Done and done

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Asami and Korra weren't together for a long time, two months to be exact. But it has been an incredible relationship nevertheless. Korra loved Asami dearly, and Asami felt the same way. Korra's parents definitely approved, and Asami started feeling more comfortable around them, and so has Korra.

Hiroshi was mostly out of the picture. They got Asami a new Varr-Li phone so that he wouldn't be able to track her, and a new number too. Besides, after he was arrested for assault, Asami had gotten a restraining order, so even if he did get close, she could call the police without having to place a complaint about domestic abuse.

And Asami was doing better. She was more confident, more open and more happy. Obviously she still needed to heal, but being away from her dad was doing her good. Just last week she agreed to start therapy, and she's started working out with Korra too. Not to mention, going to self defense classes with Jinora. She seemed more comfortable with her body now, and with other people like Korra, Korra's family and their friends, and Korra couldn't be more proud of her.

In fact, Asami was feeling confident enough in herself to apply for a scholarship last second, and just a few days ago she had gotten a positive answer. Asami was going to study social work, and Korra was so excited and happy for her.

So, this called for a celebration, right? 

So Korra planned a party, kicking her parents out of the house once again (it was happening a lot these days) and inviting all of their friends, even the ones that she completely forgot about like Jinora's boyfriend Kai and Mako's boyfriend Wu. Then she bought some alcohol and snacks, and also coke because her girlfriend doesn't drink and she apparently likes coke because 'it goes well with pizza' or something. Oh yeah, and she ordered pizza. A lot of pizza.

Korra invited Asami early since she wanted to spend time with her alone. Her parents were still home, currently locking every room in the house (including hers by the way, they insisted for some reason), saying that they don't want drunk people to wander around too much. But she only invited a few people... it wasn't an actual party, they were just being paranoid. 

Since her room was locked she needed to get ready earlier, and ready she was–  black booty shorts, a practically nonexistent blue crop top with heavy cleavage and no sleeves, honestly it resembled more of a bra rather than a shirt. Also, she wore heels. Yeah, she bought heels, just to see the look on Asami's face when she realizes Korra is taller. 

Yep, Korra was definitely getting laid tonight.

Someone, presumably Asami, knocked on the door, and Korra grinned wildly. Practically jumping to her feet and opening the door, tackling Asami with a tight hug.

"Missed you," she murmured into Asami's shoulder, "missed you so much."

"Korra..." Asami softly chuckled, "I just saw you earlier today."

"And then you had to go," complained Korra.

"Alright, alright, I missed you too." Asami laughed. "Now pull away, I want a kiss."

Korra didn't need to be told twice, she pulled back immediately, delighted as Asami quickly pecked her on the lips. Unfortunately, it was just that– a quick kiss on the lips, nothing more. But she quickly realized that the reason for that was that both her parents were now in the living room, grinning.

"Great, the responsible adult is here," her dad laughed, stepping forward and placing his hand on Korra's shoulder, who blushed furiously, "now we can finally go."

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