Log Cabin Part 1

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A/N: best man holiday but for the BAU (shout out to you if you've seen that movie.)

Rossi's POV

it was almost Christmas break me and the rest of the team sat in the conference room

"Let's all go on vacation together" I suggested

"That's against protocol" Hotch told me

"I don't care about protocol Aaron, we all deserve a vacation." I explained

"What's your plan?" Emily interjected

"I say we tell Strauss to kiss our ass and us plus the kids come to our log cabin in Colorado" Derek spoke for me

"You guys have a log cabin?" Reid asked shoving Lo Mein in his mouth

"Yeah it was built right before we got married" I said as my fingertips danced across the inside of Derek's hand.

"Wow that is goals" JJ smiled as she leaned on Emily's shoulder.

"Wait let me get Garcia" Aaron stood and left.

"6 bedrooms, 4 and half bath, beautiful structure balcony for days huge kitchen, living room and den plus a game room/ Theater" Derek bragged

"Oh I know it's beautiful." JJ sounded like she was in love

"Its in between these 2 forests and its beautiful especially this time of year," I explained

"we're back' Hotch pulled out a chair from under the table for her.

"yeah the grand master bedroom is obviously ours. JJ and Emily one room, Hotch and Baby-girl in another, Pretty boy you bringing somebody?" Derek laid out the plan

"Yeah what about that girl you were telling us about a while back" I remembered the conversation

"Her name is Camila" He blushed

"Oh shoot this is serious" JJ sat up and really tuned in

"How long have you been dating?" Garcia asked excited

"2 years" he sipped his drink

"without telling me man" Derek was hurt

"2 years! she must be something special" Emily was astonished

"She is" he smiled softly and I raised an eyebrow I need to meet this Camila

"What does she do" Aaron asked

"She's and Engineering Professor at MIT she has a doctorate in Engineering" He explained

"Wow she is intelligent, that takes real brains" I was impressed

"Let me see a picture" Derek Demanded

"When do you see her?" Emily asked

"When I get the chance I go up to Boston and during the summer break she comes down here" he continued to make a dent in his carton of noodles.

"Here" he handed to phone to Morgan

"Damn!" He immediately said

"Wow, how'd you get that" I looked over at the phone.

"Lemme see" the girls squealed And I handed them to phone

"Gotdamn Reid" Emily said swiping through the picture 

"Go head now my man" Derek congratulated his bestfriend

"Shut up, can you guys not ogle at my girlfriend and her assets" he growled snatching his phone back

"She's pretty, where is she from?" Derek asked

"El Salvador"

"Oh she foreign" Garcia cooed

"So she's coming and just because you are my bestfriend I'll give you and Camila the one with the bathroom" Derek smiled

"How humble of you" Reid rolled his eyes

"Alright, we meet at our house next week and out to paradise" I closed out the conversation seeing what time it was

"10 am" Aaron gave out the time

"The bau can kiss our ass" Emily laughed And everyone followed.

A/N: this is the start of massive chaos I've already started pre- writing  planned out so please bare with me and my chaotic mind 😭😩

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