Everything (part 1)💛 (willex)

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Julie and the Phantoms - Willie x Alex

"Why can't you just trust me?", echoed Alex's voice, but it sounded so far away, Willie couldn't react to it.

Willie couldn't move. He felt like everything was crashing around him and he didn't know what to do.

Alex repeated his sentence and this made Willie snap as a reaction to his internal struggle.

"Because I just can't! You made me question everything, Alex! Everything I've ever known and every single lie I've ever lived by has been thrown out because I met you!"

He realised what he had said but he couldn't help it. As much as he wished he could take it back, he couldn't. He was barely able to keep himself together, he would never be able to help Alex in this situation.

So he let him go. Watched as he disappeared into thin air. Only being able to stare.

Alex poofed back into the studio and looked around only to find it empty. "Perfect", he thought to himself. "Now I can cry in peace". Although he knew he was never actually at peace because the anxiety inside of him was always eating away.

He poofed up to the loft and sat with his back against the roof. Closing his eyes, he felt the tears slipping out, staining his cheeks. He was so preoccupied with his head, he didn't notice the clock slipping away and only came out of it when he heard Luke yell his name. Looking down, he saw Luke, Reggie and Julie standing at the entrance of the garage and looking around for him. He didn't feel like talking to anyone but he knew Luke wouldn't leave without checking everywhere for him, so he might as well answer him.

Hearing Alex's voice come out more like a whisper, Luke looked towards where the sound came from and spotted the taller above. He turned to Reggie and gave him a look that said "I got this", before poofing up to where Alex was sitting. Reggie understood the look and lead Julie out of the garage to leave Luke and Alex alone.

Finally alone, Luke looked at Alex. He looked at the tear-stained cheeks and the blood shot eyes and felt his own face frowning. He went over to Alex and sat next to him, laying Alex's head on his shoulder.
"What's up?" came his voice, barely louder than a whisper in order to not overwhelm the other. Alex didn't answer and only snuggled closer to him, putting his face in the crook of Luke's neck.

Knowing all too well not to push him, Luke just sat with Alex. He knew the latter would tell him what was wrong once he felt ready.

Without knowing it, the two boys slipped into some kind of daze in their minds and didn't notice the day passing by until they saw the light of day being replaced by the shadows of the night.

Finally the crying stopped and Alex felt himself get a little lighter. He slowly took his face away from the crook of Luke's neck and looked at the latter. Luke looked back at him and smiled reassuringly. Before he could say anything though, Alex took the initiative and threw himself at Luke. Luke captured the taller in a bone-crushing hug, feeling the tears on Alex's cheeks stain his shirt. A quiet "Thank you" was heard from the drummer and Luke looked confused for a second before asking "why?" in response. "For being there" came Alex's voice again, and Luke smiled into the others shoulder. Placing a kiss on the tallers forehead, Luke whispered to him to try to get some sleep to regain the energy drained from the crying.

Part 2 coming soon

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