Ch. 2 "Practice"

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                                                                    Hayden POV 

When I got home right before the sun came up, let's just say my parents were not happy, so now I'm at school with a cut lip and a bruised cheek, 

Well that's the injuries you could see, I thought 

I was currently in the library at school , I'm on the computer hacking into HYDRA, they seem to be getting more gutsy lately and I want to know why, I thought 

I hacked past their three firewalls in a snap, and all the data started coming up on the screen, if I'm reading this right they are trying to make a weapon, that has all the avengers powers, 

They are calling it weapon Avenger, 

If that's not a ironic name, I put all on this on a flash drive then cleared the computers hard drive so no one could trace it back here, 

I walked out of school, I station myself across the street from Avenger's tower, I have binoculars, I see Hawk Eye, Tony and Widow in the room, I tied the Flash drive to the arrow and wrote a little note on it, 

I pulled the arrow back as far as I could, then it soared through the air, and embedded itself in the counter right next to Tony's hand, I smirked and with that I ran off

                                              Clint POV 

"How the hell are we going to find this guy?" Tony said taking a sip of his drink, 

"Hell if I know," Nat said 

"Tell me about it the guy is hard to track down," I said 

Next thing we know is something crashes through the window, and a arrow lands right next to Tony's hand 

"What the hell?" I said getting up we all looked at it, 

It had a flash drive on it and a note 

"Avengers you better stop this and fast" Bullseye, 

"Okay now they are just toying," Nat said 

"Let's see what's on the drive shall we," Tony said 

He put it in a computer 

"Weapon Avenger?" I said 

"It looks like HYDRA is trying to put everyone's abilities in one subject," I said shocked 

"Whoever this is just gave us a lead," Tony said 

                                     Hayden POV 

I made my way to the woods, where I have a secret place where I have a bunch of bullseyes set up, where I can practice,

Ever since I could remember I was good with a bow, and it keeps my anger from getting any worse, 

It always seems like the world is against me, and that is why I don't have friends at school because I just give anyone a angry look who even tries to talk to me, I thought as I pulled back the arrow and it landed in the middle of the bullseye, 

And that is how my life is and always will be messy, another bullseye, 

Unloved, bullseye, 

Unwanted, Bullseye, 

Unimportant, Bullseye, 

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