
"Hmm yeah"

"I'll give him a call so he can come down here"


I held Precious's hand as they wiped the gel off her belly.

"The baby is healthy. You just need to relax to stop the stress because it would have a big effect on the baby"

"Thanks doc" I spoke as he walked out.

I've in the hospital with Precious for almost a week now. She was getting better they doctors thought it would be better if she stayed in the hospital for a while.

"How you feeling?"

"Really tired. They baby keeps getting bigger and bigger each day" she smiled.

"Yeah I can tell. The bump is forming really fast" I felt her belly. "What do you want it to be?" I asked

"I really want a girl. I want to do her hair and help you teach her stuff. How about you?"

"A boy. He best believe he gonna be a baller. He gon' be asked to go in different teams and he gonna be famous and rich" I chuckled. "But on the other hand I don't really mind what gender" my phone started to vibrate it was Jay.

"Hello?" I spoke.

"Hey, you good?"

"Yeah I'm fine, you?"

"I'm good. Listen some lady here claiming that she's Precious's mom and she really wants to see Precious."

"Oh" I looked at Precious who was watching tv. "I'll be down there in a minute." I hanged up.

"I need to go to the trap real quick Precious. I'll be back within an hour"

"Alright, can you bring me some food though?"

"Yeah sure what do you want?"

"Erm I think I'll have subway. You can choose for me"

"Alright" I kissed her check before leaving. I drove down to the traphouse within 30 minutes.

It looked like I haven't came here in ages by the look of it. I saw a old foreign car parked

I put in the code that opened the gates before walking inside the trap.

"Jay!" I shouted. There was complete silence it actually scared me.

"Upstairs" he shouted back. I placed my car keys on the kitchen counter before jogging upstairs.

I walked inside Jays office to see a women and a teenage girl.

"This is Linda and Paris" he spoke "Apparently Linda is Precious's mom and that's her step sister"

I mean mugged Linda. Knowing what Precious told me about her I didn't really like Linda nor Paris.

"What brings you here?" I asked Linda.

"I want to see my daughter. " she said with straight attitude. "Where is she?!" She shouted

"You better calm that attitude down! What makes you want to see your daughter all of a sudden after everything you done to her?!"

She remained silent. "I just want to see her so I can apologies" she mumbled.

"Why now?" I asked taking a seat.

"Are you Precious why you asking me so many damn questions!"

"Because I can! Precious is fine without you"

"No she ain't she ain't shit with-"

I pulled out my gun. "She was gone for at least 4 months and now you decide to look for her?"

"Just let me talk to her!"


I walked inside Precious's room with Linda and Paris behind me. They begged and begged me so I could bring them to see Precious.

"What the fuck Gold?!" Precious screamed.

"Let me explain-"

"No I don't want them here. I don't want to see them ever again!"

"Just listen to what she has to s-"

"I don't care and I don't want to know!"

"Stop being so stubborn Precious damn!" She crossed her arms. I looked at Linda.

"Erm" she rubbed her head. I could tell she was nervous.

"She has nothing to say Gold take her away I don't want to see her."

"I do Precious just let me think of the right words" Linda spoke softly. "I know I shouldn't of treated you the way I did. I know I made your life a living hell. I just want to say I'm sorry for all the bullshit I put you through. I'm sorry for letting Drey take your virginity and raping you. I'm sorry for bringing home men so they could have sex with you for money I'm sorry for beating you up. I'm sorry for causing your fathers death-"



"You caused his death?" She said. I could see the tears build in her eyes.

"Yeah" I could see she felt really guilty. "I was stupid. I didn't pay this gang on time so killed d-"

"I hate you so fucking much! Why did they have to kill him! Why couldn't they kill you? That's so fucked up you stupid bitch. Get the fuck out of here. I hope you burn in fucking hell Linda!" Precious screamed.


"Shut up Gold! Take them out of here now!" She screamed breaking down in tears.

"Come on let's go" I opened the door for them.

"Just tell her I'm sorry again. Tell her I want to restart everything we had" Linda cried. I nodded watching them go. I went back into the room.

Precious didn't say anything."why can't you just give her a chance. She is your mom"

"No Gold. I don't think you understand. She made my life a living hell and on top of that she caused my fathers death? How can I forgive her!" She said. I tried to wipe her tears but she stopped me. "Can you leave please? I want some time for myself Gold"

"No I need to see how you are"

"No. This is going to cause more stress for me now. Thanks Gold"

"I'm sorry, I thought it was going to help-"

"Just leave me"



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