Chapter 14 - Overprotective

Start from the beginning

"You don't get to decide about my life!" Tilly follows; screaming.

"I can, and I will! If I ever see him near you again-"

"You'll what?" Harry looks dumbfounded. "That's what I thought," Tilly mumbled walking passed, Harry. Harry goes to hit Tilly, but she blocks his hand in hers. Tilly is quite a forceful person; when she has to be. Harry suddenly feels faint and lightheaded; no one had any idea, but it is from Tilly, drawing the life out of Harry.

Tilly bolts out the door and runs through the halls to the great hall; where lunch is being served. Harry is close behind, and then the others tailing him.

"James, I'm not doing this again," Tilly calls out, slowing down as she enters the Great Hall. Harry completely forgets about the other students and teachers in the hall and yells to Tilly.

"Do you think a pure-bloods like Malfoy and his family will ever truly love you; a Half-Blood." Harry roars. "A muggle-born was your Mother." Harry states; gasps are heard all around. "Odd you haven't told the people closest to you; anything." Tilly stares blankly; her eyes wide in bewilderment, tips of her ears turning a bright red; in anger.

Draco makes his way over slowly to where the two were now only inches apart. As Draco is a few meters away, Tilly's hand connects with Harry face and a slap rings through the room. Draco knows the pain Harry is in and sees his next moves before anyone. Throwing himself in between Harry and Tilly, he feels a stinging pain on his cheek. Harry locks eyes with Malfoy; who just took the slap he had intended for Tilly. "Malfoy." Harry spits, looking up at Draco.

"Potter." Draco spits, positioning his arms to hold Tilly behind him. Snape is having to be held down by many staff; while this is all happening. "Till, it's time to go." Draco takes Tilly's hand before anyone can object; walking to Tilly dorm room.

Once Tilly and Draco are out of the room, Snape brakes out; he dashes down to Harry. Snape locks eyes with Harry, and he can tell the boy regrets what he said. That doesn't change that he said something nor that he shouldn't have said it.

"Potter, detention two weeks." Snape runs out of the room. It seems as if he's gliding above the ground due to his clock. Severus makes it to the Slytherin Common Room and makes his way upstairs.

Draco sends Tilly to get into more comfortable clothes as he lies down on her bed. Coming out of the bathroom, Tilly sees Draco is resting on her bed, making her way to him sitting on the edge of the bed watching Draco. "Lass, come here." Tilly crawled onto the bed and into Draco's arms. "I don't care about your blood. You're the only person I truly have." Draco snuggles his head into Tilly hair and neck.

"I should have told you; at least," Tilly whispers and lowers her head. Draco lifts Tilly face to his. The two facing each other, only air separates them.

"You're allowed to have secrets," Draco spoke then his voice goes hoarse and in a low whisper. "To me, you will always be Matilda Lillian Snape. No matter your parents. I will always love you." Draco's eyes glance down at Tilly's lips then back to her eyes. Tilly sighs; knowing she hasn't lost Draco.

"Thank you. I love you. You're the greatest best friend." Tilly turns back around and lies down as does Draco and the two-fall asleep. Snape opens the door and sees Tilly and Draco fast asleep in each other's arms. Not wanting to walk them Snape leave the room and decides to speak with Tilly tomorrow.

21st January 1993

Tilly had managed to stay clear of Harry for the last week; even with classes. Now Draco and Tilly were walking up to the quidditch stands to watch Gryffindor and Hufflepuff play, when McGonagall, Ron and Harry stop then and ask Tilly to come with them. Tilly nods and looks straight at Harry, turns to Draco pulls him into a hug and kisses his cheek, then walks with the three.

"Was that necessary?" Ron asks for Harry.

"Yes." Tilly simply says then turns into the hospital, with Minerva telling them to brace themselves. Tilly freezes, there lying in bed petrified is Hermione. "Mione!" Tilly yells going to her side and holding her hand as best she can. Ron and Harry stared and answered any question McGonagall has; Tilly is too shocked to answer any questions.

Harry and Ron leave as Snape comes in the room.

"Dad," Tilly wraps her arms around him and holds him close.

"I know, Pumpkin. It's ok." Snape rubs Tilly back calming her. "I should let you know; there are more rules to try and protect people. Teachers will walk you to class, and the curfew will be 6:00. You aren't allowed out of the Common Room unless for classes or to eat."

"Dad, you know it's possible for me to be the one opening the chamber." Tilly sighs.

"No. I know my daughter better than anyone, besides Draco. You couldn't have done this; especially to Hermione." Tilly nods agreeing but is still unsure. She hasn't told Snape of Voldemort's plans for her. And she doesn't know if she ever will. 

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