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Sirius's POV

Ughhhhh... I am bored. How long do I even have to stay in this dog form! I just can't wait to get back and stretch my legs out. I was just on the way to the shrieking shack when I saw Rose sitting on one of the logs nearby.

What is she doing here alone?! Irresponsible people! Leaving a little girl on her own. I went towards her and woofed "Woof! Woof" Being a dog is hard. She turned her head toward me. Her eyes literally sparkled when she recognized me. Cuteeee! She got up and ran towards me with those small feet of hers. "Paddy!!!!" She shouted hugging me. "Where did you go last time Paddy?" she asked pouting and petting my head. I just woofed and wagged my tail.

"Do you want some chocolate Paddy?" Hell yeah I did!! I woofed and jumped around her wagging my tail. She took a chocolate bar out of her pocket and tried breaking it in half. But it broke unevenly. She looked at both parts and extended the hand with the bigger part to me. I just tilted my head in confusion. Don't kids usually take the bigger part? She saw my confusion I guess and answered "Take it Paddy." I just woofed and took the chocolate with my mouth.

I heard someone running toward here. She was busy eating her part of the chocolate. So I decided to get to the shadows and see who is coming. Gotta protect little Rose if it is someone dangerous.

Draco's POV

I was running away from that thing which attacked me when I saw a little red head sitting on a log alone eating chocolate. Why is she alone? I turned around to see if crabbe and goyle running away before me.

I rolled my eyes and walked towards the little potter. I called out "Oii!! Little girl!!" She turned and shouted "Dwacooooo!!" While running and hugging my legs. She let go of my legs and looked up at me with chocolate all over her mouth. Cuteee. Why does Potter have such a sweet and cute little sister? I sighed, bent down to her height, took my handkerchief and wiped the chocolate around her mouth. She just grinned the entire time.

"What are you doing here alone little potter?" She replied "I am not alone. Paddy is with me" She turned around confused "Where did he go again?" Children and their imaginary friends. I sighed and asked "Who did you come with little Rose?" She paused for about 5 seconds and replied "Hermione and Ron" Stupid mudblood and blood traitor leaving a little girl alone. I expected this from Weasel but even the mudblood. I guess all the responsibility stuff were all an act.

I grabbed her arms and pointed at the direction where the mudblood and blood traitor were. "They are over there. Why don't you go and join them?" I asked. She said "Okay!" and started skipping that way. "Oii! Little Potter! Wait!". She turned and came to me. I bent to her height and gave her a small bag filled with candy. Her eyes widened and sparkled with excitement. Adorable! "Thank you Dwaco!" She said and hugged me. I hugged this little rabbit back and told her to go back to the mudblood and blood traitor. She nodded and skipped off there. Now I have to search those idiots.*Facepalm*

Harry's POV

I was throwing snow balls at Hermione and Ron when I heard a small voice shouting my name. I turned to see Rose running towards me with a small bag in her hand. I caught her and spun her in the air with her laughing loudly. I finally put her down and both of us laid in the snow laughing. Ron and Hermione joined us.

Finishing our laughter fit I asked her "What's in the bag Rose?" "Candy!! Dwaco gave me." She said smiling. Ron frowned with me "Are you sure he didn't poison them? This doesn't sound like Draco." He said. I stared at Rose talking happily to Hermione in her lap. "I don't think he poisoned them. He wouldn't stoop so low to hit me. And he did bring Rose back safely last time. I don't think he is a danger to Rose at least now." I told him.

Hermione and Ron disguised me using Hermione's scarf and Ron's Hat. I told them how we snuck out of the castle. Ron was obviously annoyed "Those weasels! Never told me about any Marauder's Map!" "But Harry isn't going to keep it. He's going to turn it over to Professor McGonagall, aren't you?" I looked at Hermione shocked. Ron replied for me "Oh sure. Along with his invisibility cloak, his pack of exploding snap cards, his –" "Oh, shut up!"

"Rosmerta, m'dear!" It was Cornelius Fudge. Hagrid swung open the door and accidentally pulls the door off the fittings with ease. Fudge was joined by the bartender and professor McGonagall outside the pub. " That's Madam Rosemerta. Ron fancies her." Said Hermione "Does he love her?" Rose asked. Ron jumped to his defence "Its not true and no, I don't love her!" Rose replied "Okay!" and went back to sipping her orange juice.

"I trust business is good?" Fudge asked MadamRosemerta to which she replied "It'd be a right sight better if the Ministrywasn't sending Dementors into my pub every other night." "We have a killer onthe loose." "Sirius Black?! In Hogsmeade? What would bring him here?!?" "Harry Potter"Fudge Replied. "Harry Potter?!" Fudge looked around Nervously and jerks hishead toward the pub. He leads Rosemerta and Professor McGonagall inside. I puton my cloak and followed them inside.

Authors Note:

Hey guys!! I updated!!! YAYYY 

I wanna thank all of you guys for the support you have given me. 470 votes and 25.7k reads!! Whoa!!! Thank you soooo much!!! I love you guys!! Sarangaeeee!

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