Part 1

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Ashley's POV

"ASH!!!!!! GET YOUR LAZY BUM UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Said a familiar voice

"I don't want to" I said

"Ash get up!!! You have to get ready its already 2"

"WHAT!!!!!!! And you wake me up now i only have 3 hours to look my best" I say while going to my walk in closet

"I know but we will help you get ready anyways the dinners not till 6"

"It takes an hour to get there" I said while taking out my red leather jacket and black dress that went a little higher than my knees. I went to my shoe closet and pulled out my black leather boots with 5 inch heels. "How does this look?"

"YOUR WEARING THAT!!!!!!!!!" Miley and Ariana Screamed before grabbing me and pushing me into my bathroom. "Take a shower and all that other stuff"


*2 hrs later*

"Your hairs done and we just have to do make up" Miley said

* 1 hr later *

"Okay bye guys cya later" I said while grabbing my keys to my purple mustang

"Bye" They yelled after me

Louis's POV

Its almost 6 my stepsister Ashley i think isnt here Lily came a few minutes ago. "um wheres Ashley?"

"She'll be here she does live like an hour from here and she there's traffic" Dad said

"Hey dad, Lily, mom, and um" a girl that im guessin is Ashley said

"Louis" i said

"Oh hey I'm Ashley but you can call me Ash" She said while sitting down i was told they were twins but they look nothing alike Ash is a bit taller than Lily and really fit. I know i have seen ash somewhere before but where?

"Ashley is a 1/3 of Glowing Dolls that's why she wasn't at the wedding she had a concert in NY to help the victims of hurricane Sandy" Dad said

"Im so sorry i couldnt come. I really did wanna come but you know seeing all those injured people it was really hard'' She said

"I know sweetie" dad said then went back to his convo with mom and Lily

"So Ash tell me about your self" I said

"Well I'm 18 i live with my 2 bffs/band mates Miley and Ariana(Ari) we just bought a house in London. I love to sing, dance, and act. I can be crazy at times but im not the responsible one I'm the flirty, vain, and crazy one out of the band. Well that's about it"

"wow so let me tell you about myself"

"I already know"

"Your a fan?"

"Well yeah who isn't"

"um actually i don't know"

"Bye i gotta go study for my exams" Lily said while getting up looking at me not even looking at Ash one bit

"Bye" both of us said in unison

"Hey why don't you guys go get ice cream or something" Mom suggested

"KK" Ash said while getting up

Ashley's POV

Me and Lou were walking to the ice cream parlor when i got a text from Ari

As- Ashley a- Ari

a- hey ash so hows the dinner so far 

as- great me and Lou my step bro are getting ice cream 

a- which ice cream place 

as- Pauly's why 

a- me and Miley are there and there are these 4 guys they keep on staring at us you can tell they have fake mustaches they also have hoods on 

as- hey im there so ill talk 2 you in person i missed you 

a-same here babe

Louis's POV

i got a text from the lads saying they were gonna be at pauly's ice cream. wow we are going there cant wait to see their reactions

Ashley's POV

"Yo Ash over here" Ari yelled as we entered

''Lou" said a guy while running up to him with3 other guys following

"ASHLEY GET YOUR BUM HERE!!!" Miley yelled while walking to the bathroom

"Ash who were they" lou asked confused

"Um Miley and Ari anyways ill be back apparently we have to talk" i said while walking to the girls bathroom

"Ash what were you doing with Louis Tomlinson?" Ari questioned me  

"He is my step-brother now lets go" i said 

"I'm not done ash we have to talk about our next tour right now''  

"Fine Ari" 

"WE ARE GOING ON TOUR WITH 1D!!!" Miley yelled I started screaming like a fan girl 

"Youre kidding me right" i asked 

"No know lets go girls we have ice cream to eat and annoy the cranky old lady" Miley said 

"yes ive been dying to annoy her" i said while grabbing their hands and leading them out

"Um ash can you come here" Lou asked 

"yeah sure whats up Lou" 

"Well i wanted to introduce you to the lads. This is my step sister Ashley but you can call her Ash i also have a step sister named Lily but she had to study for her exams" 

"hello" i said while waving "and id like you guys to meet my bffs Miley and Ariana but call her Ari" 

"Lou we are going on tour with some band called Glowing Dolls I'm guessing its a girl band by the name." Liam said. Lou, Miley, Ari, and I started laughing

"why are you guys laughing" Zayn asked

"um not to sound conceited or anything but we are a pretty awesome band" I said

"Wait what?'' Harry asked

"Hi we're Glowing Dolls" Me, Miley, and Ari said in unison just like how we said it at our last radio interview

"Thats why we were laughing guys before you say something try to get some info on the band" Lou said

"Okay then Louis if you know so much about us how did Glowing Dolls form?" I asked

"um well you see the answer to that question is.."

"thought so" Miley said while laughing god i love that girl no homo

"Then how did you guys form" Niall asked

"All 3 of us went to Hollywood Arts in California. It was our friends birthday so he asked us to perform there cuz apparently our voices sounded like angels. His uncle was Simon Cowell and he heard us during the party and signed us." Ari said

"Wait you guys know uncle si"

"yep. Miss.Tipton here is like his daughter cause him and her dad are really good friends" Miley said


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