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"There's a lot of things you didn't know about Thompson. Like he used to be mr popular at his old school. I guess you can say he wanted to change." Said Rebecca. She stared a little at me. But her mood never changed a bit. " And why are you telling me this?" I said

"Well I gotta go and check out what Luke is doing with the printer. it was nice talking to you." Said Rebecca. She got up from her seat and waved goodbye. I got up from my table and walked.

The hallway was crowded with people. Some laughing and some talking. We are basically all the same. Maybe in our own hearts. But maybe in others.

I bumped into Thompson. He falls to the ground and gets back up. His face looks a little bit angry but at the same time upset.

"Oh I'm sorry, Thompson. I didn't see you." I said. He patted down his sleeves and fixed himself up. " Well, next time please watch where you are going." Said Thompson

"Oh yeah I won't and don't try to be so rude." I said. He rolled his eyes. "Ok, than I won't." He said

"Right, and you expect me to be a disappointment to this job. I'll try my best." I said. He laughed a little " I never even said anything about the job. Your way ahead of yourself." Said Thompson

"I can imagine about that. I'm glad we can imagine wonderful things. And by that I mean I'm being sarcastic." I said. he laughed again and nodded" I don't think you know what sarcastic is." Said Thompson

"Ok, well this conversation is over." I said. I walked away from Thompson. " I think your just being a fool of yourself." Said Thompson

Ok, I know I sound so clue less. But Thompson sounds like a jerk. Not everyone can be dealing with people like this.

Every single day your living your lives with school. I know school helps you prepare in life. But it can also prepare you for society and whatever life takes you.

It not always about the latest trends or omg look at her purse. I mean I thought school was about friends. I can never make any. Some times it's all about fashion and what's in.I mean not everyone is so perfect in their way. That's what Rachel thinks In her own mind.

I mean Rachel is another story. I'm here to tell you my story. Not anyone's! But mine. I can go on about society. Society just stinks. How to deal with it? Just ignore it or just walk away I'll try my best.

But every story leads into something good and bad. I just hope I don't deal with everything.

I walk to class and sat down in my seat waiting for the teacher to come. Some classmates arrived. The teacher comes in and assigns us with lab partners. This should be interesting

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