Episode XXXXVII (Rise Of Skywalker)Ben?

Start from the beginning


Waiting was I did while Kylo went to find Rey. It was so suspenseful to me. It made me want to just go up there and find out what's going on. However my suspense was cut off for a moment as I felt a trembling again. Like the last time I felt it, I smiled brightly to myself.

My hands are gonna be full soon.
I thought.

My head whipped around upon hearing a yell and the clashing of lightsabers. I turned on my own lightsaber and prepared for my attack.
Inhale. Exhale.

Brace yourselves.

The noises got closer, my grip on the lightsaber tightened.

Just keep breathing.
Stay focused.

"Eclypse, now!"

{Alright now. I'm gonna completely skip this part of the movie because it is way too complicated to put into writing plus adding another person. So, what I can do is let you imagine what happened. Now, ON WITH THE SHOW!}

Rey held out her hand quickly and I was pushed back by the force and fell hard, but I thankfully broke the fall with the Force and pushed myself to sit up straight. I saw Kylo raise his lightsaber high to strike Rey, who fell as well.
But.... He hesitated. It looked as if he heard something far off out in the sea in front of him. 
Kylo dropped his lightsaber and Rey caught it. As she did, she shoved it into Kylo's side and everything stopped for me.

"NO!!!" I screamed. I got up as fast as I possibly could and tried to turn on my lightsaber but the switch wouldn't move.

Don't do it, Eclypse......
You know it's not right.....
A two soft voices said to me. But neither one was my Father... No.

It was two women.
I recognize those voices but I just don't remember who they belong to.

Tears started to form in my eyes when Kylo collapsed, the red lightsaber no longer in his side. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get my Saber to ignite, so I just ignored it and began run to them but Rey crouched down put out her hand over his wound.

What is she doing?
I wondered as my running slowed to a walk.

Rey closed her eyes tightly and I could see that Kylo's wound started to heal fast and closed itself.
She was... force healing him.

I had stopped two feet away from them in astonishment. Why would she do that?
Kylo shuddered then looked at Rey probably with confusion, she simply looked down and removed her hand.
I could hear her faint, soft whisper to him.

"I did want to take your hand..."
She said.

"Ben's hand."

Rey got up grabbed her lightsaber then ran off. I saw her get into Kylo's ship and take off into there leaving us both on the wreckage.

Kylo moved his hand to lightly touch his own skin, clear and woundless, then he looked to me in surprise without words. He looked like a child, innocence filling his eyes, and so many questions...
He went to get up but I was silent as I bent down to help him instead though I shouldn't be doing anything of the sort and I noticed that... his scar is gone.
It looked as if it had never even been there.

Walking up and out to the edge of the wreckage, Kylo didn't say anything to me. He seemed dazed and confused. So was I but with my own things.

Who told me not to hurt Rey? And why didn't my hilt turn on?
I need to know...
And I wanted to say something but it won't come out, like my tongue was cut off.
I sensed a presence behind the both of us, I didn't necessarily recognize it though.

"Hey, kid."
While I turned immediately, Kylo was hesitant. It was Han Solo.
Or at least a memory of him.
He grinned at the man in front of him.
Yet Kylo didn't say anything.

"I miss you, son." He spoke to Kylo.

"You're son is dead." Kylo replied even though he was trembling. I could see it clearly.
Han chuckled softly, walking closer.
"No." he whispered. "Kylo Ren is dead. My son is alive."
"You're just a memory." The young man shook his head.

"Your memory. Come home."

"It's too late... She's gone."
Han Solo sighed. "Your mother's gone." He started. "But what she stood for, what she fought for, that's not gone. Ben...."
"I know what I have to do but I don't know if I have the strength to do it."
Han placed his hand on his cheek, probably as a sign of reassurance and love...
"You do."

He wanted to cry, I can see it and I wanted to comfort him but I held back. This is something that he has to do on his own.
He raised his lightsaber, the way he did over a year ago when Solo was killed.


"I know." Han Solo nodded.

Quickly, he turned and threw the lightsaber as far off as he could.
A small splash was heard in the water when the hilt hit it. Then he turned back around to his father. Han grinned again, this time bigger, and looked to me.

"Take care of him for me."
I nodded.
He bowed his head slightly and in the blink of an eye, he was gone.

Sighing, I moved closer to the young man who was still staring at the spot where Han Solo stood.

"....Ben?" I whispered softly.

I was so afraid he wouldn't answer.
That he'd tell me to never call him that again. But the man who stood in front of me was no longer Supreme Leader Kylo Ren...
However, to my surprise, he turned his head to me and said: "Yes?"

"What is going to happen now?"

"I'm going to help Rey on Exegol, is what's going to happen." Ben Solo spoke. "And I'm asking you to join me in this." He held out his hand to me, anticipating my answer.

I grinned then grabbed his hand, interlocking our fingers tightly.
"Say less."

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