He didn't hit me. Nor did he strike me. Instead aggressively pushing him lips against mine. I was startled at first quickly opening my eyes by the sudden act of affection but I soon retaliated kissing him back. His kiss radiated hunger and lust and I knew instantly what he wanted out of me.

I grabbed the back of his hair running my hand through it messing it up while deepening the kiss. He aggressively pushed his body against mine making me bend backwards over the sink as he started swirling his tongue around my mouth.

I quickly pushed him away. Not here not now and for some reason i knew it was wrong but I couldn't get Liam out of my head.

"What the fuck" he grunted mad that I had been the one to push him away and not the other way round.

"We uh- I have to get back to Lia- I mean the others" I whispered looking down at the floor as to not meet his eyes that I knew were fixed on me.

"The fuck is with u and Liam?" He shouts slamming his hands into the mirror behind me causing me to jump in fright as it shatters behind me, shards of glass spraying all over me.

"Nothing I- WHAT DOES IT MATTER TO YOU MALFOY?" I shout annoyed over how he cares one minute and not the next.

"I don't fucking care y/n I don't give a fuck about you or what the fuck you do. I'm looking out for Liam who the fuck would do shut with a whore like you."

"YOU WERE JUST KISSING ME" I yelled, my voice echoing around the cold, isolated room.

"Yh to show how much of a desperate slut you are y/n."

"Fine I'm going to find Liam and Aadeya."
"If you even look in Liams direction again I will make sure you never want to look at him again. Do you understand y/n" he whispered into my ear dangerously.

I didn't have a response. I didn't get what he meant by that. Was he threatening me or Liam and if Liam why was he protective over him?

"I'm not yours Malfoy I don't listen to what you say" i reply calmly barely able to keep my anger in. Then I did it. I don't know where it came from and I didn't have time to think about it, I just did it.

I slapped him.

Hard across the face.

He turned to face me a red mark already  starting to form on his cheek. I had never seen someone so angry before. I could literally imagine steam coming out of his ears. A red face really doesn't suit a boy with such pale hair. He grabbed my neck pushing me roughly against the wall of the bathroom cutting of my airway leaving me gasping for air.

"You do that again and I will fucking pound you hard you won't even have the Energy to do that ever again" he whispered menacingly into my ear so closely I could feel his lips grazing against the top of my ear slowly making there way down to my lobe. It caused shivers to run down my whole body leaving a trail of goosebumps behind as I shiver in anticipation.

Then he left. Just like that not saying a word he quickly and left not even looking back leaving me to slump onto the ground in confusion. What did he mean by that last sentence? Maybe I took it the wrong way? Maybe he was threatening to beat me up.

I get up quickly as to not get caught I don't know how I would be able to explain this. I glance in the broken mirror at my distorted reflection. My head was fucked all because of this ferret I need to get my mind off him but he was all I could think about and this kiss. FUCK I need a distraction. I quickly fix my hair brushing shards of glass that were on my skirt and robe and set off to find Aadeya.

I later found her studying in the library with some girl who I hadn't yet met. She had brown curly hair with piercing brown eyes, pale skin, and dark eyebrows. They seemed to be awfully close and if I didn't already know that Aadeya and Pansy were dating I would have thought that something was going on between them too.

"Well what do we have here" I laughed sitting down across from the pair both buried in the same book. They both jolted up to look at me obviously started by my voice. The minute that Aadeya laid eyes on me she coughed awkwardly moving away from this girl and shuffling her chair away from her.

"Y/n I didn't know you would be here" she muttered under her breath obviously embarrassed while refusing to meet my questioning eye.

We sat there quietly for a few seconds none of us really knew what to say. Aadeya was fiddling with her tights and shuffling her feet knowing I was staring at her waiting to meet my eye while the other girl who had now closed her book she had been reading was staring questioningly at both of us.

"Hermione" she spoke cutting the awkward tension and putting out her hand towards me. I decided to take her up on the offer and lent over the table to shake it.

"Y/n nice to meet you" I grinned.

"Hermione and I were just studying for the Potions test that is next Wednesday shes always top in class so I thought it wouldn't hurt to try and at least pass a test for once." Aadeya stuttered sheepishly.

I was about to ask where Pansy when out of the corner of my eye I saw none other than Draco, Liam and Blaise enter the library from the corner of my eye and take a seat at the table behind us. I completely lost my train of thought instead of deciding just to smile at them both and open a book next to me to stop myself from looking behind me.

"Just can't stay away from me can you y/n" a familiar voice jeered behind me. I spun around to see Liam grabbing his chair from underneath him and pulling it over, placing it down next to me. He settled himself down next to me draping one hand over my shoulder and the other behind his head.

"Aha I was here first I would say it would be the other way round Lestrange" I teased turning my head round to face his studying his features while I did.

"What you girls doing tonight?" Blaise chimed in sauntering over to us balancing himself on the back of my chair looking down at me.

"Nothing yet why?" I question tilting my head back letting my eyes meet his.

"Fuck off Zabini she's mine" he cursed pulling me close to him while laughing. I heard a quiet scoff behind me I knew who it was though without even looking. Was he jealous? We hadn't even looked at each other since the bathroom incident.

"Slytherin party in the room of requirements starts 9 o'clock" Blaise answered ignoring Liam and taking a place on the spare seat beside me.

"Yes Slytherin Party so no Gryffindors allowed" Draco sneered staring Hermione in the eye daring her to disagree.

"Its fine I need to study" she whispered quietly quickly excusing herself from the table quickly and running out of the library. I couldn't help but feel sorry for her and I also couldn't help see how hurt and angry Aadeya.

"Fuck you and your moods Draco do you need to be such a dick?" she shouted chasing after hermione.

"So you coming y/n?" Liam turned to me cheerfully, this guy really was funny in the worst of times.

"Didnt you hear me? Slytherins only I'm sure that I'm not the one who thinks she should be like a fucking Gryffindor or something?" Draco snarled staring at me in the eye raising an eyebrow almost challenging me for an argument.

"Why do I kiss like a Gryffindor?"

Sorry I didn't get to finish it up until where I started this was way longer than I thought. So by the end of the next chapter you will find out what they did. Don't forget to vote thanks for all the love and support xx

Dare ( draco x reader) (18+)Where stories live. Discover now