Consort (Lucifer x Angel!Reader x Michael)

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Request: I love your writing SO MUCH! Could you please do one where the reader used to be the consort of the archangels but when Lucifer and Michael start fighting she runs away. But eventually they find her and 'punish' her.

Reader Sex: Female

Reader Gender: Any

Pairing: Michael x angel!Reader x Lucifer

Word Count: 3,455

Warnings: Language, angel!reader, smut, threesome, hair pulling, bondage, dom!Michael and Lucifer/sub!Reader, oral, edging/orgasm denial, spanking, grace!kink, anal


Your life had changed drastically since you left Heaven. Before running, you had been the consort of the archangels. Most times you enjoyed the position, but then Lucifer and Michael started fighting. You couldn't bear to see the way they fought and bickered, so you ran.

Since then, you'd been hiding out on Earth. You missed your archangels desperately, but you couldn't go back now. Michael was somewhere in Heaven, Lucifer had been cast down into Hell, Gabriel had gone missing, and from what you'd heard, Raphael had been killed. You felt guilty for leaving your angels the way you had, but there was no way to change that now.

You tried to blend in with the humans and live as normal a life as you could. Eventually, you had gotten a job and bought a house and a car. You even immersed yourself into pop culture, reading their books, watching their movies, listening to their music. No matter what you did, however, nothing could completely erase the guilt you felt for abandoning the men you loved.

Returning home from work, you notice something odd. You could feel a presence in your home. It was something you hadn't felt since you'd gone into hiding, but it was oddly familiar. You turn on the lights and walk through your living room, but find nothing. "You were difficult to find," a strange voice says from behind you. Though the voice was strange, the energy you feel coming off him is very familiar.

"Michael," you whisper under your breath as you stop in your tracks.

"Even to my surprise, I have to agree with my brother on that," another voice says, this one belonging to Lucifer. Turning, you find them both behind you, casually sitting in two of your chairs.

"Why are you here?" you ask nervously.

"For you," Michael answers as if it were the most obvious answer in the world.

"Why else would we be in this ... place?" Lucifer adds, "Not to say that it isn't a lovely home, I just never imagined you on Earth."

"Don't worry," Michael tells you, "I won't let him hurt you."

"You think you're so much better than me don't you?" Lucifer asks Michael.

"Well, you were the one banished to Hell," Michael retorts. Lucifer begins to protest, but you stop him before he can say a word.

"Don't fight," you beg as you take a step closer to them, "That's why I left in the first place. I couldn't stand to hear you fight."

"So it was both our faults," Michael whispers.

"What do you mean?" you ask him.

"When you left, Michael and I blamed each other," Lucifer explains, "It got so bad that Gabriel left too. I hated Michel for what I thought he'd done and Michael hated me for the same reason."

"I'm sorry," you tell them, "I didn't mean to make things worse."

"Don't apologize," Michael says as he stands and quickly walks to you, wrapping you up in his arms, "This was our fault."

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