The Good Word of Skaro

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Learn to become one with nature as you learn the necessary steps in order to become a true Skaro member. Meditation and Mulder is our motto. Only The X-Files is the TV show you're allowed to watch while meditating. To become an elite level 19 member of Skaro, you must watch all 217 episodes of the beloved Chris Carter series, The X-Files. Criminal minds is another show that the cult of Skaro enjoys, but remember, meditation and Mulder is key.

After completing The X-Files, and meditating for 100 hours or more, you can become the Leader of the cult of Skaro, there is no leader yet, this is foreseen, in the cult of Skaro. Your lifespan only goes to 4/20/2069, this is foretold in the ancient texts of Skaro. After an X-Files marathon and a fasting session, we shall drink the liquid Kool-Aid to become one with Mulder, to become one with Scully, to become one with Dr. Spencer Reid, and join the higher terrestrials in the stars.

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