Chapter 9

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Third person's POV

The next morning gulf woke up late because of the previous nights activity and already found turbo and saint in the kitchen,but mild was not yet down.

"Good morning alpha wife "said saint sarcastically

"Good morning tiny omega"said gulf with the same sarcasm

"Ohh come on your fighting this early I'm the morning 😒"said turbo

"I think you read to many fan fictions "said saint

"As if you don't 😏" said gulf with a smerk

"What ever 🙄"said saint rolling his eyes

"GOOD MORNING MA FELLOW BITCHES 😝😝"shouted mild grabbing everyones attention

"what the hell is wrong with you??? why are you screaming " said turbo with an annoyed face

"check it 😎"said mild as he showed them his ring finger




they all gasped

"wow congrats mild" said gulf

"yeah I'm happy for you " said saint

"no fair I'm supposed to get married before you "whined turbo

"stop being childish" said gulf

"yeah I thought your supposed to be the mature one "said mild

"don't you dare gang up on me"said turbo

"yeah leave my baby alone "said saint while patting turbos head

gulf and mild just chuckled and continued with there work

        *time skip*

A few days past and the boys were busy planing the weddings both couples wanted to get married as soon as possible,so they decided to do a double weeding for the two just like what happened to saint and gulf they also had a double weeding.

"OK venue"


"Guest list "






"Venue for the reception"


"Food and such "


"Honey moon"


"We'll handle that it will be a surprise on our part " said gulf

"Are you sure about that " said koaw

"Yes we are "said saint

"What if we don't like it ?"asked turbo

"Then suck it up "said zee

"So mean " mumbled mild

"I heard that "said saint

"OK OK OK stop the argument as alpha wife ,you two" said the alpha wife pointing at turbo and mild  "we have to go for the last fitting and double check everything ,saint your coming with us "comanded the alpha wife

"And you" pointing at mew "as my alpha husband handle the rest while were not around and the three of you better help ,can't let my hubby do everything,are we clear  " the tops nodded

"AND DON'T DISSAPOINT ME " said the alpha wife in dangerous voice making the tops gulp and hard and left the house to go to the boutique.

"Man your wife be scary " said boat and koaw nodded

" yeah how do you manage him? "asked zee

"I don't know guys "said mew

"We are lucky we don't get to see that part of him  everyday "mew added

"Let's get to work before he skins us alive " said mew and zee and kaow

"Why are you afraid?"asked boat

"You don't wanna know ?" Said the three in unison

*mean while*

The bottoms are at the boutique and the two were doing the last fitting.

"I can't believe I'm going to get married to the love of my life🥺🥺" said mild getting teary

"Me two 🥺🥺" said turbo also getting teary

"You two look so handsome"said the alpha

"Thank you alpha wife "said mild

"Yes extra handsome "said saint

"Thanks "said mild and turbo in unison

"OK let me get the suits packed so that we can go home "said the alpha wife

The boys nodded and took off the suits to get them packed

Back to the house gulf found everything the way he wanted to find it.

After dinner all the couples went to there room to get some rest ,today was tiring day and they only have one week to go before the wedding day

(MEWGULF) NO ONE WOULD EVER EXPECT(On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now