๐‹๐š๐œ๐จ๐ง๐ข๐œ II ๐Œ๐‚๐˜๐“ ๐Ž...

By Sleeqyheqd

104K 1.9K 1.3K

How many stories I've written for each person... BadBoyHalo: 1 Dream: 2 George: 1 Punz: 1 Quackity: 1 Sapnap:... More

Dream II First Move
Sapnap II Lovely Dance
GeorgeNotFound II Smile
Dream II Pictures And Scarves๏ฟผ
Patient!Sapnap II Healing
Ghost!Skeppy II Roommates
Demon!Badboyhalo II Kindness
Technoblade II Hot Chocolate
Quackity II Lonely

Punz II Retrouvailles

17K 204 60
By Sleeqyheqd

Author's Note: Here to deliver Punz content since some people requested him (I'm excited to work on more Oneshots involving him!). I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! ♡

Context: Retrouvailles - Happiness of meeting someone again after a very long time.

| ⇄ ◁◁ II ▷▷ ↻ |

Y/N woke up as if it was an emergency. A bit annoyed she rouse from her heavy slumber and snatched away from her delightful dreams. Hearing the ring go off her phone, Y/N hated that sound. She looked out her window not seeing a single beam of light outside. Then Y/N checked the time, three am. She didn't recall setting an alarm this early in the morning...

"Wha... Huh? Who's calling me at this time?" Y/N groaned, she wasn't supposed to be awake for another couple of hours. Sleep was something Y/N desperately needed nowadays. Lately work had been getting the best of her meaning every second of sleep she could get counted.

She rolled onto her side, blindly grabbing her phone from her nightstand. Ending the call without checking the number. Probably just some spam callers trying to steal her credit card information. Well, not today. Y/N placed her phone back on the nightstand. Relieved she can continue sleeping well for the remaining few hours. Wanting nothing more than to curl up into a little ball, pulling up the blankets over her shoulders, and fall back asleep.

Not even a few moments later her phone rang again. Y/N grabbed her pillow, using it to cover her ears hoping to escape from the annoying sound. Hoping and praying that it'd stop. Yet the ringing continued longer than usual. Reluctantly she scooped up the phone, checking who was calling her. It was from Punz. And a couple of missed messages from him that were sent a few minutes ago. Y/N raised a brow, as she answered the call.

She listened for a moment before speaking. "Punz? The fuck, it's three am. I have work tomorrow." She pressed her lips together.

"Then what are you doing awake?" Y/N could hear his smile.

"You're the one who—"

"Look, do you wanna hang out?" He interrupted her going straight to the point. A hint of desperation in his tone.

Y/N narrowed her eyes, starting to have her suspicions. "At this time? Can't we plan this after I get off work tomorrow?"

It had been a while since they last talked to each other in person. Despite the many planned attempts, one or the other would cancel last minute due to something coming up. Punz was busy with his streamer life while Y/N was busy with her work life. Their schedules were never compatible with one another. If they were lucky every few months they'd be able to see each other at least once. Grabbing a bite to eat or hanging out at the other person's home.

It was a shame the days would end faster whenever they were together. Perhaps it was true time goes by fast whenever you're having fun. Y/N wished for the hours in a day to be longer. The memories of spending time with him would become the same as a dream. Playing time and time again. She was her happiest, in a way she hadn't felt before or since. Although it was difficult, they continued to stay as friends and not give up. At least they were able to text and call each other.

"I'm already at your front door." She heard a quiet knock that echoed with the call. "It's best not to keep me waiting." He chuckled.

"What the— Now wait just a minute-!" Y/N tried to protest.


He hung up not allowing her to finish. Knowing how Y/N would react next. This motherfuc- Calling her at such a time was unusual of him. Y/N was well aware at times he'd stream late at night or awake but he never bothered her knowing she was fast asleep. Something was definitely wrong. Whether he told her or not she could tell. His voice seemed different too.

She rushed out of bed, nearly falling in the process, and ran to her front door. It seemed he was waiting for her for who knows how long. No matter how exhausted she looked, her hair being a complete mess, she had to hurry. Y/N's eyes were fixed at the door once she reached her destination. Wondering whether or not he really was on the other side. With hesitation, she unlocked the door and slowly turned the doorknob.

"Hey." He hummed as his eyes and nose crinkled.

Punz looked like shit. Small injuries appeared all over his face. Scratches of blood in the blink of his nose, and his cheeks. And a cut on his lip which slowly trickled down the neck of his shirt. Y/N was trying not to stare only to find her eyes diverting to it. Y/N wanted to ask so many questions. Why he came to her front door? Why he looked like this? What happened? Yet, she knew Punz had no intention of explaining the matter.

Y/N's eyes showed a gentle concern. "Luke... What happened to your face?" She laid her hand lightly on his cheek, examining the injuries a little further.

Instead of flinching from the pain (he was no pussy anyway so why would he?) Punz was caught off guard. They were used to calling each other by their nicknames it almost seemed natural. Y/N never called him by his birth name unless she was upset. Specifically at him.

"It's not like it hurts." Punz maintained eye contact, shrugging it off. Rubbing his lips with his palm, blood smearing against his cheek.

She spoke in such a soft voice he felt her words calming him. Punz felt lost and feeling lost sucks. You're out there somewhere, wandering in the end seeking that spark of hope. He ended up doing things he now regretted. The only person he could go to, who would have the answers, a person who wouldn't blame him for his mistakes would be none other than Y/N.

Here Punz was. Standing on her doorstep with little notice. Back from a stupid fight, he got himself into not too long ago. He waited, waited for her to yell at him for being so reckless, stupid even. He even expected her to end the friendship between them over something like this, yet, nothing. With her gentle grace, Y/N pulled him inside without another word.

Y/N flicked on a couple of lights. Which took him a few moments to get used to. Punz stood aimlessly around the room, watching her grab a first aid kit from one of the cabinets and soaking a dry cloth in the sink. Y/N invited him to sit down on the couch, then using the wet cloth and cleaned up any dried blood around his face. The majority of the cuts weren't severe and seemed to have stopped bleeding on their own. Y/N grabbed some small bandages placing them on his nose and lip where a cut was much deeper compared to the others. If there were other injuries then Punz kept them well hidden.

Punz sighed. "I told you I'm fine. This really isn't necessary." He tried to move her hand away, attempting to pick off the bandages thinking he didn't need them.

Y/N grabbed his hand stopping him from doing so. "Luke, I'm your friend!" Y/N frowned as she stared into that blue eyes of his. "You don't have to put on a tough face around me."

Punz eyes widen. When she spoke her voice trails slowly like her words are unwilling to take flight. There is a sadness in her eyes and he didn't realize it was because of him. "Why did you really call me?" Y/N asked in that small tone of hers.

Y/N never enjoyed arguing with her fists, sometimes words are enough to pack a powerful punch. Carefully spoken, without drama, her words had an air of finality to them and no matter if he were to try to rail against them, nothing would change her mind. Y/N took a deep breath, the tension from earlier slowly faded.

"You can tell me anything you know?" Y/N began putting away the bandages. "Leaving me out on things like you always do... You're not the only one worrying about the other person constantly."

Punz wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer. She felt herself sink in. The arms that held Y/N were soft, yet strong. The feel of Punz's body was closer than she had thought. Punz gave her a little squeeze as a nervous chuckle escaped his lips. He already felt his problems and worries lose. His mind was at peace.

The shock registered on Y/N's face, her cheeks flushed in embarrassment. Not used to being this close to him nor receiving this sort of affection from Punz. It was unexpected. What should she say next? Should she even say anything? Does she hug him back? What was the right thing to do in this situation?

"I'm sorry, I just... Had a really bad day..." He softly spoke. "Can I hold you like this for a bit...?"

Y/N nodded, "I'm not going anywhere." Gently rubbing his back hoping it'd comfort him in a way. Y/N snuggled in, the world around her melted away as she squeezed him back. She felt him brush strands of her hair back, playing with her hair which didn't bother her.

His fragrance was as soothing as his hugs. It would bring her back to a day of nostalgia. So warm. So safe. They hugged for a while that Y/N understood it all now. Without any words being said she knew his emotional health was speaking clearly in the silence. Y/N wouldn't be able to heal him, she could only help him heal himself. All she could do was be there for him through this time.

"I hope you know how much you mean to me," Punz whispered in her ear. Resting his face on her shoulder in an attempt to hide away the tips of his ears turning red. Embarrassed over the cheesy line he just said. He didn't want her to see him like this. Punz felt the soft panic that possibly grew or fading depending on what she'd say or do next.

Y/N was quiet at first. Wondering whether or not he was being serious. Although, what she did know was Punz wouldn't throw those words around so easily. She giggled quietly as his hair began to tickle against the side of her neck. "You're tickling me." She tried to push him aside. Yet he gently squeezed even tighter, not wanting to let go.

She sighed with the smile still on her face, knowing very well of Punz's intentions. "You mean a lot to me too." She whispered back.

Punz leaned back, their eyes eventually met. He wanted to make sure whether or not she was being serious too. Her eyes carried warmth and life. Her breathing becoming softer, the pensive look melting into a smile as soft as the moonlight.

Y/N had that shy look ever since he met her. Always behind those slightly pursed lips was a smile just waiting to be tempted out. Sometimes she'd look his way and where he'd genuinely pretended not to notice, not wanting to make a fool out of himself. But if he were to return her glances Punz didn't have to try to smile, it just came naturally.

In those moments she would blush ever so slightly and he'd imagine her being his girl one day. Some people are worth the wait and she was of them. He didn't even know if she was allowed to date someone like him. Or even date anyone at all with her parents being strict and having protective friends. He wanted to take that chance.

"May I?" He whispered.

"Yes, by all means." She smiled.

A shy look before he tilted his head and leaned forward. Slowly placing his hand on her waist and drew her closer deepening the kiss. It was a soft and gentle kiss that faded away from their nervousness. After a few moments, their lips parted. Their eyes met with one another. She saw his eyes sparkle, his lips smile brighter than before. Forgetting everything thy happened the last few hours. He was in love and so was she.

𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2395

𝐏𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝: 1/27/21

𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐚𝐲! (ㅅ'˘')♡ 𝐿♡𝓋𝑒 𝒴♡𝓊

𝐄𝐱𝐭𝐫𝐚 𝐒𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞:

They were warm, together, and cozy. Y/N didn't trust Punz going home at this time, knowing the dangers of the outside world especially late at night. She insisted he stayed over and leave whenever he was ready in the morning.

Unintentionally the two ended up falling asleep in the same bed. Some would say it was inappropriate between the two. Even so, nothing sexual happened if that made anyone feel relieved. Y/N secretly wished she could extend the night just so she could stay close to him longer, safe in his embrace. His arms wrapped tightly around her, sharing his body heat easily like she shared her heart.

Y/N woke up after being greeted by the sunlight. Slowly and reluctantly, Y/N rose from the bed, escaping from Punz's arms and, blinking her eyes. After a few moments of stretching her arms and rubbing the remaining tiredness out of her eyes. Punz gently grabs her hand, which intertwined with hers. Wanting her to lay back down and sleep with him a little longer.

"Don't leave me..." He murmurs a tiny sigh.

She looked down to see that he was half asleep, a giggle escaped her lips as she shook her head. It was time for them to get up anyway. His eyes opening from her reply. He barely nods, his eyes slipping closed soon after. The grasp of his hand loosens. Y/N reached for her phone, she swiped a couple of times activating it. Once the lock screen was unlocked she checked the time.

Y/N groaned. "I missed work."

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