The Art of Warren

Oleh b00klover09

280K 12K 1.7K

He was a mosaic, composed of broken pieces. She was an unfinished art project. ******** The moon goddess en... Lebih Banyak

•Twenty One•
•Twenty Two•
•Twenty Three•
•Twenty Four•
•Twenty Five•
•Twenty Six•
•Twenty Seven•
•Twenty Eight•
•Twenty Nine•
•Thirty One•
•Thirty Two•
•Thirty Three•
•Thirty Four•
•Thirty Five•
•Thirty Six•
•Thirty Seven•
•Thirty Eight•
•Thirty Nine•
Forty One
Forty Three
Forty four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
The Art of Submission

Forty Two

2.6K 130 23
Oleh b00klover09

Warren held the steering wheel as if it was precious gold. Both of them sat stiff and nervous as they drove to an unknown restaurant to meet two people who she really didn't know.

Pomelia was stumbling and fumbling through life. She really didn't know what was going on. What to do, what to say. She was trying to rely on her heart and not her mind and teachings. The teachings of Artemis always, always were the first or second thought she would automatically go to when trying to make decisions. Now she was trying to use her heart.

Her heart told her to slowly start forgiving Warren. To give him a second chance, to understand that everyone made mistakes. Even if Warren made a thousand more than the average person. He showed remorse, and he was getting help. Plus...she loved him. She didn't know if it made her a fool or not, but she couldn't help it.

"You look worried...It's going to be okay."

His large, warm hand engulfed her smaller one. She felt comforted. She always felt comforted when War held her hand.

"So your name is Peter?" She questioned as her legs fidgeted from her nervousness. She couldn't stop moving.

Warren chuckled, squeezing her hand lightly. "It's from human comics."

Comics? Humans? Pomelia really didn't know much about humans and didn't wish to know that much. The sisters taught them that humans were bad for the world but everyone had to coexist.

"What does that mean?"

"A superhero named Spider-Man...his human name was Peter Parker. I like him." Pomelia tucked that into her mind. Peter Parker who was a spider, her mate liked. She didn't know much of what Warren liked or disliked. She would definitely have to ask him more about it.

Pomelia frowned. "So he turns from a spider to a man? Like we shift from human to wolf?"

Her mate laughed and Pomelia couldn't help the smile that graced her lips. "I'll show you the movie." The spider man had a movie? For some reason she was nervous to watch. She didn't really like spiders...

"As long as it isn't scary," she told him as she felt as if a spider was crawling on her hand. She shrieked and looked down to see that it was her mates hand. "War! Don't do that!" She laughed while playfully slapping his hand.

"I just want you to relax," he told her with a smirk. "You're reeking of nerves..." She couldn't help it. Her mother who knew about her and where she was, who never wanted to introduce herself to Pom, now wanted to meet.

Pom sighed nervously. "I know I just need to relax. I should go for a run or something? You think that would help?" She questioned nervously as her mate stared at her as if she was crazy. "Right. We don't have time for that. I just want her to like me."

Saying that earned a laugh from he mate. "Everyone likes you...Pomelia you're beautiful in and out." Now she was blushing again.

"I hope she thinks so."

War looked as if he was ready to say something and instead pressed his lips together tightly, with a smile.


Erica Grace was dressed like someone who meant business. She was in a pantsuit and her wavy brunette hair was pushed back into a ponytail. Her mate beside her was holding the hand of a young girl. She had long wavy dark hair and a pink dress covered in blueberries. Not to mention the Princess crown and pink boa around her shoulders.

Pomelia gripped Warren's hand tighter. She watched her mother's face brighten when they landed on Pomelia then halt and rake over Warren's frame. It was as if she was trying to count the hairs on his head she was inspecting him so thoroughly. Juan on the other hand wasn't looking at them, he was paying attention to the little girl whose hand he was holding.

They approached hesitantly. Well no, Pomelia did. Warren didn't. "Hi, I'm sorry we're late. We got a little lost."

Her mother smiled softly. "It's alright, honey," she said while her eyes glanced back to Warren, sizing him up.

Warren cleared his throat and abruptly thrust his hand out to Juan. "Nice to meet you. My name is Peter...Park," her mate lied as Juan shook his hand with a stressed smile. Pomelia suddenly felt terrible. Juan didn't want them here, but he was trying to get through this for her mother.

"Hi! I'm Sofía Grace Rojas!" The little girl piped up, her small hand reaching out for her mates as her father and Warren's hands let go of one another.

War chuckled. "Hi Sofia."

Erica Grace laughed too. "Yes this is our daughter, Sofía. Sofía this is Pomelia and Peter. They're very special people, okay?"

The little girl nodded with enthusiasm before she walked over to Pomelia and outstretched her hands. She gave War a handshake but was going in for a hug with Pomelia. She didn't know why she was so emotional right now. She had a half sister, a cute little one at that. Who wanted a hug.

"Hi!" She waved as Erica nodded her head to Pomelia.

"Um hi," she gulped as she reached down and gave the little girl a hug. Her scent filled her nostrils and Pomelia felt a wash of sorrow wash over her. She was almost crying. She let go of her half sister quickly, Warren's hand on the small of her back instantly.

"Excuse us...You guys can go sit," Warren told her mom and his mate, as he didn't even wait for an response. Instead he just ushered her away into a large bathroom labeled 'family.'

"I'm sorry," She whimpered as a few tears escaped her eyes. "I don't know why I'm upset. I'm just...they look so nice as a family. What if..what if she kept me? I would be with such nice people," she sniffled as she glued herself to her mate in a hug. He held her tight while she dealt with the fact that she wasn't apart of their trio. They seemed content with their one daughter and were probably just being nice and considerate people getting together with her.

Warren gripped her shoulders firmly. "Pomelia, calm down. Everything's going to be fine." His voice was so soft and sweet and Pomelia wanted to kiss him. So, so very bad. Maybe a little more than a kiss, was what her wolf was thinking but she couldn't think like that right now....

"Okay," she sniffled as he gave her a reassuring smile. It melted her heart. "Are my eyes red? Do I look crazy?"

"You always looks beautiful," War spoke in a serious tone as he squeezed her hand lightly. She kissed him quick on the cheek before she twirled around to face the bathroom mirror and make sure she was ok. It wasn't that she didn't believe War it was just that War thought she was beautiful in anything or looking anyway. He was blinded by of her to be a trusted source!

As she bent over the sink a bit to look in the mirror she couldn't help but to glance at her mate and realized that he was intensely staring at her...bottom. The look in his eyes wasn't one of love, or just simply staring into space, but of lust. Pure lust.

His eyes brightened, his wolf agreeing with where Warren's mind was obviously going. She gulped as he made eye contact with her. He didn't look away and neither did she. Could she breathe?!

War let loose a growl, before walking up to her and grabbing her wrist. "We have to go." Pom couldn't even think for those few seconds. Where were they going? To sleep? To bed? She wanted to go to bed with her mate...

"Oh...okay," she blushed as he pulled her out of the bathroom and walked past the restaurant entrance with many humans who were openly staring at her mate. The women were standing in awe, and the men in jealousy and fear.

Pom had never been around humans and realized that the men, well at least the men packed into this restaurant were not the least bit muscular. Or as tall as Warren.

"Table for Grace," Warren told the woman at a small desk whose eyes widened as they looked over his frame. Pomelia was not violent and knew problems could always be solved in a better manner but in that moment she wanted to claw the woman's eyes out for looking at War so provocatively.

She smiled brightly. "O-of course. I'll just grab your menus then I'll walk you to your seat." Warren didnt respond, and Pomelia was trying not to be upset that she said seat and not seats, when Pomelia was right there! Her throat began to constrict and her skin prickled. Her mouth ached. She wanted to bite War. She gripped him tight, her eyes going over his neck. No...mark.

Pom blinked a few times, trying to clear her mind. She needed to gather herself. She wanted to grab him and stake her claim, in front of a human. She was going mad. Definitely crazy...

"Um...babe?" Pomelia said the foreign name out loud, as the woman kept sizing up Warren. Her mate glanced down looking at her in confusion. She pursed her lips, hoping for a kiss and her mate complied.

The kiss was quick and she knew Warren already knew why she did it. His lips twitching upward with a smile as they separated. The human cleared her throat loudly. "Please follow me." She pressed her lips together tightly and gripped the menus in her hand tight. She was upset they kissed.

Pom followed behind her mate who followed the upset human until they reached their table. Her mother and Juan were sitting on one side and Sofía was sitting at the end.

"Have a nice meal," the human spoke quickly before dropping the menus and rushing away. Warren helped her into her seat and then they both got settled in. Pom noticed that Sofía was struggling with the crayons she was given and immediately reached to open them for her.

"Oh I got it," Erica smiled at Pom before she grabbed the three pack of crayons and opened them for her daughter. "So Peter how did you two meet?"

Pomelia still cringed at that name but glanced to War with a gentle smile. "I went to the temple for counsel...and saw her."

"That's it?"

It was Pomelia's turn to lie. "Well he visited a few times before we decided I should go to his pack to live. He's the sweetest and I'm happy," Pomelia said while a waiter brought rolls and filled their waters up. Pom couldn't believe how easy it was to lie...

Erica put her hand on her heart. "I'm glad you're happy. That's all I ever wanted for you. Although I wanted you to dedicate your life to the goddess."

Pomelia still had dedication to Artemis. She always would have dedication. Fortunate for them, the human waited interrupted and they ordered their food and were also given beautiful little salads to eat. Sofia was given carrot sticks.

"Peter I noticed you marked Pomelia, but she didn't have the same privilege." Pomelia paused in drinking her water. How could Erica say something like that?!

Warren glanced to Pomelia then her mother. "That's personal and I love your daughter," her mate spoke tightly.

"I'm glad you do," she smiled as she took a bite out of her nest almost viciously. "Pomelia deserves respect and by not being marked you're showing her an unprecedented lack of it."

Pomelia placed her utensils down as War's growl ripped through the restaurant. No one seemed to notice, except for the few supernaturals that were there. Other than that the soft music in Italian drowned out the threat of War.

"You're one to talk," War growled out so deeply that Pomelia felt it in her bones. Juan grabbed Erica's hand in a loving gesture but Pomelia noticed the way he squeezed her hand. It was a warning, not comfort.

Erica Grace's eyes widened and Pomelia wasn't sure what to say or do as the waitress came back and asked for what they wanted to eat. War consulted with her pointing to a few things that before they both decided on a shrimp dish because she never had shrimp, all while her mother analyzed the two of them closely.

Her mother ordered for Juan , her and Sofia even when Sofía voiced her concerns about not wanting to eat Mac and cheese but wanting chicken fingers. Erica dismissed her young daughter and instead ordered what she wanted to order for the child.

"Alpha Reese told us how great of a warrior you are, Peter. What made you want to  be a warrior?" Erica questioned as Pomelia watched War's face morph into something almost scary like. She glanced at her mother and saw her smile sweetly.

Pomelia wasn't sure what was going on, but she wasn't too excited about it. It seemed to be an odd feeling in the air. "It just comes naturally," War spoke, ripping into a breadstick.

"S-so Erica, is that okay to call you?" Pomelia questioned as the woman nodded her head approvingly. "Do you like cooking? I adore it. I cook for the Alpha house and-"

"-Juan cooks," she said sharply. "What else do you do for your pack instead of being a domestic pack wife?" House wife? Pomelia didn't understand why she said it in a negative way? She could tell how War was growling that he didn't like it either.

War's seat screeched against the floor abruptly and everyone turned to him. "Excuse me...bathroom." Her mate quickly left the table and she watched him go, sensing his anger.

Pom was conflicted as she glanced between her mother and her angry mate. She chewed on her bottom lip as Erica began to talk about things she really didn't care about.

"Um excuse me also. I'll be right back. I have to help him." Pomelia didn't even have time to be embarrassed that she just told her mom  that she was helping her mate use the bathroom. Without waiting for approval she jumped up and rushed towards the men's bathroom. Before she could go in there she was snatched back, her body catapulting into the person who grabbed her.

She didn't even have to check, to know that it was War. She smelled his scent. A few humans gave them odd looks before she turned around to face him. "What's wrong?" She questioned as she gasped. She could hear a conversation. A very lewd conversation about her mate.

"That girl is so lucky."

"Right! Like she's cute but he needs a real woman. I bet his dick is the size of his forearm!"

War frowned as he stared down at her, no doubt tuning into the conversation that the humans were having behind him as they ogled him. "Pomelia don't worry about them," he said as she tried to focus her energy on him and her mother and Juan. She just really felt like scratching their eyes out so they couldn't stare at HER mate. What was wrong with human women?!

They seemed to have noticed her intense stare down and shut their mouths, focusing on something on their phones. "What's wrong, War?"

"Nothing," he said quickly. "I just have to go to the bathroom. Go sit back down," he told her as she frowned. She didn't believe him not one bit. He did sound rather convincing, but she knew him and his mannerisms.

She grabbed his warm hand, grasping it tightly. "She seems a bit cold but I think it's because she's nervous...are you sure you're okay?"

War planted a chaste kiss on her lips earned them a multitude of stares from the humans around them. "I'm fine. Go sit and eat."

Pomelia wanted to argue and make sure he was okay but he left her and went into the mens bathroom. She stood there for a few more seconds before ultimately listening to her mate and going back to her seat.

On her arrival back to her seat she could hear Juan arguing with her mother. "I need you to behave, Erica. Is that so hard to do? I know you don't like him, but she's your daughter," he snapped lowly as Pom felt her stomach turn into mush.

"Pom Pom!"

Pom smiled at Sofia's adorable greeting, and wondering if this would be the only time her mother,  Juan and her hung out. She already overheard the conversation...she knew Erica didnt like War.

"Good, your back. Juan was just talking about a recipe he adores. He wanted to share it with you." Pomelia knew they were lying, but she sat in her seat and listened.

The rest of the dinner went by in a whirlwind. War came back, they ate, they made talk about general topics and Pom realized that this was a family dinner. Something she probably would never have again...well not with her mother at least.

As the time passed and dessert was declined, it was time to pay for the check and go. They had spent enough time there but no one seemed to be moving. War and Juan were actually having a conversation about something dealing with cars, and Erica was helping Sofía finish up coloring her asparagus..

"Juan why don't you deal with the bill. Pomelia and I are going to go fetch the car. Have a little talk," her mother smiled warmly at her mate before glanced at Pomelia.

She smiled back. "Oh sure. War do you want to wait here?" He half heartedly agreed before the two of them shrugged on their jackets and made their way outside.

Erica was quiet as they walked and Pomelia was conflicted to say something or not.

It was a nice cool night. The wind was blowing whipping both of their loose curls all over the place. Her jacket gave her the perfect cozy warmth. Tonight had gone better than she expected...but she still had to address what happened at the dinner table before she sat back down.

Before she had a chance to bring it up, her mother began to hum. It was the song...the moon song she heard when she was little. A lot... Pom chewed on her bottom lip, as she tried to gather her emotions. She wanted to sing it with her, Pom knew her own voice was nice but she didn't want to interrupt.

"I like that song," Pomelia spoke softly as Erica glanced at her and smiled as if she had been guilty of something.

"Well I would hope you remembered it. I would sneak in at night at the temple sometimes and hold you...and sing it to you." Pomelia's eyes widened as they approached a dark blue SUV. That confession meant so much to her...and she spoke as if they were talking about the weather. "You can hop in the passengers side I'll drive us back to the door."

Pom did as she was told, hopping into the passengers side and seeing a lot of unicorn and cartoon stickers on the dashboard. "Sofía likes to decorate. A lot," Erica laughed a bit as Pom chewed on her bottom lip. Would she have been able to decorate like her half sister if she grew up with her mother?

"She can be a designer someday," Pom smiled as Erica snorted.

"She'll be working for the agency when she's older. This is just a little hobby of hers. She'll grow out of it." Pom hid her frown. That should be Sofia's decision when she was older, not her moms. Pom would be silent on that though, she didn't know Erica that well enough to suggest that and potentially offend her.

Erica turned the car on and some human music began to play, she quickly turned it down to almost 0. "Pomelia I brought you here to talk to you."

She did say girl talk earlier... "Okay."

"I know who your mate is, his name isn't Peter. It's Warren Apsel and he's the worst type of male," she revealed as she held Pomelia's gaze firmly.

She didn't know why but she felt tears prick her eyes. "I...I didn't mean to lie. I just didn't want you to judge him..or me."

Erica Grace exhaled through her nose loudly. "Pomelia you grew up in the temple. You must know he's not a good man. I know you don't live in Seneca pack. I know you live with those rogue degenerates. You deserve better, sweetie and he deserves absolutely nothing."

What could she say? "He's...his past is bad but he's a good man and he's working on himself. He's going to the temple and he's-"

"-Pomelia you're blinded by his pretty face and the mate bond. I know what that's like. I've dated multiple high powered men before meeting Juan and settling into my position. And his past? Honey we arrested him not even a month ago for murder."

Why was this happening? Why did she have to deal with this? She should have never agreed to walk to the car with her. "You need to get away from him and that pack. I thought I left you in good hands, but you're in the most absolutely worst hands I can even think up right now... Pomelia?"

She hadnt realized she was lowl growling. Erica was talking about how terrible her mate was, how awful he was. "You don't know him."

"No, honey you don't know him. I know his rap sheet and it's extensive. He murdered his parents. He stole, cheat, murdered, maimed," Erica spoke as Pomelia found herself crying.

She was crying, tears were rolling down her cheeks but she wasn't crying because she was upset, she was crying because of anger. "You don't get to tell me this. Maybe if you would have...maybe if you would have kept me I would have never met him but you g-gave me away."

It was Erica's turn to growl. "Do not start with the maybe or ifs. This is our reality, Pomelia. You can change the path of life you're on and I'm trying to help you. He marked you, yes. You didn't mark him. Certain temples can rid of bond marks. I can take you to one. I've never seen it happen but I know it's-"

"-No! Stop, please. I-I'm not leaving him. I love him," Pomelia sniffled, angry that the day has turned out like this. She couldn't stay here. She couldn't sit here and listen to her mother whom she barely knew talk about War as if he was a god awful person. Like he wasn't a sweet, caring, and gentle male.

"I'm so sorry but I don't feel comfortable anymore. I have to go." Her shaky hand placed on the handle, she pulled. Nothing happened. "The door isn't opening."

"I'm aware. We're not done with our conversation yet."

Thoughts on Erica Grace?🧐
Double update, swipe up!

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