"But, you can fix this." Lucas stated. "Its just one little mistake. I've made hundreds, thousands. Max has dumped me five times. But what have I done? Huh? Have I despaired? No. I've marched back into battle, and I've won her back every single freaking time." Lucas finished off dramatically.

"How?" "I'll show you. Come on" Mike picked himself up off the couch and walked upstairs after Lucas, leaving me.

"Wait! Guys!" I yelled, looking up from the D&D book in front of me.  "Im still here!" I heard the door open then close. "Guys?" They had left me.
(Poor will 😭)

....YOUR POV.....
"Wow, so all of that happend while I've been gone?" I asked him. He nodded.
I hadn't gotten the full story because he was in a rush to get to scoops ahoy but I did get all I needed to understand what happened.

Even if the story was crazy I believed him, because Dustin never lied to me. None of the party lied to eachother. At least not when I'm around.

"Alright well I guess you can go." I smiled at him. "C'ya later y/n." "C'ya dusty." I walked outside and mounted my bike, Dustin doing the same. We sped off in different directions as we left.

I didn't know where Max lived but it didn't take long to find her, I saw a girl with red hair doing skateboard flips. "Hey, Max!" She looked up and slipped as she did so.

I ran up to her and helped her to her feet. "Sorry about that. I didn't mean to distract you." She smiled a bit "Dont worry about it. Did you need something?"

I looked down at her knee that she had scraped. It wasn't bleeding but it did scrape. Realizing she had asked me a question I quickly looked back up at her. "No, the boys are busy so I just decided to see if I could hang out with you." She looked over at her skateboard.

"You know how to skateboard?" She asked looking back at me. I shrugged "My dad bought me one when I was a kid and I used to skate all the time but ever since he passed I never really did."

She gave me a sympathetic look. "Sorry about your dad." "Its fine. It was a couple years ago. But can I try a few tricks on your board?" She smiled again. "Sure"

I got on the board and did a couple tricks, some I even impressed myself that I still knew how to do. Before I got off I did one last big flip before handing it back to Max. She looked shocked.

"I've been trying to do some of those since I was like five, how did you do that?" I shrugged again. "I actually don't know. Luck I guess."

She got on and tried to do it but ended up slipping off the board sending it rolling the other way. But someone caught it and pulled it up. Eleven.

She looked at Max then to me. "Hey, can we talk?" Me and Max shared a look before nodding at her.

We went inside and she sat down on the bed. "So...whats up?" I asked sitting beside her. Max stood in front of her.

"Mike was going to come over today. But h-he didn't come. So I called and Mrs W-wheeler answered, I asked for Mike and he told me he didn't come because of h-his nana. He-He said nana was sick and she might die. A-and his mom asked him if nana had called. He yelled at her to get off the phone. Then he said he had to go to the nursing home to see nana. I-I asked if he could come over after and he said no because he wants to be alone with feelings. I asked him if he lies, and he said no. Then he said his mom called for him. And then he-he said he missed me, and then he just hung up." El explained.

I looked over at Max as she was pacing back and fourth. "That asshole." I mumbled under my breath.

"Hes a piece of shit." "What?" El asked, looking at Max.

"Mike doesn't have Jack shit to do today, and his nana is obviously not sick." I looked between them wondering if I should tell them that what the boys were talking about was El and that Mike was definitely not at the nursing home nor alone. I decided I should. That asshole needs to get what he deserves for lying to El.

"Lucas and Will are over at Mikes, hes definitely not alone with 'feelings' and he's definitely not at the nursing home. Also when I greeted Lucas and Will today they said they were over to talk about El." This just made Max angrier.

"See, a lying piece of shit. And I bet him and Lucas are playing Atari right now." I nodded my head in agreement.

"But friends don't lie."

"Yeah well, boyfriends lie, all the time."

"Heres what your going to do, your going to stop calling him." "Your going to ignore all of his calls." I added.

"As far as your concerned he doesn't exsist." "Doesn't exsist?" El questioned.

"Yep. He doesn't exsist to you. He was an asshole." I said, moving closer to El. 

"He treated you like garbage. So you're gonna treat him like garbage." Max said "Give him a taste of his own medicine" I added.

"Give him the medicine." El repeated. "Mm-hmm" me and Max hummed at the same time. "And if he doesn't fix this, if he doesn't explain himself....dump his ass."

I stood up and held out my hands to El. "Come on." "Where are we going?" She asked, taking my hands and standing up. "To have some fun, there's more to life than stupid boys you know." Max said, leading us out the door...

And straight to the mall.

Possibly Forever (Will Byers x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now