
I waited anxiously for the bell to ring as I sat in my boring AP Comparative Politics class. I used to question why I chose this class in the first place, but now I'm thankful because if I actually do great in here, it would greatly help me in College.

I hid my hand inside my bag as I risked my neck in sending Aiden a text, asking him if it were okay for us to meet at the cafeteria. I'm still waiting for his reply, and I'm feeling as fidgety as ever.

"Ms. Cassidy, I suppose you're very busy reading about the Russian government and not busy with your phone hmm?" I looked up to see Mr. Wilkinson's beady eyes staring at me with accusation.

I hurriedly opened my textbook to a random page before giving Mr. Wilkinson a smile, "of course sir. I'm very interested in the Russian government." That was not a lie though. I'm actually very interested in everything Russian related.

"Very well, can you explain to the class what the State Duma is?"

I know what the State Duma is but the problem is I can't concentrate when there was only thirty seconds left before the bell rings for lunch. "Uhh, the State Duma is very important to the Russian government because of the roles they play in the government body."

Mr. Wilkinson raised his brow at me and I smiled counting the seconds left in my mind, "They also played a vital role in Russian history because..." 3-2-1.

The bell rang and I sighed in relief. I swear I know what the State Duma is it's just that my mind was preoccupied with something else.

"Alright class dismissed," Mr. Wilkinson said as he shook his head, "Ms. Cassidy, you'll pass a five hundred word essay on the history and function of the State Duma. The next time you'll use your phone in my class, I won't be too lenient."

I blushed in embarrassment, "sorry sir and yes I promise I won't use my phone next time."

I hurriedly ran to the cafeteria with a bag of cookies in my hand. I wanted to wrap the cookies in a neat box but I wouldn't want him to think that I'm making such an effort for a cookie. I don't want to seem clingy or pathetic. I rechecked my phone, but still there was no reply, which was kind of depressing.

I entered the cafeteria and found Claude sitting with Emerald in one table. I smiled as they waved at me to come closer.

"Hey sis, watcha got there?" Claude said as we he gave me a bro fist in greeting.

"I baked you guys some cookies because I love you and as a thank you gift for helping Cade and I during the proposal." I sat on the chair beside Emerald as I took out two more packs of cookies from my bag and gave them to Claude and Emerald.

"You know A, we helped willingly because we knew it was really important for London and of course for you. You really didn't need to do this." Emerald said before opening the bag and sniffing the contents, "this smells delicious though, so thank you!" She said in a squeal.

"Aww, I love you too sis and this tastes heavenly," Claude said as he ate a cookie with his eyes closed.

"You guys are too sweet," I replied to their thanks. I glanced around the room trying to search for Aiden and I looked down at the last bag I held too gently in my hands.

"You have one more for him too, I assume?" Claude said with a small smile. I don't know if the conspiracy of twins having linked minds and hearts are true but sometimes, I could just see how Claude can look past my smiles and see the real emotion inside.

I nodded my head in reply, "I can't find him though," I said with a forced laugh.

"Asia, Aiden's right over there," Emerald said and I almost hurt my neck when I looked up to follow her finger at Aiden Walker's direction.

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