Chapter 17: Legolas

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Author's Note: The title gives a lot away, hehe :3 Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter!!

Dedicated to @DianneBaquiran, for supporting the story since the very beginning, and for her comments that always make me smile :)


I let my eyes flutter shut, listening to the peaceful rhythm of the river. Droplets of water tickled my toes. With the sound of the waves in my ear, I felt myself relax into the grass, letting the green strands tease my ears, my cheeks, and the ends of my hair. My feet tilted, dipping further into the stream.

“You called for me?” A deep baritone utterance cut through my serene haven.

I raised my head to look at my husband, whose arms were crossed over a thick brown tunic. His hair lay braided over his shoulders, still tense from riding out into all the villages.

“I did,” I responded lightly, rising to link my arm with his.

He kissed my temple gently before allowing my arms to twine around his neck, before allowing my fingers to tangle in his plait. Our foreheads touched, and for a moment, I was in my haven again. Then, almost with reluctance, the thought of why I had called him wormed its way back into my calm mind. I pulled away quickly; his kiss met open air.

Thranduil frowned. “What is it?”

I was happy with the news. There was no doubt of this in my mind. But his reaction…I was doubtful of it. Would he be as elated I as I was when Healer Galu had told me the news? Would he be angry, and tell me that he was too busy, as he had done in the past?


I gulped down my fear. Managed to meet his eyes. “I have something to tell you.”

He seemed to sense my discomfort. “Come,” he smiled, motioning towards the Queen’s Gardens. “We can rest on one of mother’s benches, and you can tell me then.”

Grateful for his pleasant temperament, I allowed him to lead me towards the garden. It felt good to hold his hand again; he had been travelling a lot recently, and we rarely shared private moments together.

We made ourselves comfortable on the porcelain bench before I felt it right to speak. “Thranduil, I went to see Healer Galu today, whilst you were riding with the troops.”

His face was an open mask of concern. “Are you not well?”

I shook my head, trying to smile, though the muscles on my face seemed reluctant to comply. “I am fine. But he told me something as well.”

Thranduil’s eyebrows furrowed. “What is it that he said?”

 I leaned forward, my hair spilling across my back as I reached towards him. My mouth inches away from his ear, I whispered the words I had been longing and dreading to say all day:

“You are going to be a father.”


“You look beautiful,” Raweru murmured from behind me. I could feel her hand, gentle on the back of my head.

“Do not flatter me,” I snapped, pulling my braid from her fingers so that I could observe the new dress. It ballooned in the center, for obvious reasons, but it was also quite beautiful. I grudgingly reminded myself to thank Anya yet again for the gift.

I ran my hands over the deep, swirling hues of maroon and cream that made up the skirt, my fingers tracing the bright gold embroidery. I spun in the mirror, placing my hand on my stomach, despite myself.

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