" france"

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Y/n took her top off.
But suddenly niall stood up.

Niall:" Not today"

After niall said that he left y/n room.

Y/n:" what the-"

The next day:"

Y/n stood up and went to the kitchen.
All the boys were sitting on the table

Zayn:" eyyy hi y/n:"
Y/n:" hi"
Louis:" well we wanted to go on vacation tomorrow. Do you wana come with us?
Y/n:" and where?"
Harry:" france"
Y/n:" OMG YES"
Liam:" I told you guys. She would freak out."
Y/n:" I need to pack..."

Y/n went upstairs to pack.
After she finished she went to the Bathroom.

-knock knock-

Y/n:" I'm in here"
Zayn:" oh sorry"
Y/n:" its okey"

Next day:

Y/n took her things and put it into the car.
The boys drived separated.
Harry and louis drived in another car.
Liam, zayn, niall and y/n drove in 1 car.
Niall was driving and y/n was sitting next to niall.
Y/n turned the radio on.
Song:" him & i "

Y/n:" I like this song"

Y/n was singing.
The boys were looking at y/n and were shooked because they didn't knew that she could sing.
The next song came on.
Marry you->bruno mars

Y/n was singing and laughing with the boys.

Y/n:" It's a beautiful night, we're looking for something dumb to do
Niall:" Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you"

Niall was looking at y/n but she continued singing.

Liam:" Is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice?
Zayn:" Who cares, baby, I think I wanna marry you.

After the song they laughed. Except niall.

Y/n:" whats wrong?"
Niall:" what? Nothing"
Y/n:" okey? So niall can we switch now?"
Niall:" what?"
Y/n:" I wanna drive"
Zayn:" NO"
Y/n:" eyyy I'm a good driver"
Liam:" let her drive"

Niall pulled over and y/n went to the driver seat.
She continued driving.
After 30minutes they came on the motorway.

Zayn:" look please don't k-"

Y/n was driving over 180km/h

Niall:" eyo chill dont kill us"
Y/n:" my dad was a good driver"
Liam:" what happened"
Y/n:" he died"
Zayn:" how?"
Y/n:" In a car accident"

The boys were shooked.

Y/n:" HAHA I'm just kidding. He left us. I was 4 years old"
Liam:" oh good and sad"

Y/n turned the volume up and was driving to the song:" sex on fire-> kings of lion

After 5 hours

Y/n and the boys came on in france.

Y/n:" It was fun driving.

Zayn got out of the car and threw up.

Y/n:" really?"
Niall:" it was REALLY fast"
Y/n:" nah not that fast"
Liam:" lets go to the Hotel."
Y/n:" good"

As they got into the Hotel, liam tried to check but something went wrong.

Liam:" what do you mean? I booked 5 hotel rooms not 4."
The man:" well I'm sorry but we only have 4 rooms now."
Y/n:" liam its okey."
Liam:" well good"

Louis and harry took 1 key and went up to his room.
Zayn took one too.

Niall:" well y/n would It be a problem if you sleep with me in 1Room?"
Y/n:" no its okey"

Y/n went with niall into the hotel room and y/n took some other clothes.
She put them on and waited for Niall.


Niall, liam, zayn  and y/n went out for 1 drink.

Y/n:"Lets go in here."

It was a nice bar with a karaoke thing.
After 1 hour y/n was a little drunk and went to the karaoke thing.

Liam:" wheres y/n?"
Zayn:" oh my god"
Niall:" what?"
Zayn:" look..."

Y/n was on the karaoke bar.
She was wet because some people threw water on her.
Her shirt was transparent.
She was singing 34+35

Y/n:" Baby, you might need a seatbelt when I ride it
I'ma leave it open like a door, come inside it
Even though I'm wifey, you can hit it like a side chick
Don't need no side dick, no

Y/n was standing with 1 beer in a hand.
Zayn stood with the boys and was shooked.

Niall:" I'm going to her."

Niall wanted to go but some fans stopped him for 1 Picture.

Y/n:" Got the neighbors yellin', "Earthquake"
4.5 when I make the bed shake
Put it down heavy even though it's lightweight.
Can you stay up all night?
Fuck me 'til the daylight
34, 35.

Niall looked at y/n and saw some boys going to her.

Niall:" enough"

Niall went to y/n and grabbed her.
Zayn and liam went with niall.
As soon as they got out of the bar y/n said:" eyyy It was getting better...."

Niall:" not today"
Liam:" Niall go with her to the Hotel. Where coming soon."

Niall went with y/n to the Hotel.
As soon as they got into the room, niall dropped y/n onto the Bed.

Y/n: It's hot in here."

Y/n took slowly her clothes off.

Niall:" NO. No"
Y/n:" okey.."

Y/n kissed niall but niall pushed y/n away.

Niall:" go to sleep"
Y/n:" mhmm daddy"
Niall:" stop that"
Y/n:" n-"

Y/n fell asleep. Niall looked at y/n and giggled.

Next day


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