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"Step on it Charlie!"
"She's waking up."
"Hurry, we can't lose her."
"Owen, breath."
"I can't!"
The voices started flooding in, I could hear everyone, they seemed worried, I had to have been out a while.
"Owen." I whispered I was able to feel a hand tighten slightly on my waist. I opened my eyes just enough to see Owen holding me bridal style,
"Is she awake?" I heard Charlie ask from the driver's seat, I looked around to see Savannah beside Charlie and Jeremy and Carolynn beside Owen who seemed to be terrified,
"Yes." Jeremy answered, I lifted my hand to Owen's cheek,
"Did you call Kenny?" I asked softly trying to get Owen to speak or even breath, he kept opening and closing his mouth before I noticed he was crying and his tears hit my hands as he nodded,
"I-I thought I lost you." I nodded slowly, I took his hand that was tucked beneath my knees and put it to my heart,
"Owen I'm alive, I'm okay. Kenny will be there, the doctors will be able to help. I have an aneurism and it is very close to bursting." I said calmly as I took a deep breath watching as the car pulled up to the hospital. Jeremy jumped out of the car and opened the door, Owen lifted me again and started walking inside. Nurses rushed toward us and Owen put me in a wheelchair, following behind me,
"Where is she?" Kenny called from behind us I sighed knowing that I was going to get a lecture in about thirty seconds. The nurses immediately put me in a room and set me up so the doctors could come and check on me, meanwhile many nurses were checking out Charlie, Owen, and Savannah who stood at my bed side while Jeremy and Carolynn moved the car to a parking space,
"Kenny is going to have your head." Charlie smiled lightly, it made me chuckle at the fact that he was being so sweet and light hearted. Owen was holding my hand as Kenny ran into the room,
"Delilah Grace Hampton. You know that your supposed to take care of yourself, you ignored your body telling you to rest. You and I both promised you mother we'd get you to a doctor if you were hurt." He said glaring at me before his eyes softened,
"Her head never hit the ground. Owen dove and caught her head, I picked her up and Owen held her all the way to the hospital." Charlie immediately said telling him what happened. I think he was saving Owen from recalling what happened, Owen was sat at my side holding my hand like if I let go he'd die which I think I might have died if he had let go, he's my best friend and I need him right now.

It was a few hours before I was able to hear if my diagnosis was correct, meanwhile Owen and Charlie were at my side while Kenny changed things in everyone's schedules so that there was enough time to adjust to the photographer being down and his surrogate daughter in the hospital. I felt Owen beside me, we had all fell asleep in the room. Owen was in the bed with me and he was spooning me, which somehow was comforting, Charlie was sitting in a chair but he was asleep on my legs. I heard a light tap on the door, I put my finger to my lips and waved the doctor in,
"We have the results and you have a pretty good sized aneurysm but it will not need a clip. We will be performing the surgery soon." The doctor said softly as requested, I looked at the door and then to the boys,
"Say tomorrow during the day while they're gone? I don't want to have them stressing unless they have to." I looked at the doctor pleading for her to understand how badly I'd want them there but I just couldn't have them there while there was nothing for them to do. Everyone needed to work and Owen especially wouldn't benefit from me being in surgery while he waited. The doctor looked at me and nodded slowly,
"Hey any news?" Kenny asked walking in and gently waking the boys up who looked incredibly startled and looked at me like they dreamt that I had died,
"The tests have come back, she does have an aneurysm and it isn't large enough for a clip, she will be fine after it's removed," the doctor said glancing at me, I gestured for her to go before everyone started asking questions.
"You guys need to go to work, I'll be fine here, I have my phone and you guys can text me if you need to, I promise that I'll do my best to answer you. It'll be hard, I'll probably be sleeping and singing. Causing a butt load of trouble." I said with a smile as I ran my fingers through Owen's hair out of habit,
"The usual?" Charlie asked with a joking tone, that's when I heard Owen hiccup,
"Owen..." I whispered as he looked up at me with a smile as he wiped his tears,
"Sorry I just worry a lot." He said with a shrug as he got up, Charlie sat up fully and started to stand,
"I promise that I'll be fine. I will be here when the day is done and you can tell me how everything went, in as much detail as possible." I said looking between the two boys,
"You know it'll be hard to work without having you there?" Kenny asked as he watched us,
"I'm always there, and I always will be. Now go before you spend too much time worrying." I said softly, Charlie and Owen looked at each other and nodded slowly,
"Can I have some privacy? I'll be right behind you." Owen asked looking at Kenny and Charlie, they nodded and walked out,
"Owen please don't start making a speech." I begged softly as I saw the look on his face,
"I care, I care way too much about everything but I care. I may have just met you a few months ago but, Lilah, I can't live without you so don't do anything stupid until we get back." He said softly and that's when the guilt hit, I knew I was planning to do the surgery after they were gone but I felt bad that I was doing it without them but I have to stand with my gut, it happening and it has to. I forced a smile on my face hiding how sick I was feeling and how much I needed to throw up,
"Owen you can go now, it's okay." I said softly holding his hand, he nodded and kissed my cheek before he walked out, I waited until I couldn't hear anymore before I grabbed a tub and threw up. I pressed the nurse button,
"Miss Hampton, what's wrong?" He asked, he looked at me and then the tub in front of me,
"We need to hurry up please." I begged, he nodded at me before he ran out and smiled as he stood in my doorway,
"One OR coming your way." He said with a wink, I nodded with a sigh as he prepped me,
"The recovery time is like 3 days right?" I asked softly. The nurse nodded slightly with a smile,
"You will only have a little coil that will keep the aneurysm from growing and keep blood from it." He said as he held my hand all the way to the operating room.

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