Chapter Ⅷ: Storm

Start from the beginning

"What are the two of you fighting over this time?"

"Nothing important." Galleous quickly cut in, stopping Thalleous from saying something; which earned him a glare from the other.

Huffing at his brother's interruption, Thalleous turned towards the Nestoris. "I've heard of your Voltaris friend,"

Achillean grew tense, he knew the other would not like the idea of a Voltaris being in the camp.

"No sarcastic comment?" He asked, the Tidesinger knew of his habit of sarcastic and crude remarks.

"I have no comment," He retorted. "You already know what I'm thinking."

Achillean did not respond. He did know what the other was thinking. It was no secret as to what Thalleous thought of the Voltaris clan.


Achillean softly exhaled, his thoughts going a million miles a second. He was glad to get away for a moment, even if his peace did not last as long as he would like. He glanced over at Amaya, her eyes shining brightly as they reflected the soft snowfall.

He felt Amaya's hand brush against his own, Achillean clasped his hand over hers; gently squeezing it. He glanced at her again and she met his gaze with a soft smile, a faint blush painted across her face.

He felt his face heat up at how close they were, he glanced at her, his warm breath brushed across her face. "Can I?" he whispered, his finger gently brushing across her cheeks, Nestoris bit his lip.

Amaya met his gaze, nodding. The space between them closed as his soft lips gently pressed against hers, Amaya kissed him back, it all felt natural, and the feeling between the two of them was genuine and real. like it was supposed to happen. Achillean pulled Amaya close to him, feeling a warmth spread through his chest. He found his worries absent from his mind. He could just be in this moment forever.

He couldn't find the ability to speak, not that any words needed to be said at that point in time. Part of Achillean told himself that it was a terrible idea to gain attachment to someone- especially in this way, the way he felt about Amaya.

But their moment was cut short as a crack of a twig alerted them of someone's presence.

Both Ardoni looked around for the source of the noise.

Achillean quickly pulled out his staff in case he would have to fight, he shuddered slightly feeling the magic from the enchantment flood through him.

at the edge of the clearing, shadowed by the trees stood another Ardoni, adorned in red markings.

markings that Achillean was, regretfully, dreading seeing.

"Tsk, tsk. letting your guard down as always, Achillean. Why am I not surprised."

"What do you want?" Achillean cut him off, he knew what the other did, the mind games he played.

"You already know," Ingressus replied.

"No I don't, you constantly hunt me down only to never kill me. What game are you playing?"

"One that I plan to win." Ingressus took a few steps forward, his stride was unwavering and powerful, his gaze landed on Amaya, his lips twitching into a smirk, beside him Achillean could feel Amaya grow tense; he moved his hand out in a protective motion, his amber eyes hardening.

"Protective are we?"

"If you try anything you'll find out,"

"I just might," He threatened darkly.

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