"So, how do you intend on entertaining me?" I inquired, rubbing my finger on the corner of my ear. He nodded, before placing his finger up in the air, signaling for me to wait. He let out a large yawn, something similar to a baby lion cub, and then sighed.

"I was thinking of continuing that thing I told you about last night? The friends thing." He paused, looking at me like he expected me to say something. I made weird head motions, trying to get him to speak, and we both ended up just looking really high. "What-What do we do?"

"I don't know. This is your project, I suggested TV, and you denied. So, you have to decide."

"Twenty questions?"


"Why not?" He pouted. I sighed, giving him a bored glare.

Turning to the side so that he could only see one side of my face, I began my mono-duet. "Let's play twenty questions," I said in a deep, masculine voice. Turning my head, I responded to myself, so that it looked like I was playing two different parts. "Okay!" My voice was a mocking high and girly tone. It reminded me of Alex. Back to my deep voice, I turned my head again and said, "Okay, what's your favourite colour?" Head turn. High voice. "Pink! What's your favourite food?" Head turn. Low voice. "Pizza rolls. Are you a virgin?" Head turn. High voice. "What?" Head turn low voice. "Like, will you get really freaky and call me daddy and everything?" High voice. Head turn. "I'm a little uncomfortable. Can we-" Head turn. Low voice. "Do you do anal?" Head turn-

"Okay, stop with the mono-duo-loge thing." I nodded understandingly and turned back to my original position. With a baffled, yet amused expression, he stuttered incoherent words before laughing out, "Was that really needed, Jessica?" I scowled.

"My name is not Jessica."

"I don't care."

"Well, maybe I'm not fond of your name, either." He frowned.

"What's so wrong with my name?"

"I don't know. It's dorky. It doesn't suit you."

"I beg your pardon."

"I'm going to call you Henry."

"So, I'm not a Harry but Henry is where it's at." I grinned at him.


He groaned, rolling his body up into a little ball. "Fine, what do you want to talk about?"

"How does unusual opinions or preferences sound?"

"Are you making a sexual advance?"

"Not quite."

He shrugged. "Okay, you go first."

I thought for a moment, looking up and furrowing my brow. "I think that Ben Stiller kind of looks like a small monkey." He agreed, nodding his head.

"Valid point." He looked down, biting his lip. He, to my luck, didn't seem to notice my pleading expression as he did so. "I hate d.icks."

I paused, licking my lips and looking at him in a fake thoughtful glare, lips forming a line and my fist pressing againt them. "Is this your way of professing your heterosexuality?"

"No, I just hate them. They're not pretty, they get in the way. Wouldn't it be better if you had like a shelf in your torso to store it in until you needed it? Like, it's terrible to get in skinny jeans when you have to situate your d.ick. It takes like five minutes sometimes." He looked genuinely concerned, and seemed very passionate about this subject. "And if you had a d.ick-shelf, it wouldn't hurt when you got hit. You could have a balls shelf too." He finally looked up at me, seeming concerned. "What do you think?"

"Well, I don't really think that's what a d.ick is for."

"What's it for, then?"

"Want me to show you?" I raised my eyebrows up and down while smirking, watching his cheeks flush as he laughed and looked down.

"Yes. I mean, no. I mean- whatever, but really, okay... Have you ever thought about your v.agina like that?" My eyes widened and my eye twitched. "No, like, how you would improve the construction."

Well, no cramps for one.

"I don't have a v.agina," I stated, completely emotionless.

His eyes widened, but then he pulled an expression that made me know he wasn't buying my clever statement. "That's a lie, because your mother called in-" oh, f.uck. "-and she was freaking out about the possibility of you being around boys." I let my face fall onto the mattress. After groaning, I heard the sweetest laugh escape his lips. "But don't worry." I looked up at him. "She likes me," he winked.


[*pic of harry's room to the side]

A U T H O R N O T E :

i ranked 14 and cried thank you all so much i have the best readers ever


"what inspired you to write this story?" -@indiieharry

i wanted a book with Harry as how i imagine the real harry so yeah i did it

Cabin Three // h.s. auHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin