
10 1 0

By:Tiffaney Felicia

The smell of rain is in the air
I can feel it soaking my hair
Drenching my clothes and
leaving me feeling bare......
I can always smell it
Even before I see it
And can feel it
Gently caressing me
On the arms
Like a gentle lover......

Those glistening raindrops
Are falling outta the sky
Like silent teardrops
Streaming down your
Face whenever you cry
Lightning flashing in
The dark Gray sky
Lighting It up like a
Tree on Christmas........

The sound of Thunder
Booming across the sky
Fireworks being set off
On Independence Day,
Bursting like bombs
Signaling another war
just around The corner......

I love the smell of the rain
Perfuming the air with a
Delicate Fragrance leaving
Behind the sweet smelling
Scent  of exotic wildflowers
permeating air around until
Floating away amongst
A soft bed of clouds..........

I love how the rain feels
Ticketing my skin softly
with a feather while,
Gently caressing me
The way my husband
Caresses my creamy skin
With soft but gentle fingertips.......

I love how the rain sounds
Like windchimes Tinkling
In the warm summer breeze
Softly Whistling a melody,
Whispering quietly in the trees,
Gently singing a lullaby...........

Even when you can't see it
Rain is always there,
Hovering above us
Hiding in the clouds
But not quite falling
Waiting patiently for
Another stormy rainfall......

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