- aaron

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aaron when....


He had to explain to you, his daughter and jack of why he suddenly had to leave.

"So, mommy is going to keep you guys company till I get back. I promise I'll be back by dinner, though." Hotch, your dad spoke.

"Promise?" You asked with jack standing next to you and Haley, your mom, behind yall.

"Promise." Hotch stated. He kissed your forehead and Jack's. He then stood up and made his way to his wife, giving her a peck on the lips before leaving.

After your dad left, you and your brother decided to go up and play, while Haley fixed lunch. You two played in Jack's room on the floor and you whispered, "He won't be back." Jack looked up at you. "He's always late." You lastly said before y'all got called down for lunch.

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