Storm Rising

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Silver's PoV...

"It's good to be back." I gazed up at the massive windmills that pull water from the lake below and closed my eyes as a gentle breeze kissed my face.

Amber spoke up, standing before Lumine. "Let me officially introduce the city of wind, dandelions, and freedom -- Travelers under the protection of the Knights of Favonius -- Welcome to Mondstadt!" I opened my eyes and looked at Paimon floating next to us, who looked at Lumine with glee.

"Finally, no more having to camp outdoors!" She then looked at Amber, a bit more serious. "But... the city folk don't look too cheery."

I turned my gaze skyward and tried to pick out the smells on the wind. Something's coming... "That'd be thanks to one D-. One Stormterror." I stumbled on my words as I remembered the other humans called Dvalin "Stormterror." This did not go noticed by Lumine, who narrowed her eyes.

Amber gave me her trademark smile. "But everything will turn out fine as long as jean's with us!"

Lumine tilted her head, losing the questioning gaze as she did so. "Jean?"

I jumped in. "Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius -- Jean, Defender of Mondstadt. She's the next Vennessa, if you believe the rumors and stories."

Amber nodded enthusiastically. "Right! With Jean on our side, surely even the vicious Stormterror will be no match for us." I watched as Lumine started to slip into thought, only broken by Amber's next words. "Before I take you two to the Knights of Favonius headquarters, I have a present for you, Lumine. It's a reward for helping me and Silver clear out that hilichurl camp."

I raised an eyebrow. "Is it what I think it is?"

Amber simply gave me a grin as Paimon pouted. "He-Hey! Why doesn't Paimon or Silver get a reward?"

I started to stretch my arms. "I don't care much for rewards. If those hilichurls were making it that much more difficult reaching my orphanage, then I'd happily say getting rid of 'em is my reward."

Lumine's eyes widened. "Wait, you own an orphanage?"

A grin crept across my lips. "Yup. Tell you over a drink sometime, eh?"

She nodded and turned her attention towards Amber as she gave an explanation. "Well, as Silver said he's declining a reward and this... This reward is useless to you, Paimon." She then snapped her fingers as a thought came to her. "How about this? I'll treat you to a traditional Mondstadt delicacy: Sticky Honey Roast!"

Paimon's pupils took on the shape of several Primogems. "Sticky Honey Roast!"

I couldn't help but laugh. "You remind me of Charles, the little rascal. Always eager to scarf down some food."

Amber smiled alongside us and started looking. "Come with me, Lumine. We'll head to the city's ahh..." a look of brilliance shone on her face. "We'll head to the city's high ground!"

I gave them a wave as I started off to the market. "Welp, that's my cue to part ways with you. Be seeing you!"

Amber and Lumine gave me waves while Paimon shouted, "Make sure to remember your promise!" to which I quipped "I always do!"

Grinning to myself, I began to browse through stalls and shops before stopping before the town fountain. Raising my head skyward, I began to narrow my eyes and sniff out the air. A Knight spotted me and walked up, gazing upward as well.

"Is something the matter, sir?"

Recognizing the scent I picked up at the gate at last, I snapped into action. "Get everyone inside, now! Stormterror's about to attack!"

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