Harry - The Second Task

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Harry was sitting in the library with his nose in a book, reading, but not actually comprehending anything. Ron, Hermione, and Y/N were all with him, trying to help him figure out what to do for the second task. It was tomorrow, but he only just figured out that it would be underwater.

Hermione tried suggesting different books to look through, but there was too little time to properly read them.

"Harry, I hate to say this, but your only choice may be a snorkel at this point." You looked up at him, only half joking. You just didn't know what else he could do.

He sighed and closed the book he had only been flipping through, looking for key words or pictures, but not actually reading. "Y/N, you're my girlfriend, and I love you, but that's really not helping." He reached over and grabbed another book Hermione had picked out. He was visibly stressed and jokes weren't helping.

"I'm sorry," you said. "I know you're under a lot of pressure right now. Maybe we should ask around, see if anyone else might know a spell or something? Ron? What do you think?"

Ron snapped his head up. His eyes unfocused and red.

"Ron!" Hermione shouted. "Were you asleep?"

Ron looked guilty, but said, "... no..."

Harry rolled his eyes and went back to the book. "I'm supposed to figure these things out on my own. I shouldn't have to ask around."

"But asking around is a great way to get information!"

"I'm a champion, Y/N. I'm supposed to know these things, or at least figure them out on my own."

You were getting frustrated. "Yes, but-"

"Ms. Granger, Ms. Y/L/N," Professor McGongall interrupted. "If you two could accompany me to the Headmaster's office. There are a couple of matters we would like to discuss with you."

You and Hermione exchanged confused glances with each other before agreeing. You walked over to Harry and kissed him on the cheek. "You'll figure this out, I know you will." He smiled unsure at you before going back to his book.

You and Hermione followed Professor McGongall, leaving Harry with Ron, who looked like he was asleep again. You felt bad for Harry, but saw Neville approach him as you left the library. Maybe he could help him. Hopefully. The poor boy needs as much help as he can get.

The next morning, Harry went down to the Great Hall to find you. He didn't feel like breakfast, as he was too nervous about the second task, but he did want to see you before it started. When he reached the Gryffindor table, he couldn't find you. Nor Hermione. He spotted Ron, though. He went and sat with him while keeping an eye out for you. Maybe you just overslept.

When the time came for everyone to make their way over to the lake and you still hadn't shown up, Harry was slightly worried. But Neville approached him and distracted him by giving Harry what he needed to do the task. Gillyweed.

Harry was still slightly worried for you when the task started and he swallowed the Gillyweed, falling into the lake.

After about an hour, you lifted your head above the water and gasped for air. You realized a young girl was beside you having trouble treading the water, so you helped her over to the docks.

People pulled you up and wrapped you in blankets. You looked around, searching for Harry, but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Harry?" you asked Hermione, who was sat beside you, also in a blanket.

"I don't know," she said, searching the water. "He didn't come up yet."

You looked at the water worriedly, but he still hadn't come up. You threw your blanket off your shoulders and ran to the edge of the dock, about to jump in to look for him, but he finally broke through the surface of the water, taking in as much air as he could. You got on your knees and reached out to him to help him get on the dock.

Once he was there with a blanket wrapped around his shoulders, Dumbledore announced the order of the winners.

You were huddled to Harry's side, trying to share warmth between the two of you, but also because you didn't want to leave his side. It scared you when they told you they would be putting you underwater for Harry to find you. Then it scared you when Harry didn't come out of the water. You were very shaken up at this point and Harry could tell. He wrapped his arms around you and held you close to him.

All the Gryffindors started to make their way to the common room, celebrating the success of Harry placing 2nd. Once they got there, the party started instantly. Music was blaring, snacks were being passed around and people were congratulating Harry with pats on the back.

You didn't feel like partying, so you stayed in the corner, sipping on a butterbeer. Harry made his way over and sat down next to you. He pulled you into his arms and you sighed.

"I couldn't find you this morning," he said.

"Well, yeah. I was in the lake." You looked at him, wondering where he was going with this.

"I realize that now, but I didn't know that at the time." He sighed. "I'm really sorry for being rude to you last night. I was just so focused on figuring out what to do, I was blocking out any suggestions that might've helped. You were giving really good suggestions, well except for the snorkel." You giggled. "And I just wasn't listening. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, I understand," you said kissing his cheek softly. "You were really stressed, and for a good reason, too."

Harry smirked at you. "Do you know how I got what I needed for the task?"

"You found it in a book?"


"How then?"

"Neville told me about it," he said, smiling.

"See! I told you! Just ask around, and you'll get the information you need," you said, excited that you were right.

"Well I mean, I didn't ask, really. He offered to help and told me about Gillyweed, but yes. You were right. I just wish I'd listened to you sooner."

You sighed. "When are you going to learn." You snuggled into his side even more. "I'm always right."

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