04- ~ 𝕾𝖎𝖉 ~

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"Again? Your dad got arrested again?"

That night I ended up walking back to the flat with Miguel, and to my surprise, I actually didn't mind. Sure, all he could talk about was how awesome it was that both me and my dad took out Kyler and his goons but it was nice to have someone to talk to.

I let out a sigh while shaking my head a bit. The TV played in front of me, as I sat on the couch patiently waiting for my grandfather to get here. "Yes, he did. And it's all because of stupid Kyler." I practically growled as the name came off my lips, venom lacing each syllable. I was beyond pissed that he was the reason my dad got arrested.

Eli let out a huff in annoyance from the other end of the phone "Why can't he ever just leave us alone?" I could hear the rapid tapping of a pencil as Eli started getting aggravated. I let out a light hearted chuckle, trying to change the mood of the conversation as I responded with "Because your a nerd and I'm a freak." I let out a sigh while rubbing a hand down the side of my face, the other held my phone close to my ear.

"I swear he follows me everywhere. First school, then the arcade, now the mini Mart I work at? Is he fuckin' stupid?"

Eli's chuckle could be heard from the other end of the phone "Have you seen the way he is in class? A damn sloth would be smarter than him" I let out a laugh as I shook my head and bit my lip, fighting off a smile that made its way onto my face.

"Your not wrong there"

Was my response, as he let out a chuckle, that I've grown to love, the tapping of his pencil grew softer and less vigorous. It was silent for a few minutes, not and awkward silence or an angry one, but a comfortable silence.

I started actually watching the TV, as Eli worked on his summer home work. Just the knowing feeling that Eli was there on the other end of the phone was as good as any conversation to me.

Suddenly a knock came from the door, as my head shot over to it. The gruff scraggly voice of my grandfather could be heard as he yelled "I got it! I got it!" To (who I assumed was) his nurse, I chuckled a bit as I can picture him batting her hands away so he can do things on his own.

"What was that?"

Eli must've heard the banging from the door, I shook my head a bit, as if he could see me, before getting up and responding with "It's just my grandpa, look Eli, I gotta go. I'll text you okay?" I heard a small sigh on the other end before his voice could be heard.

"Yeah, alright. I'll talk to you later."

"Will do."

With that we said our goodbyes as I walked over to the door, quickly hanging up the phone and put it in my back pocket. Once I unlocked and pulled open the door, I was met with the sounds of my grandfather arguing with his nurse.

They stopped abruptly, their heads shooting over to look at me. A giant smile appeared on my grandfathers face as a small exasperated smile sat in his nurses lips. "(Y/n)!" I was suddenly brought down, getting engulfed in a hug "How's my favorite granddaughter?" I let out a light chuckle before breaking the hug.

"I'm your only granddaughter"

Shaking his head a bit waving a hand off to the side. I stepped aside, opening the door wider for the two of them to come inside as my grandfather responded with "yes, but if I had another, you'd be my favorite." I smiled, letting out an airy chuckle.

My grandfather and his nurse, stepped inside as I said "I'm only your favorite because the other three are a mess" my grandfather started to make his way to the couch, letting out a loud hearty laugh in the process.

𝖂𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖍 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕱𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙Where stories live. Discover now