Chapter 2 - First Day

Start from the beginning

But before Draco could make a snarly comment, he was interrupted by McGonagall.

"We're ready for you" she said.

All the first years were in awe to see the Great Hall. They were told to stand in a group and come up when their name is called, sit on the chair and then the hat will place them in their rightful house. A few students' names were called out and Olivia was waiting for hers.

Because Ron, Hermione and Harry were already sorted in Gryffindor, she wanted to be in that house too. And Malfoy was in Slytherin, she clearly didn't want to be in Slytherin. But she knew that it was the hat's decision, but she was wrong.

"Olivia Middleton"

She came out from the crowd and sat on the stool. The hat was placed on her head.

"Hmmmmmmmm. A mind and a heart SO kind, but yet so very brave. Can be cunning and yet witty. Ohh boy this is going to be hard. You can be placed in any house, hmm let's have a look, shall we? When I ask you questions and give you multiple choices, you tell me what you will do in that situation. Ready, are we?" said the Sorting Hat.

"You've made it to Hogwarts, which means you've already bought a wand from Ollivander's. What material is at its core?" asked the hat.

"Dragon Heartstring, Sir"

"Interesting, very interesting" said the hat.

Draco was already sorted to Slytherin and wasn't paying any attention to the Sorting ceremony. But when he heard 'dragon heartstring' his attention was on the ceremony, he noticed Olivia sitting and just stared at her in awe. She was nervous, she was lightly playing with her fingers and looking down.

"During the exams, you notice that one of your classmates was using an enchanted quill. You come top of the class anyway, but they are second and someone just lost the second place to the test. What do you do?"

"I, umm, encourage the student to admit what they did wrong to the professor" replied Liv.

"Even if someone, not your friend came third and you came first, I mean it doesn't bother you much, since you topped the class." asked the hat again

"It doesn't matter, who's first or not, what matters is honesty" replied Olivia slowly.

"You would be most hurt if a person called you...?"


After a lot of questions about loyalty, kindness, bravery, being cunning, being selfish and after about half an hour of Olivia seated in the chair, the hat said "This is the longest I've taken to sort anyone in a house after Minerva and another young lady"

"Even though you're smart, you can be easily put into Ravenclaw...." said the hat.

There was silence. "But, there's more to you than knowledge, you are BRAVE, you are CUNNING but as the same time you can be KIND HEARTED...." continued the hat.

"Ohh Merlin, this is going to be difficult, my child I'm going to ask you to take your seat again and come back after sometime, when everyone's sorting is done, I'll have some time to think too" demanded the hat politely.

Everyone was shocked, never had the hat asked anyone to wait, except for one person in history. 

"Boy, her mind would've had to be messed up, since she can't be placed." someone said.

McGonagall heard it and placed a warm hand on Olivia's shoulder in attempt to show kindness.

After everyone's sorting was done, it was Olivia's turn again.

"Well, you are 39% Slytherin, 38% Gryffindor, 21% Hufflepuff and 2% Ravenclaw" said the hat stating facts.

Liv whispered just like Harry did, her biggest concern was being sorted in Slytherin, "Anything but SLYTHERIN"

"Alright then, if no Slytherin, then be a GRYFFINDOR"

The Gryffindor table cheered and applauded for Olivia. She sat with her friends and ate her dinner. She heard Harry ask Percy who was the person that was sitting next to Professor Quirrell. She looked and saw Professor Snape. He was rather not happy seeing Olivia in Gryffindor.

All the ghosts started roaming the Great Hall. And then came, from a plate of chicken, Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington, which startled Ron. After chatting with Percy, Hermione asked the ghost, "NEARLY headless, how can you be nearly headless?" Olivia saw Harry roll his eyes at her question to which she giggled, diverting Harry's attention to her. Harry and Olivia seemed to have a bond or have a special connection and became close on the very first day.

A few days later, their classes had already begun and Hermione and Olivia were almost at the top of their classes. Up until one day, flying lessons had started.

They were supposed to command their wand to come up in their hand. To their shock, Harry had already had his broom in his hand on the first 'up', to which Hermione got jealous. When Olivia said up the first time nothing happened but as soon as she said up the second time the broom came in her hand, and so did Malfoy's in his hand. He smirked looking at Olivia. She, in response, just smiled. After all the students had their brooms in their hand, Madam Hooch gave instructions on mounting and flying the broom and that's when Neville's broom became out of control and he fell on the ground from the sky hurting his hand.

Malfoy had gotten Neville's gift - a Remembrall, in his hand and was planning on harassing him. Harry protested, but Malfoy being a Malfoy he mounted his broom and flew into the sky, taunting him.

Before Harry could do the same thing, Olivia grabbed Harry's wrist and said, "Don't be an idiot, he's Malfoy, what do you expect? If Madam Hooch finds out-" she was interrupted by Harry, "I cannot let Neville's gift being thrown out, I am going"

"What. An. Idiot." Hermione said sarcastically. 

After a few minutes, Harry landed and in his hand - the Remembrall. Everyone cheered and hugged Harry. Olivia let out a peaceful and happy sigh that no one was hurt.

Professor McGonagall came and asked Harry to follow him.

Olivia had a few free hours before her next class, so she decided to spend it in the library. Being a bookworm, she picked up a book from the muggles section, not being quite picky on the type and started reading. She read it for an hour, until she heard someone talk.

"Did you hear? Potter got into Gryffindor's team for Quidditch, how did he do that is still a mystery!"

"But, first years aren't even allowed to BUY a broom, how did he get into the team, he got seeker, didn't he?" the other one said.

"Yeah well, he doesn't even deserve it, I mean did you see in him potions? What is he? Dumber than that Longbottom?" he said.

The other two boys snickered.

Olivia peeked behind the shelf to see who was talking. She couldn't place the voice but it did feel familiar.

Until she saw two boys, facing a platinum haired boy, she instantly knew who he was. Malfoy.

"Yeah well at least, he is better than you" said Olivia emphasizing words so that he could understand that she was taunting him. "We all saw that he clearly got the Remembrall back from you, so figures he got into the team" she continued in the same tone.

"Yeah? Is that what you think? Let me change your mind" said Malfoy, threatening her.

"Ohh, I'm sorry, seeing that its you, it's gonna take you a couple of hours to make me understand, and I'm late for class anyway" Olivia said crossing her hands in front of her chest and waited for Malfoy's comment but it never came, leaving Malfoy speechless. She flicked her hair in his face and left, proudly, that she shut off Malfoy's mouth.

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