An Empire for two | Nightmare...

By Vellichordemon

34.4K 1.2K 2.2K

(Y/N) was orphaned at such a young age that she had no recollections of what it would of been like to have pa... More



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By Vellichordemon

»»————-« ⋅ʚ🧡ɞ⋅ »————-««
(Y/N)s POV

(Y/N) was orphaned at such a young age that she had no recollections of what it would of been like to have parents.

Perhaps that was a mercy. If she had remembered the hugs, the warmth of being cared for, being scooped off her feet the minute her lower lip trembled, then she wouldn't have lasted a week on the streets.

Only tough guys survived these days. Even if it meant swooping to desperate measures. But it had worked for her. Through criminal activity she had worked her way up from sleeping in the gutter outside filthy alleyways to a semi-comfortable life at an orphanage. She got good food now, a bed and respect. But in exchange, she had become someone her parents would have been terrified of.

"(Y/N)!" A familiar voice called from afar, snapping you out of your thoughts. Waiting at the foot of the orphanage was a petite young girl; she was dressed in a worn-down baby blue dress and flimsy black slippers. Her skin was a beautiful shade of brown with patches of cream along her matted fur, and it glimmered in the sun as she scrambled to her feet at the sight of you.

A bright pink bow that you got for her birthday was entwined in her messy blonde hair. You thought it would compliment her eyes when you first saw it, so you happily stole it off a snobby upperclass woman that was walking by. She was ecstatic when you first gave it to her. She treated the bow like a relic, always making sure it was clean and tidy, and never letting anyone but you touch it. You would give the world to protect that innocent smile of hers. And so far, that innocent smile you grew to love was plastered across her face as she ran into your arms. "Welcome back big sis!"

You gladly accepted the hug, letting out a small 'oof' as she crashed into you. A chuckle escaped you as you ruffled her hair playfully, making sure to mind her small deer-like horns "Lilith! What are you doing up so early?" It was nearly 9am, the sun was out and the streets were busy. Any normal person would be up and ready by now, however for such lazy person like Lilith, this was new.

"I..." She buried her face in the hem of your dirty shirt, trying her best to hide the worry that was brewing within her. Slowly, that wide grin dissolved into nothingness. "I noticed that you weren't in bed...and I got scared"


A pinch of guilt hit you. It seems like you weren't quiet enough when sneaking out to get some food. The orphanage did provide breakfast, but times were becoming hard here in the kingdom. Poorer parts of the land were going through another famine. Prices for food was rising because of the demanding market, and toast could only do so much to fuel a wild all-over-the-place adult such as yourself.

You sighed in defeat, rocking on your heels as you softly calmed the girl. "I'm sorry for not telling you, Lilith." A warm smile washed over you. You had to try and make up for this, and you knew just how to "I thought I could surprise you with..." You slowly reached into your trouser pocket, capturing the young girls attention before pulling out a shiny, red apple "This!"

A large gasp escaped the little girl. Like love at first sight, Liliths hands reached out for the glossy apple, her mouth watering at the mere sight of proper food.

" that for..." She gulped "Me?" Lilith pointed at herself, making double sure that she wasn't hearing things. Apples (in-season ones especially) were almost unheard of around these parts. So it was no surprise she was so wary.

"Yup! You've been good this week, and if you keep working hard..." You gestured for her to lean in, and once she was close enough, you whispered in her ear. "I'll get you a new dress"

"A NEW DRESS?!" Lilith burst out with joy, her heart set aflutter at the mere thought of getting into something other than her dirty, sewn-together clothes. You placed the apple in her hands with a polite nod "Mhm, but you need to make sure you don't get into any trouble. I can't hear anything from Mama Julie for a week"

You looked at her with a semi-serious glare. Lilith was known to be quite the troublemaker, which was the main reason you befriended her in the first place. The various pranks and stunts she'd pull around the orphanage reminded you of yourself when you were her age. So, you decided to take her under your wing and become a mother-figure of sorts. You taught her the best morals you knew and gave her an easy way out of poverty.

The last thing you wanted was for her to turn out a criminal like you- a person who was always on the run and dabbling in the worst parts of the world. It was the life you chose, but if you had an option out, by god would you take it. And so, you got to your feet and watched as the girl began devouring the apple.

You could go another day without breakfast.

»»————- ♔ ————-««

"I understand Mama, I'm sorry."

It was the evening and you were resting on one of the many cheap couches in the living-room of the orphanage. Because of your job, you had developed a rather nocturnal sleep schedule. This resulted in you taking many naps throughout the day to prepare for a round of night-crime. But it was because of this, Mama Julie, the caretaker, was waiting impatiently at your feet.

"All you do is sleep, then return back home at the break of dawn doing god knows what!" The old lady folded her arms, her dull grey eyes seething with suspicion. "You may pay your stay here, but I don't want any funny business. I raised you better than that!"

It was a rarity, your position. After wandering the streets all your prepubescent life, you were finally accepted into the loving arms of Mama Julie, an ex-nurse of the Moon army. Julie was a bunny-like monster with a mother's natural touch. Her soft cream skin was padded with scars, and she was almost never out of stories for them. She had earned your respect long ago, not only for her bravery, but also for her want to still do good, even after she lost so many comrades.

That was why you found it so hard to lie to her whenever you snuck out. For Julie to find out that her child was one of the biggest crime lords in the kingdom would not only shatter her fragile but-somehow-strict heart, but also put the orphanages morals to shame. So what made you different? What caused you to still take the path of crime despite encouragement otherwise? Well, it was because you were 'saved' too late.

At the mere age of 10, you already had a debt to pay to the streets, leaving you with a bounty over your head from the day you left. That debt only followed you, and as you grew so did it too. Yes, you payed off some of your debt as an adult, but it was at the cost of making a lot of enemies.

You rubbed away the sleepiness from your eyes and sat up from the couch, ready to recite the alibi you've been practicing for weeks "I'm sorry for worrying you...I've been doing some jobs here and there"

You fidgeted with your plain tank top nervously. If there was one thing you learnt on the streets, it was how to lie flawlessly "I'm nearly twenty two, so I'm trying to save up enough money to buy my own place instead of renting all the time"

Suddenly, all the suspicion magically washed away from the old monsters face. Her long rabbit ears were no longer droopy, but perked up with interest "Moving out?"

You nodded "Yeah, I wanted to save this for when I was one hundred percent sure, but I might as well tell you now"

A look of guilt pulled at your lips, forming the perfect fake frown "I feel like starting a family might be good for me"

Lies, you'd never bring a child into this shitty world

"Times are rough nowadays, so the only jobs I can take are night shifts at dodgy bars" You decided to top it off with a shy bow of the head "I'm truly sorry for not telling you this sooner"

Mama Julie stood there in shock for a moment, processing the news. You wanted to move out and start a family? It sounded like a mother's dream- something too good to be true. And it was, but she didn't need to know that. All she needed to know was that you were simply 'spreading your wings' and that your abnormal behaviour was justified.

A warm smile crept into Julies expression "You silly girl! And here I thought you were up to no good!" She laughed at herself, folding the fabric she was previously using to dust with. "To think my golden child would turn to crime-" She shook her head "Oh how absurd it sounds now!" absurd. You decided to laugh it off with her, already used to the various lies that spewed out of your mouth.

Why should one lie be any different from the others you fed her? You got caught with a large sum of money in your savings? Got a pay raise. You're returning home with new cuts and bruises? Got in a fight with a thief. You're coming home late almost every day? You're taking night shifts to 'start a new life'. It was a cycle, and you couldn't help but feel like you were in a room filled with idiots.

No one questioned your well-constructed lies. Who was there to question? Julie was the only adult in the orphanage besides for you. Everyone else was below the age of sixteen and too busy playing outside to care about why you were either not here, or sleeping all over the place.

"Alright, I'm going to go to my room now. Dixen is probably waiting for me to get back" You got up from the couch and let out a large, hefty yawn, baring your sharp fangs without any shame. Did you mention that you weren't entirely human?

Julie gave you a warm smile "Okay darling, if you're hungry, there's leftovers in the kitchen." By leftovers, you knew she meant the remains of watery chicken soup. But hey, who doesn't like soup for the fourth time this week?

"Goodnight Julie"

A kind expression eloped Julies face when watching you leave. She was definitely proud, reminiscing on your 'future children'. "Goodnight (Y/N)"

You made your way past the living room and towards the staircase. The dark brick walls that made the orphanage were nothing more than an aesthetic that hid the warm aroma of the place. Not a speck of dust lingered in the air, and a smell of fresh lavender wavered from the various plants situated in the darkest corners of the room. It wasn't the most ideal living situation, but it was certainly good considering the price of the rent.

Beats sleeping in a cardboard box.

The second floor was were everyone's rooms were situated. Children ran back and forth along the corridor with a pal hot on their heels, simply goofing around with what they had...maintaining their innocence. It was a loud and obnoxious environment, but you had grown used to sleeping through it.

"Hey (Y/N)! Did you get scolded by Mama again?" A little boy who was around fifteen jeered at you from across the corridor, laughing along with his friends as they made "oooohh"s at your dismay. Lucky for that squirt, you weren't actually in trouble this time. "Sorry to burst your bubble Billy, but I didn't get in trouble"

Billy was a rather rumbustious kid. You could say he was the 'leader of the teenagers'- which basically meant that he happily enjoyed sticking his nose in places where it didn't belong. He fired back cockily "So you made another smooth lie? Nice." You could practically feel the shit-eating grin curling up his lips, leading for you to pause, seconds away from opening the door to your room.

Looks like last time didn't teach him how to respect his superiors. "Why don't you mind your own business for once and go play dollhouse with Stacy, pipsqueak? I heard she wanted someone to play as the dog. You'd fit that role well with the amount of 'bark but no bite' you do"

Suddenly another wave of "ooooh"s erupted across the room, but this time they were in your favour. Billy's 'loyal' friends couldn't help but turn on him at your...'diss'. It was simple kid stuff, you had dished out far better insults to get hyped up by mere child's play. So you left without another word, leaving Billy embarrassed as you slammed the door behind you. Not today kiddo.

With the door shut behind you, you let out a long, exasperated sigh. Your muscles finally relaxed and you turned into mellow. You were finally in your room. Granted, a room that you shared, but it was privacy enough.

Your roommate was a young girl of the name Dixen, she was what you'd call a casual friend. You were never the type to throw around terms such as "friend" lightly- especially if you meant it. But Dixen was the second oldest in the orphanage (you being the first, beside Julie) and by far, the most relaxed. She was the type of girl to mind her business and take it easy, a friend to all but a companion to none.

Dixen spent majority of her time cocooned away in the confinement of her bed, sleeping day and night with little breaks in-between. It was a concerning lifestyle choice, however it wasn't that surprising. Dixen was clinically depressed, suffering from the loss of her parents with only a couple of months to grieve. And so, she spent those months huddled in her side of the room, as silent as she could be.

You wish you could say you felt bad, but how could you? Death and loss was such a big part of your life that you merely saw it as a passing phase. But despite that, you sure as hell gave amazing advice. And that's what started your friendship in the first place, simple advice.

And because of that, you were able to carry out your double life far easier. You didn't have to worry about Dixen snooping around your side of the room because she simply didn't care. You didn't have to worry about acting suspicious around her because she was asleep half of the time. And so, all of the goods you've saved from stealing go safely hidden in a loose floorboard under your bed. Even your equipment and gear went unnoticed at the very back of your wardrobe.

Dixen simply minded her own business, which was why you freely made your way to your side of the room, positive that she was already asleep. The only way someone could access your treasures was to figure out which floorboard was the right one.

Sliding a hand over the bottom last floorboard, your fingers dipped into the wooden tile to reveal your secret stash hole. Inside were jars filled with coins and treasures, all that you've been saving up from your wild expeditions. You had enough money to buy a house, but unfortunately it was all going to be used to pay off one of your many debts. Hush-money as you could put it.

In the very corner of the stash was a rolled up sheet of paper. You gingerly picked up the material and slid the wooden tiling back in place.

It was time for your next greatest heist.

»»————-« ⋅ʚ♔ɞ⋅ »————-««
Thank you for reading!

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