Say You Love Me [7]

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"I have a question." Sapphire beckoned. Peter was considering pretending he didn't hear her. He was officially in the zone and he knew what question she was about to ask anyways. But as the seconds went by into awkward silence territory, he answered her. "What's up?" He asked. "Is this book supposed to be in the Molecular Chemistry section? Because I'm pretty sure this is the Magic School Bus. "Wait, huh?" That was not what he was expecting but it intrigued him enough to turn around and look at the thin paper back book in her hands. "Oh, it is the Magic School Bus. Hey, you think Ned's ready yet?" He asked. The duo had indeed gone to help Ned's dad with his restaurant but they had some time before Ned was ready so they detoured to what Liz would call a cliché, the library. "Don't know, but do you think we need to find a new hangout spot?" Sapphire dismissed.

Peter stopped book searching once again to pay attention to his girlfriend. "You don't like the library?" He asked, genuinely confused. "No, I do it's just..." "Liz convinced you that it's cliché?" He revealed, raising an eyebrow. Saph sighed and took a few steps closer to Peter. "It's also just... a cliché." Peter rolled his eyes and put about three books back on the shelf and started walking to the exit, Sapphire trailing behind. "I'm not saying the library isn't the greatest place ever we just... we go here every time we hang out. We need to go somewhere different. Just please... don't be mad at me for having a difference of opinion from you, P." Peter stopped walking away and turned back to face her. He grabbed her cheeks and squeezed them, making her smile and her face look like a chipmunk. "I- fine. We can find a new hangout spot." He said mocking reluctance. But the smile on Sapphire's face made every ounce of doubt in him go away.

A ring from Sapphire's phone prompted her to check it, breaking up their moment. "Ned says he's ready." And so Peter pulled his hood over his head and grabbed Sapphire by the waist before swinging off to the restaurant. "So did you and Nat figure out what you're power is?" Liz asked once Ned's dad left to go back to the kitchen and clean up there. Sapphire smiled and threw a rag into a soap and water filled bucket before plopping down in a yellow booth. "Well, apparently I'm an empath." She revealed. Ned pulled his hand out to google it when Liz interrupted. "She can sense other peoples emotions and enhance slash mimic them." Ned smiled up at Liz who smiled back down before taking a seat next to Sapphire and Ned and Peter taking the booth seats across. "So you can read emotions... well read mine." Ned suggested. 

Saph shrugged and concentrated like she did with Nat that one time at the tower when she read her emotions. Gears turned in her head as she registered everything through her mind and then... "Horny, very horny." She concluded. Ned blushed a little as he scooted a little farther from Liz which earned a laugh from the friend group. "Okay, do me." Liz smiled, now excited. Sapphire nodded, closing her eyes and looking into Liz's heart, feeling her emotions and then... "Sacred, unsure." Sapphire looked up at her friend and frowned. "I uh- my dad's been up to some shady stuff at night and my mom thinks he's having an affair. I just feel a little unsure because I don't know what he's doing and scared because I don't want my family to fall apart." "It'll be okay, Liz. He's probably just been busy. I've met your dad multiple times, he's a good guy." She comforted, placing a hand on her bestfriends. 

"Thanks Saph-" And then suddenly, Liz's face morphed from sad and scared to... a smile. "I- I feel okay now." Liz smiled. "What'd you do?" She asked excitedly. Sapphire shrugged, "Nat said that empaths could take on peoples emotions, share what they're feeling or lessen the load. I think I did that." She revealed. "I didn't mean to, but I do feel a little... unsure." The friend group awed a bit at their friends new found abilities. "Thank you, Saph." Liz thanked and Sapphire nodded, her unsureness fading away. "Okay, read Peter's." Ned jumped in. But the spider boy knew what he was feeling and he did not want Sapphire to know that just yet. "Um, actually I'm goo-" Sapphire closed her eyes and let the feelings roll through her as her brain processed them. 

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