"I hold it first".

"I was faster".

"I am hungry".

"And I am hungrier". They start arguing and FanXing looks at them fighting and slowly he started to laugh, Xiao Zhan and Zan Jin stop fighting and look at him.

"Hahahahaha Funny Hahahahaha". FanXing laughed but stopped when he saw them looking at him silently.

"W-What?". He asked and they smile at him.

"You look so cute when you laugh, laugh more". Zan Jin said and FanXing looks down feeling shy.

"I wish Yibo hears you laugh, he is waiting for this moment since he knows you, please laugh more, that will make us happy". Xiao Zhan pats his head and FanXing nodded.

After Yibo and Hai Kuan finish chatting, they return to the others and play some games before eating, then they return home.

"We need to go, see you guys tomorrow". Zan Jin waved for Xiao Zhan and Yibo before he goes with Hai Kuan to their home. On the way, Hai Kuan called his father.

"Dad....I will tell mom about Yibo". Zan Jin looks at him but didn't say anything.

"Are you sure about that? She said she doesn't want to remember the past".

"Who wants to remember such a past? But who knows, maybe she will change her mind about him, I will not let them meet directly though, I will take her to the nursery and let her see him, then she can decide whether she wants to talk to him or not".

"Ok, as you wish, when will you take her?".

"Tomorrow afternoon".

"Ok then, do as you wish, I hope she accepts him soon".

"I hope so, dad, I want you to accept him too, he might not be your son but please......he is innocent of what happened".

"And because he is innocent I will accept him as my child, when your mother accept him I will submit the papers that he is my son". Hai Kuan smiles and teared up.

"Thanks, dad". Then he hangs up. Zan Jin wiped the falling tears from his cheek.

"I'm worried, what if your mother make a fuss about him?". Zan Jin asked worriedly and Hai Kuan sighed.

"I won't let her, don't worry".


"Is he asleep?". Xiao Zhan asked when Yibo entered his room.


"So, what is it? Your face says that you want to say something, right?". Yibo sit next to him and sighed.

"Kuan-Ge told me everything,  and I said I don't want to meet my real mother since she throws me and don't want me".

"And now you are concerned about meeting her, right?". Yibo look at him and nodded.

"Is it...bad to not meet her? Or should I meet her?". Xiao Zhan holds his hand and smile at him.

"Nothing is bad, meeting her or not is depending on you, you need some time to accept this feeling, having a real mother is not like having an adoptive mother, and having a real family is not like having a family by adoption, meet them and see how it is, but you have to sort out your feelings first". Yibo hugs him and shakes his head.

"I don't think it will be the same, your mother is the only mother I know, she accepted me and treated me and tried her best to makes me feel special, and you are my family and Zan Jin too, I can accept Kuan-Ge but mother....I don't know". Xiao Zhan pats his head.

"You don't want to accept her, yet you called her mother just now?". Yibo release the hug.

"I Didn't Mea----".

"It's a matter of heart and time, Yibo, don't say you don't want to meet her, just wait and give yourself and her some time to accept each other, both of you suffered a lot in the past, maybe it was an act of anger and fear that moment, but it affects both your life, give her another chance Yibo, I know she would be happy to have you, please". Yibo's tears fall as he heard his words; he hugs him tightly and cried. Xiao Zhan takes a deep breath and hugs him back. 

"It's your decision, whether you want to stay or not, I won't stop you, she is your mother". Yibo shakes his head and hugs him tighter.

"I will not leave you; I don't want to leave you; you know how much you are dear to me and I can't go away or anywhere far from you". Xiao Zhan releases the hug and looks into his eyes; he touches his cheeks and kisses his forehead.

"I know that, and you know how much I care about you, but if your family wants you back....I can't say anything, I don't want to be selfish by taking you away from them, if mom were here, she would be so happy to know that you have a family, and she will persuade you to return to them, but me.....I don't know what to do". He let his tears escape from his eyes, he is feeling uneasy just by thinking that Yibo will leave him, will he forget about him? Will he not come to see him anymore?

"Zhan, I want you to be selfish, I raised with you as a brother, and you are my family, I am not comfortable staying away from here, I will not leave you alone!". He hugs him and cry, Xiao Zhan close his eyes and cry with him.


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