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As Clay had suggested, you decided to start taking afternoon walks more often. Things had been getting better over the past 2 weeks. Recalling when you would sit in your bed covered in food and grease doing nothing with your life. Walks were now a sense of peace, getting to be out in the world again and get air that wasn't coming through an AC.
     It was a chilly fall day, nearing the holidays. The sky was grey as usual in the cold weather, a cold breeze stirring up the leaves strewn across the sidewalk. Whenever the wind blew you got nervous that the skirt that you were wearing would betray you. You came to the decision that you didn't want to have to hold your skirt down so you just might have to cut the walk short.
As you neared your house, you saw a few of your neighbors out in their lawns putting up lights for the Christmas season. Some children ran past you, wrapped up in their cute little hats and scarves holding ornaments that their parents were trying to retrieve. As your house came into view, you saw your neighbor, Robert Johnathan. You tried to avoid him because you didn't feel like having painful smalltalk, but today was a little unlucky.

"Hey! Y/n!" Robert called out to you.

Laughing uncomfortably, "Hi Mr. Jonathan..."

"Oh please we have been neighbors for too long for these formalities!" He boomed.

"Yeah I guess," You smiled politely.

"I haven't seen you in awhile, being cooped up in your house is bad for you!" Robert placed a hand on your shoulder, beaming.

"I have just been super busy I guess," You shifted uncomfortably to try and shake off his grasp.

"Come to dinner sometime, I have missed seeing you!" He pulled you into a side hug to your disdain.

"Of course Robert, that sounds lovely," He hadn't released you yet for your escape.

Motioning to his house, "Why don't you come in for a bit, we can catch up,"

"Oh, I have a guest waiting in the house for me, maybe some other time?" Trying to back away slowly to give him the hint.

He stepped closer, "You wouldn't mind if I came over and met this person would you?"

You opened the door bringing a sort of unwanted guest. You could hear Clay moving around in the kitchen sorting some food items.

"Hey Clay, I know you are doing some dinner prep, but I was hoping you could meet my neighbor?" You peered around the corner getting sight of him.

He walked over in a white apron that was hanging over his built body, "Hi" he innocently said as sinful thoughts crossed your mind.

"Why hello, I'm Robert! Really good friend of y/n's." He extended a hand to him.

"Oh really?" Clays tone was almost passive aggressive, "Me too,"

You immediately realised that this interaction was probably going to go poorly because you already knew Clay was thinking about who this man was and why he was never mentioned.

"I haven't seen her in a while I was getting worried," Robert stripped off his jacket.

Clay nodded, "Me too so I decided to come out here,"

"Look at you being a better man than I am!" Robert was acting weird as well.

"Gentlemen, to the kitchen shall we?" Trying to break the tension was the least you could do.

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