Chapter 2: The white Lotus

Start from the beginning

Without spending any more time on Qihe or time to see where Eliwa was- probably she was stealing again; she always stole from the rich to give to the poor, almost like Robin Hood, and even though Eliwa had a cold appearance she had a heart of gold.

I quickly walked towards my room while my soft footsteps echoed throughout the long and quiet hallway, making a cold shiver of excitement run down my spine, let's see what their best agent is capable of, and unconsciously a smirk had made its way towards my lips when I entered my darkroom.

The only light in my room came from the window, but because it was dark, not much was visible, except for the outstanding contour of a man tied to a chair was visible through the strays of moonlight.

And I didn't even need to be able to see him be able to know his eyes were sending me daggers, and if looks were able to kill I was sure I had been buried eight feet under the ground the moment I stepped inside my room, and a soft chuckle left my mouth by the thought.

I turned the lights on, and the man sitting on the tied chair closed his eyes slowly, and I inspected his features remembering every small detail, he had a pale light skin that reminded me of Lily's; light like porcelain and just as fragile, but appearance can lie, plump red lips like cherries, a sharp jawline.

And when he opened his eyes, I was sure I would recognise the coldness inside his eyes, forever, it was like ice piercing through my soul, unexplainable, and unconsciously, a cold shiver ran down my spine before I reminded myself of who I was.

I was Sean Xiao Zhan, one of the most famous assassins/thieves of China.

Eliwa was a thief and former assassin, Qihe was an assassin too, and now a thief, Lily and I were both assassins and thieves, but now Lily wasn't here we were with three, there would be no way he could escape, so I took a deep breath, calming my own racing heart while his eyes were still locked in mine, and I wouldn't back off this battle, the first one diverting his eyes would be the weak one.

"So you're the best agent they have? Ha!" I snickered while remembering how easy it was to knock him out, how easy he was to capture, and I held back another laugh while he put his lips into a thin line.

"Come on, I even have seen rookies being better than you~" the best way to let someone talk is to provoke them, rule 14 of being an assassin, so I took another chair and sat opposite of him, letting my right leg slip over my left while watching him and taking measures of how dangerous he could be.

"You bloody assassin," he gritted the words through his teeth while I laughed at his stupidity as if I didn't know my place in this world, there had been more than enough people and headlines of newspaper to remind me of that.

So I answered him with a small smile, "yes, I am a bloody assassin indeed, and kill humans in cold blood, but your agency is no hair better if you thought so, they have killed thousands of innocent lives without a breath, have you ever thought about what is good and what is bad?" I held my head oblique while a strand of hair fell in front of my eyes, I kept my eyes focused on him while softly breathing out, trying to remain calm.

"They said 'The white Lotus' the community existing of a few assassins was worldwide known as the best assassins, they didn't say you guys were insane," he chuckled while talking and I shrugged my shoulder nonchalantly, it was not like I had followed those temper lessons with Lily's help for fun.

I. Would. Not. Snap.

"I never assured you, pathetic humans, we were sane, so what are you talking about, little agent?" I leaned down in the chair, making myself comfortable while yawning.

"Someday you will be killed by what you are," he once again gritted the words filled with verminous hate from out of his mouth while a chuckle left mine.

"Is that a threat?" I smiled softly at him, knowing the smile did not reach my eyes, and I felt the atmosphere around us descend a few degrees, and the tense was sharp like a knife, but I would not back off right now, the deal would be made, I would get Lily back on any cost, but if he continued being so annoying I wouldn't mind to hurt him a little, I mean there is a difference between wanting him to return breathing, and or alive and well . . .

After all, that's rule 20 of being an assassin, make the right deals because the life of an assassin exists of contracts.

And once you make the wrong deal there's no way of slipping out of it, Qihe had made many times use of this rule with me, and that's why I became so good in manipulating them just a bit, I mean rules were made to be broken, and I am not violating them honestly I am only bending them just a little bit, and his soft yet hateful voice shook me out of my train of thoughts . . .

"I don't make threats . . . I only make promises . . ."

Word count: 1706 words


Hullow everyone~

So, this is my newest Zhanyi fanfic, there's no Yizhan version yet, I will write a few chapters before I start a Yizhan version I think, but I hope you guys liked it so far because this is a whole new genre to me, and I've never written about this before.

Honestly, I am thinking of unpublishing this whole book, but I also do not want to disappoint the readers, so let me know your thoughts, I hope the book will be as much an adventure to you all as to me! 

I wanna ask you all a question; can an assassin be good? 

I have already asked one of my best buddies called Google and he answered this: No, Assassins are not good. You'd have to only kill people who agree should die and whose deaths are betterment for society. You'd effectively be a bounty hunter and take jobs that request you to kill because if it says dead or alive, a good person would try to take them alive.

Honestly, I do not agree with my best buddy for once, so let me all know your thoughts! 

Btw I will be using my own characters, and I hope you all won't mind, if you do prefer the untamed characters in the story, let me know~

Anyway sorry for the long A/N and let me know your thoughts!

Stay safe and take care~

- Your dearest rookie writer ❤️

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