


   Joey slowly walks to the other side of the couch and sits down at the table an awkward silence begins.



We all remain silent.

Monica:Tea gives Phoebe the trots.

-March 1st 2002-

   At Monica and Zakery's Me,Monica and Phoebe are preparing for Rachel’s baby shower a she enters the apartment.





Rachel:So what’s the final head count on my baby shower?.

Elizabeth:About twenty a couple people from work who had something else to do.

Monica:Also both of your sisters called and neither can make it.

Rachel:What?!.You mean they’re not coming to a social event where there’s no men and there’s no booze?!.That’s shocking.I don’t care as long as my mom’s here.

Monica:Oh my God your mother.

Rachel:What?!.My mom’s not gonna be here?!.

Monica:Well given that we forgot to invite her it would be an awfully big coincidence if she was.

Rachel:My God.

Monica:Well it wasn’t my fault Phoebe was in charge of the invitations.

Phoebe:Well I don’t,I don’t have a mother so often I forget that other people…

Monica:Oh give it a rest.

Rachel:So my mother is not coming to my baby shower?!.

Phoebe:No...Neither is mine.

   I look at Phoebe sadly and i place my hand on her shoulder to comfort her knowing how she feels.

Monica:Okay y’know what?.Don’t worry, okay?.We’ll take care of it.We’ll call her. Just go home and get ready.

Rachel:Please make sure she comes.It’s really important to me I mean it’s my mom.

Phoebe:I know.I know what’s her number?.

Rachel:I don’t know.

Monica:Go.I have it in my book.Go.

Rachel leaves and Monica calls Sandra.

Monica:"To Phoebe".Wait a minute.If you’re in charge of the invitations why am I the one who has to call her."Into Phone".Hello Mrs.Green.Hi it’s Monica Geller...Hi um I know this is last minute but we’ve decided to throw an impromptu baby shower for Rachel today...Yeah I’m sorry.I’m,I’m so sorry."To Phoebe".Oh my God, my ass is sweating."Into phone".Please,Please.Can you come?.It’s today at four.

Elizabeth:Uh Monica.

Monica:"Into Phone".Thank you."Hangs up".

Phoebe:Isn’t it at three?.

Elizabeth:Tried to tell her.

Monica:Son of a bitch."Calls Sandra again".

*Time Lapse*

   Later on we are celebrating Rachel’s baby shower and Me,Monica and Phoebe are working in the kitchen.

Phoebe:Oh I told the stripper to be here at five.That’s good right?.

Elizabeth:PB your my sister and I love you but you ordered a stripper for the shower?!.That is totally inappropriate!.

Phoebe:What?.He’s gonna be dressed as a baby.

   I cross my arms looking at Phoebe scoldingly as Mrs.Green enters.

Elizabeth:Oh hi Mrs.Green.


Phoebe:I’m so glad you could make it.

Monica:Yes thank you so much.And again we’re so sorry.We could not feel worse about it.

Sandra:Try.There’s my little girl."Goes to Rachel".

Monica:She’s still mad.

Phoebe:Yeah I know.Isn’t it great?.One less person we have to make small talk with.

Monica:Phoebe,Sandra’s mad at you too. It,it doesn’t bother you?.

Phoebe:No look we’ve apologized twice.I can’t do anymore than that.I know you hate it when people are mad at you but you just have to be okay with it.

Monica:Okay.I can do that...I gotta go powder my ass.

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