Chapter 15, Nino Lahiffe/Adrien Agreste

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Carapace sailed through the air. He didn't know how far Anansi's punch had and would send him. His bracelet was beeping, indicating that Wayzz was losing energy. He spied the ground coming up.

"Shell-ter!" He yelled, protecting himself as he slammed into the Arc de Triomphe. The structure shook and began to fall, but luckily his shield held. Carapace soon blacked out.

Cat Noir and Athena scoured the city, searching for Carapace. They soon came across the ruins of the Arc de Triomphe and the fading glow of Carapace's Shell-ter. When they reached the spot, they found Carapace out cold. As the two of them watched, a green light emitted from his bracelet and Wayzz flew out. Carapace was returned to his civilian form.

Cat Noir gasped, as did Athena, though hers was much quieter. "Nino?" He asked.

Nino awoke to the sound of his name.

"Nino, wake up!" Someone said. It sounded like Adrien.

"Nino?" Another voice asked, this one more feminine.

He opened his eyes to see Cat Noir and Athena standing over him.

Cat Noir breathed a sigh of relief. "So you're Carapace, huh?"
He paled. "Uh, I don't know what you're talking about, dude. I'm just me." He tried to feign innocence as he hid his bracelet.

"We saw you detransform." Athena said. Her blue eyes were sympathetic, as if she'd experienced someone seeing her detransform as well.

"Wait, how did you two know my name?"

This time it was Cat Noir and Athena's turn to pale.


Nino's mind began to race. Cat Noir had sounded like Adrien, and he knew his name... "Adrien?" He asked.

Cat Noir's eyes widened.

"Is the cat out of the bag?" Athena teased.

Cat Noir ignored her. "How did you know?" He asked Nino.

"You talk the same way, and you know my name." He said.

"Promise me you will never, ever, breathe a word about this to anyone." Cat Noir said.

"Don't worry, dude. I can keep secrets, just like I keep Marinette's."

"What about Marinette?" Cat Noir was confused. What secret could his very good friend have?

"Oh, just that she has a major crush on you..." He trailed off, obviously realizing he had just blabbed a secret.

Athena cracked up. "Bwahahahaha! You didn't know a girl had a serious crush on you? That is so priceless!"

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