22. Dreamscaperers

Start from the beginning

"Remember, bats are more afraid of you than you are of them," Mabel informed.

"I—uh, I'm not sure if that's true..." I told her.

"Maybe I'm thinking of ducklings," Mabel said. I watched as Dipper walked into the kitchen, determined, but not even a few seconds later I could hear his screams and cries, and soon after his hat came flying out, landing at my feet. I started to panic as Mabel laughed. "Ducklings. Quack quack! Quack quack quack!"

"Dipper!" I hollered and rushed into the kitchen to help him. I found him huddled in the corner of the room where the bat was biting and scratching at him. I took a nearby broom and started swatting at the bat, trying my best not to hit my boyfriend. The bat stopped and turned to me, hissing. With one final swat, I hit the bat out the window and into the front yard. I huffed, catching my breath. I then dropped the broom and rushed to Dipper's side to see if he was okay.

He had several scratches and bites, along with a big bruise on his forehead. He winced in pain and groaned. "My everything hurts..." he managed to say. I gave him a comforting kiss on the cheek.


"Ow, ow!" Dipper hissed as Soos swabbed disinfectant onto his arm.

"Swabbing on disinfectant, doo doo doo..." Soos sang to himself as he did it. I decided to call in him and Mabel to help with Dipper's wounds since there were more than I expected. Soos was fixing up Dipper's arms, Mabel was bandaging his head, and I was taking care of his face.

Dipper sighed through the pain. "Why does Grunkle Stan always pick on me?" he asked. "Think about it! The more painful or difficult the chore is, the more likely it is I'll have to do it. Why doesn't he pick on you guys?"

I stopped for a moment and gave a weak smile. "He picks on me even though I'm not family," I said.

"Guys, Stan's personality is one of life's great mysteries," Soos mentioned. "Like whether or not it's possible to lick your own elbow."

"I bet you can't!" Mabel challenged.

"I bet I can!" Soos said determinedly. He brought his elbow up to his mouth and tried to lick it but to no avail. 

He walked out of the kitchen, trying his hardest, and with Mabel following behind him, chanting, "Lick it! Lick it! Lick it!"

Dipper huffed. "Sometimes I feel like Stan hates me," he said. I rubbed his arm comfortingly. He looked up and spotted something. I followed his gaze to see he was looking at a portrait of Mr. Pines on the nearby wall.

"The sink's clogged! Dipper, get in here and fix it!" we heard Mr. Pines yell from the other room.

Dipper growled at his uncle's demands and picked up a Nyarf dart gun, firing straight at the picture. He sighed, placing the dart gun back on the table. I gave him a sympathetic smile. "Try not to let him get to you, okay?" I suggested.

"It's just hard, y'know?" he admitted. He looked at me and gave me the same smile back. 

I placed a gentle hand on his cheek, glossing over the fact that his face was injured so he ended up hissing in pain. I pulled my hand away immediately. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed.

He chuckled and waved me off, grabbing my hand to place it back on his cheek. "No, no, I'm fine," he said. "Your hands are cold so it feels nice..." His comment made me blush and I looked away, covering my face with my hair. He chuckled some more.

We sat in silence before we were startled by the sound of someone clearing their throat. We looked up and saw Mr. Pines standing in the kitchen entrance doorway with his arms crossed and a stern look on his face. "Don't make me ask you twice, kid..." he told Dipper. Dipper sighed frustratedly then kissed my hand before getting up and walking out. I smiled and sighed, the blush still not leaving my face as he walked away. "You're in love."

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