Chapter 2 - Why I really hate Mondays

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*For people who have read this already, JL or Julien-Louis is now Zeff or Theodore Zeff*

2 Why I really hate Mondays. 

We arrive at the front gates within minutes.

Black Castle High is one of the most beautiful campuses I’ve been on, ever. It’s in the middle of nowhere and originally a mansion to some famous and super rich person but when the original BCH burnt down the school brought out the person, then of course my dad bought them all out too. My father owns many schools; it’s like a hobby to him. The black iron gates are open by Lenny, the head of security here and our car travels down the gravel driveway. Oaks flank the driveway as we drive down; a giant fountain comes into sight as does the school. Humphrey parks the car at the front steps and waves us goodbye as we rush out of the car.

Two doormen (yes doormen!) open the large French double doors for us to the main hall. The principal’s office and reception entrances sit each side of the main door, after that the walls are traded for lockers. At the end of the hall there is another door which leads to a beautiful and colourful courtyard as well as another hall on the opposite side where our classrooms are. Our party rushes through the maze of students in the hall and reach our lockers quickly just as the homeroom bell goes.

The day goes as usual, classes, break, more classes, lunch and then more classes (which I don’t remember coz I fell asleep). However, Principal Wendy Burgemir called an assembly after school today which sucks; I really want to go home. Vita and I walk to the auditorium, find the boys before entering and taking seats at the back. Soon enough the place goes dark as the stage and spot light on the podium glow to life.

Burgemir walks out from backstage, “Good Evening students. I know you all want to go home but there are a few announcements to be made. I would like to inform you of the terrible death of our beloved English teacher Mr. Barnnell. He was found in his apartment, he was too far gone when the paramedics arrived.” Gasps, shrieks and outrage erupted through the hall.

What the hell? Mr. Barnnell was an incredibly healthy and happy man, how did he all of a sudden die? Burgemir draws the attention back to her, “Our fine teacher suffered from a heart condition which was slowly killing him, he died from a heart attack. If anyone would like counselling or just someone to talk to Mrs. Mill’s door will be open to both students and teachers.”

My phone buzzes in my pocket and Burgemir continues; “Now students I know this is so soon but I would like to introduce Mr. Barnwell’s replacement, Mr. Anderson.”

I open the message and read; I caught you Swan.

“Good evening, students my name is Mr. Anderson but you can all call me Konstantine.” I whip my head up and see my worst nightmare.

“Oh God no.” I whispered as tears spring up in my eyes.

I feel Storm’s concerned and confused eyes on me as he squeezes my hand gently on my lap, “What is it?” he whispers.

“Babe?” I hear Vita whispers but I can’t reply.

This can’t be happening, how did he find me? I escaped Russia years ago, escaped from those tunnels and from him. The tears slide down my cheeks as Konstantine talks to the crowd while scanning for me, I duck my head ever so slightly as he looks in our direction. Not soon enough he steps back from the podium and Burgemir dismisses us.

I jump up as soon as she says the words, climb over Storm and run out of the building towards the front gates. Tears and sobs escape me as I hear Zeff come pounding up beside me, “Alena where are you going? What’s wrong?”

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