said. "Yeah, like old times."

She winks at him then the two share a look before (y/n) speaks up. "So, now what?" She asked. "Now we just need to get the door open." Mando said and the three shoot the door open with the heavy gun. Inside, a lone enemy jumps out but was immediately shot down by the droid.

"Anyone else?" Mando asked and (y/n) looks down at her fob. "The tracking fob is still active." She said as it continued to beep.
"My sensors indicate that there is a life form present." IG-11 said and Mando scans the room. The tracking fob leads them to an egg shaped container and (y/n) goes to open it. "Wait. They said 50 years old." Mando said as they stare at the lifeform in the container.

"Species age differently. Perhaps it could live many centuries." IG-11 said as a little green hand moves away its blanket, revealing a small green long-eared child. Suddenly, (y/n) had a wave of curiosity overcome her as she stares at the little one's big brown eyes. She didn't know why but...she felt something for the little one, like some sort've connection.

"Sadly, we'll never know." IG-11 said as it starts to raise its gun but (y/n) speaks up, quickly. "No. We'll bring it in alive." She said to the droid. "The commission was quite specific. The asset was to be terminated." IG-11 said as the child looks between the trio.

(Y/n) and Mando stare at the child just as a shot rings out, which made (y/n) flinch a bit. She turns her head and sees that Mando had shot the droid as it fell over dead.

Then the two look back at the child and the Mandalorian and Dar'manda raise their pointer fingers towards the child and he raises both of his little claws out to them.

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